Russian Drones Target Ukrainian Cities | Protests Ahead of Gaza War Anniversary | WION Headlines
Russian Drones Target Ukrainian Cities | Protests Ahead of Gaza War Anniversary | WION Headlines



@aburakadabura2 Says:
In dictatorships like Russia, China, and Islamic countries, comments that insult or criticize their own government are immediately deleted or banned. In fact, your address and name may be tracked down and you may even be arrested as a "foreign agent." For freedom-loving people, the world becoming like Russia or China is a nightmare. The fact that these sites allow people to freely and arrogantly criticize the U.S. government and countries that the U.S. aids is possible only because the U.S. and countries that are influenced by it have "freedom and democracy" as their national policy. All Internet users who pursue freedom should kneel down and shed tears of gratitude for the generosity of the U.S., which has given so much to humanity, and pray for the defeat of dictatorships that suppress freedom.
@pamri6028 Says:
What about Russia strike Ukraine?

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