Government sending 'poor message' to Israel that Australia is not a 'good ally'
Government sending 'poor message' to Israel that Australia is not a 'good ally'



@petermclaren2665 Says:
Israel is the most dangerous country in the world for Jews to live in. Are they doing something wrong?
@nitaneyland3464 Says:
The Bible is the biggest connection is the Bible. The Bible was used to build our domocracy and laws schools here in Australia plus USA England Canada New Zealand and Islands in these regions. China Russia and communist counties do not have the freedoms and rights we have; plus their source is based on there own man made ideas. Israel has had the keys written down going back centries and stiil stands now.
@VK6AB- Says:
Am Yisrael Chai
@JonathanYeungling Says:
Israel is not a good ally… it is the “globalist string puller” homeland! Why & how could it possibly be a good ally to any Aryan peoples? Read their crazy books… they reckon that we “goy” are only good for being dupes & slaves! If you support them you are a traitor to the White race! Deport ALL non-Whites!!!
@vector10980 Says:
Good. Its not Australias job to protect israelis, who do they think they are? "Gods chosen people"🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 And australia shouldnt have anything to do with middle east conflicts. Or maybe your zionist bosses have told you to upload this video.
@tim19621 Says:
Ask yourself if Israel was not engaged with these terrorists groups, want country would the terrorists be fighting with?
@AtomsSDX Says:
CLM! Children's Lives Matter.
@John-wl3hu Says:
Sky Jews is such a joke. Obvious who really controls it
@stevep7657 Says:
A bit hard to be allies with a country who has killed over 40,000 Palestinians. Israel is now as bad or worse as the terrorists who attack it.
@Didigetitwrong Says:
Australia has no formal agreement to be allies of Israel. Stop misrepresenting this please.
Pray 🤲 Palestine 🇵🇸 kids
@AblaKamali Says:
So Australia is big on reconcilation and making it up to the natives of Australia but what about the natives of the Middle east like the Assyrians the Maronites and the Jews… if they tell you guys these people are terrorists you should listen, don’t you think?
@MrPopo-nn7kp Says:
We arnt allies, Israel only takes and offers nothing positive in return
@philippusgouws7852 Says:
ICC And ICC said it all you can't change the law
@Burz1e38 Says:
How much is mossad paying you guys these days?
@mk1479 Says:
All we can offer Israel is wokism and left propaganda.. Not something I'd want if I were them.
@whiskeygamer9402 Says:
Just chilling out drinking whiskey and playing video games while western society deteriorating 🤣🥃🎮
@dmarshall8366 Says:
So suggesting an ally to stop slaughtering civilians means we are a poor friend? The warmongering Sky Murdoch is all about, more killing, more war, more destruction.
@CalciumHat Says:
Have you followed the receipts of what those groups were sending? ;)
@CalciumHat Says:
I'm not interested in sides? This isn't football? A game? We just had 20 years of much the same news? All the big players end up poking various bears and feeding many more snakes? NOT MY PROBLEM. KEEP THE STREETS SAFE.
@imantifeminism556 Says:
Okay Karens
@rosshitchen-ij6en Says:
Israel is a begger nation that only serves Israel.
@ErnestBailey-sl9sl Says:
Im still waiting for Albo to visit Isreal. He is a F_^^^g disgrace as a PM. He has surely made up my mind. Will never ever bote Labour
@russallchin5552 Says:
Disgusting Labour government. No moral fibre . Traitors to Australian people. Vote them Greens out 🤬
@JadedHunter Says:
If Allies are supposed to support each other, what has Israel ever done for Oz? Pretty sure it's a one way street. If I am wrong, please advise
@kathrynanneperry4651 Says:
What does Israel actually do for Australia?

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