EU duties on Chinese EVs: Why tariffs are a bad idea
EU duties on Chinese EVs: Why tariffs are a bad idea



@Souchirouu Says:
As an European I agree that this won't work. The reason is simple, the car companies in Europe are legally obligated to put shareholders above all other. They will (ab)use these 5 years of tariffs to make bank but not to catch up and become competative. Why would they? If shareholders are most important then staying behind China and relying on more years of tariffs will be most profitable. That this is going to screw over the entire rest of the EU economy especially the cost of living for its own citizens. Tariffs only work if there is a comprehensive plan in place to fill the gap that is left in the supply chain and that just doesn't exist.
@planje4740 Says:
- žao mi je - ja ne vjerujem u EV _ ja mislim da je to glupost, modni trend, nemate što raditi i bavite se glupostima _ 1. litijuma nema za sve 2. kada se pomjera vadi obrađuje jako štetno 3, niko upravo sada i ne misli o niti kojem odlaganju 4. požari tome svemu, nema niko ideje kako i što, ne može se ugasiti 5. auta teža za koju tonu _ - hibrid da - jer to ima smisla zato što ne ide velika baterija - i jer pomaže akcelaraciju da se manje troši benzin nafta //samo što to ne zna niko dobro napraviti samo Toyota i Honda _ - treba vam drugi koncept baterija na nečemu drugom na litijum vam to nije dobro - treba vam jako jako veći kapaciteti _ bazirano na litijumu vi nikada nećete napraviti civilizaciju i to je glupost i misliti _ - što se ne bavite sa MAGLEV da to pomjera civilizaciju - a u teoriji može ići brzinama brže od svih mogućih aviona //u teoriji može ići tako brzo kao i "rail gun" i što ćeš bolje od toga //sa dobrim konekcijama svi problemi u civilizaciji riješeni - i transport i prevoz i zagađenje //a pri tome može se napraviti i dosta sigurno niko neće pasti i razbiti se
@andrewlin6136 Says:
EV tarrif by EU and US will destroy their own countries only
@eighty88eight Says:
Two E U's : One business, the other U S
@FrankiePo89 Says:
Freedom to choose are deprived from their people. The talk about freedom is all a farce after all.
@TeamThailand-rw8oj Says:
What an irony. The country that invented the word “ Free Trade “ is the one who destroyed it.😅😅😅

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