'Disgust' in Jewish community over pro-Palestine October 7 protests
'Disgust' in Jewish community over pro-Palestine October 7 protests



@ianr54 Says:
They have the right to have a peaceful protest
@leonhue722 Says:
Fair anti demonstration comments being deleted
@TheTruthForYou Says:
Israel caused Oct 7th and the current war in the Middle East. FACT The civilised world has witnessed Israels atrocities both past.and present thanks to international news and social media. FACT Israel is a genocidal and ungodly state. FACT
@keiransback Says:
Jews are the probelm they are starting world war 3
@SandySmith-wk4vj Says:
That’s because they are supporters of barbarism- it’s evil
@sandypike2431 Says:
The socialist, liberalist, woke community in Australia and NZ have chosen to embrace a terrorist cause. First they stood with Hamas and now Hezbollah under the guise of supporting palestinians whom they believe have been victimised by an evil, colonialist entity - Israel. What they don't seem to realise however is that the Jews are NOT colonisers but people of the land going back 3000+years, the palestinians are decedents of arab settlers in that same area now turned into refugees under the dominion of fellow arabs who won't accept them into their own states but teach them only that they belong in the land that was given to Israel and have a 'right to return there'. These refugee palestinans support Hamas as a representative of a powerful middle east regime that will free this land of jews for them. They do not believe in peaceful coexistence and so even a 2 separate state solution suggested by the west is not an option for these poor 'refugee palestinians'. Hamas commits heinous, atrocities in the name of freeing these refugees from the oppression of the jews and woke westerners laud and support their actions. For any morally awake person to celebrate Oct 7th with a protest march promoting 'palestine shall be free from the river to the sea in the face of Hamas barbarism is obscene and morally reprehensible.
@kl.1993 Says:
Those people have proven over and over again, that they do not possess human decency. They seem to be proud of their degenerate values.
@annehislop2449 Says:
Whatever authority is responsible for allowing this March ON THAT DAY is supporting pure, unadulterated evil.
@indigocheetah4172 Says:
This is not the Australia I know. Appalling to allow a protest on the death of the Israeli's anniversary. The PM, is a spineless coward to condone a protest for the terrorists, shame on the Labor government.
@omoladewellington960 Says:
Utterly disgusting.
@JohnsonCranium Says:
If you are pro Israel… then piss off to Israel and have your sook there! If you are pro Palestine… piss off to Palestine and have your sook there! THIS IS AUSTRALIA 🇦🇺 FOR AUSTRALIANS ONLY! NOW FUCK OFF! 🫵😤🖕
@tonykrause9652 Says:
Just remember at the voting booth labour and their supporters out .
@millies500 Says:
These pro-Hamas demonstrators are once again showing who they are! This is the true face of these people, we invited them into our countries and they are the type to be happy with this kind of situation... a new low! I guess no country will have the balls to make it illegal with these leftist governments! Another way to dehumanize Jewish people.
@rudifisher3162 Says:
Truly disgusting
@svietka202 Says:
the disgust should not be only from the Jewish community. All the decent people that are not Jewish should organize a counter-protest and literally stop the despicable Nazis from marching in your streets. that Australians are so complacent and so not caring is what will be the demise of your society
@danielcirt1604 Says:
💪Israel - Isreal🇮🇱
@boxerdally7457 Says:
Pro Palestinian Hamas Support Protestors - you make so many people sick with your vile rhetoric.
@nickm6767 Says:
The Islamic death cult doesn’t understand common decency. How on earth could we allow them to celebrate 7 October. They were dancing and chanting at Sydney Opera House and should have been deported then.
@debbiemcclelland2129 Says:
For God’s Sake, someone in power put a stop to this divisional behaviour.. why can’t we just live in peace….
@AaronTakiari Says:
Plenty of aussies stand with Israel and the Jewish community our government are spineless cockroaches along with those protesters that are doing it because it’s fashionable where were you all when the iranian women all marched for women’s rights in 2022
@marc7214 Says:
These pro palestinian radicals dont care about australia they are hate filled. Disgusting
@sorta-7272 Says:
Jews: Sad when need to be sad, happy when need to be happy, empathetic and caring for others. Palestinians: Happy when need to be sad(9/11?? October 7?? THEY ARE DANCING ON YOUR PARENTS AND GRANDPARENTS CORPSES YOU WESTERN MONGOLS) and sad when need to be happy(were given Gaza as an attempt to create a country from a prototype, an attempt to create peace and they burned all the goods that were left for them elected Hamas and declared war) SAY IT HOW IT IS, THE PALESTINIANS ARE BLOODTHIRSTY MONSTERS.
@waynebennett2980 Says:
Yous come here for a better life So don't start trouble If you cause trouble go back to we're you come from you would not larst a day back there
@AnnMcGregor-u4v Says:
Just a total disgrace. These Labour politicians cannot do the hand wringing and crocodile tears when, not if but when, the Islamists commit a terror action here .
@Paul-fritz. Says:
Maybe it's just a personal feeling, but the government wouldn't have allowed joyous celebrations in the streets after 9/11, for fear of the US reaction and understanding that morally it's wrong. But you mustn't upset the Muslims...
@eddiegilbey3846 Says:
This is not a protest,it’s a celebration. For the past year western governments have tolerated open anti semitism in our countries. After WW2 we said “never again “ then we imported Jew haters from the third world. So instead of never again we are getting “forever “!
@johncross5634 Says:
The election is coming - remember this and vote labor OUT!!!
@johncross5634 Says:
Vote for Peter Dutton!!!! Labor is pathetic! Retake our county!!!
@johnoneill1011 Says:
My tolerance for multiculturalism is almost over. Failure to adopt Australian values and failure to integrate is unforgivable. If it is true that the Lebanese Muslim Association and the Australian Federation of Islamic Councils have endorsed the rally/protest/vigil outside Sydney’s Lakemba Mosque (a Sunni facility) on Monday, then they stand condemned for their lack of empathy with our Jewish community and should expect no empathy from any decent Australian.
@DaniTheHero Says:
Islam is taking over the west. Not by warfare, but by the weakness and irrational empathy of westerners.
@vn8098 Says:
My heart goes out to the Jewish community of Australia. They have contributed so much towards the development of this country and this is how they are treated. The other lot has contributed nothing but incite violence, hatred, primitive and barbaric lifestyles and demanding to be given special treatment and in return want to enforce sharia law by any cost!
@ClearlySkeptical Says:
Pro-palestine people are absolutely the new nazis and in fact they were even instrumental in the holocaust. Haj Amin Al-Husseini, the grand mufti of the british mandate called Palestine, was a part of the SS with a muslim brigade. In fact the only religion Hitler ever praised was Islam. He called it "Die männerreligion". How easily history is buried and forgotten...
@shanemaher5903 Says:
Stop bringing these people into this country, they don’t come to be Australian they don’t want to leave their past and have a better life they just want to bring their SHIT WITH THEM AND WRECK THIS COUNTRY,IT DOESN’T FKN WORK!!!!🤬
@robertheuston8378 Says:
Our governments, state and federal, are behaving in a weak, pathetic, and immoral way. I expect these demonstrations to be disgusting and that the police to sit on their hands and do nothing.
@b.alexanderjohnstone9774 Says:
We keep bringing in more faster than can be vetted. Labor for some reason thinks there's votes in this for them.
@TonyCollinsuser-bw2hz9iw3c Says:
Gutless federal government we have here in Australia. They are just emboldening the radical islamists!
@lexbenzchino Says:
7th of October was an attack on Israel, not Jews.
@b.alexanderjohnstone9774 Says:
These same protests happened at the Cenotaph on Remembrance Sunday in Britain - they are doing it for the purpose of causing upset.
@pete1701 Says:
Albanese is a jelly fish
@SrRafaele Says:
Disgusting alright. Australian government 🇦🇺 needs to stand up to these diabolical hatred activities before it's out of control and too late for our beautiful country. Praying God for Israel 🇮🇱 and for Australia that this land of green and gold will not be smeared with red, the blood of those who will be victims of such diabolic hatred,arrogance and violence. Awesome Aussie Always Advancing.
@faithjay7911 Says:
October 7th is a day that marks the commencement of 40,000 plus killed in Palestine - we are disgusted by the holocaust committed against the Palestinians and Lebanese! March we will!
@minamina2758 Says:
Yes, it is a disgrace that this is happening. They are costing so much money from the destruction they cause. The majority of these people are not educated in history. They just see it as a fashion.
@suzannefok Says:
Very little decency on the political left. We pray for Australia’s Jewish community.
@robertthomas3777 Says:
Allow the Jewish community the US 2nd Amendment. This is all on all state and federal politicians and bureaucrats.
@SherylSchrantz Says:
I stand with our Aussie Jewish community..

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