'Bubble has burst': Sky News host blasts Kamala Harris as 'honeymoon ends'
'Bubble has burst': Sky News host blasts Kamala Harris as 'honeymoon ends'



@vladsnape6408 Says:
Gwen Walz is nuts.
@AQG24 Says:
It’s disgusting this guy had to squeeze Coates interview in this topic. You people need to shutup about Israelis and stop trying to make us feel sorry for those nasty, stink rcst azz jewish pos
@terentii-ov4yf Says:
Why is she so bad? She's a moron, that's why.
@BTR-xw4of Says:
"These people [media hacks] are no longer journalists - they're activists". 100% a fact. There are still some extremely impressive actual objective/apolitical/ethical/professional 'journalists in the US - Miranda Devine imo is the perfect example. She does us proud - 'she' broke the Hunter Biden lap top - a scandal that 'if' voters were made aware the lap top was real, Biden would've lost in 2020. History and facts/evidence/whistleblowers have proven Miranda factually correct. I would argue that Australia's most 'networked' media person in the US is Greg Sheridan - GS has, over a period of decades, managed to create an amazing impressive and widespread group of DC individuals who trust him, and are strongly committed to working with him. One of the first things I learned as a Graduate Entrant in DFaT was our 'global' media personalities are not really widespread - but GS is known universally in DC and Canberra as the one Australian media person they will confide in. In 10 years I predict the establishment free to air networks, cable, and the main newspapers like NYT's and WAPO won't be around - to the extent they actually matter. Social media has completely changed the dynamics when it comes to 'who/how' Australians and Americans get their news. CNN/MSDNC are protected only by a Federal Statute that allows any American who signs up for cable - and does NOT want a CNN/MSDNC - under the haphazard Communication Statutes even if you do not want these two networks, when you buy your cable both networks are included due to said loophole - I suspect if the GOP win the House/Senate/Presidency this Statute will be amended and this critical loophole will be closed. Killing off CNN/MSDNC [although the 'Peacock Network' might still prop up MSDNC] - however MSDNC's Business Model is TDS on a loop 24/7/365. Their core audience are fanatical Trump/conservative haters. Disney for example owns ABC and is trying to sell it - ABC is bleeding viewers - we all witnessed this with David Muir's activism 'fact checking' Trump in that stacked debate - his nightly viewership numbers have flatlined. In ALL trendline polling the % of Americans that trust the media is at record levels since polling was started back near the 1970's. NYT/s/WAPO/CNN as an example are shedding staff - the legacy media is on a clock. Kamala Harris was always going to fail - she is, like Albanese and most of his Cabinet - a extreme hard left ideological purist - who was shredded by Tulsi Gabbard, and bailed out seeking the nomination in 2020 - Harris lacks intellectual gravitas, is shallow, a professional white bread politician who's views are 'so' outside the mainstream, as are 'Tampon Tim' Waltz who today - in what can only be described as self immolation - came out and argued the Electoral College should be abolished - views he's held for decades. This one example is why Harris/Waltz are going to be electorally wiped out. Regarding 'journalism' - well the blame lies at the feet of academia - 'journalism' has been replaced with 'activism'. And US voters are very wised up to this inconvenient fact.
@clivebaxter6354 Says:
She gets stuck for answer when somebody says good morning, cannot think without a teleprompter and appears to be often drunk or on drugs
@Dietitian_Hets Says:
Can we make JD Vance our president. Please.
@jimdavid7710 Says:
If your pitch is that your not Donald Trump means you could put Pinocchio as the DNC candidate mmm 🤔 actually. As I’ve said before one word to define Kamala is “incompetent“ but I’d add “incomprehensible” to that as well. The editing shows how both those words blend together which requires left wing bias media to conduct a must-edit to make her appear competent, it’s is pure perniciousness.
@JacobFreeze Says:
Kamala is a dummy, but JD Vance comes across as a conceited know-it-all, smirking into the camera during the VP debate, and Americans don't like conceited know-it-alls. JD Vance thinks he won the VP debate, but he looked like a jerk, and now he's a dead weight on the Trump campaign.
@riolewis4713 Says:
@realmichelleholmes528 Says:
He also talks to President Trump!! They are BFF's! I am sure Trump has given him encouragement and advice!! Trump is 300% in support of Israel!!
@MeTarzanYouGirl Says:
Listen, we all agree she is far from intelligent, but keep in mind, only dummies are going to vote for her. The question is, how many dummies are really out there?
@thetruth00 Says:
without the left wing media, Kamala is nothing!
@marianalazarevic1210 Says:
O Kamala can you say just one word without your babysitters ??? It’s so obvious in this video that you can’t . America please wake up . Don’t be so naive.
@foxco2378 Says:
kamala makes a cow fart look smart!
@jennycook1370 Says:
Omgosh... Can you imagine a conversation between Walz and his wife when they are at home or out at a restaurant to eat 🤯😳🤷🤯😳🤷 I bet the employees hate to see them coming.... I bet they can't have stuff sitting around on tables at home (they would knock it off with all that hand and arm swinging) 😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣
@WonderKid33 Says:
Kamala is wearing the same ear rings she wore at the trump/harris debate......hmmm
@fekkyb Says:
@humblewolf69 Says:
She doesn't have the capacity to tie Trumps golfshoes.
@fekkyb Says:
@jonmueller2117 Says:
I'm not Joe biden or Trump either, and I also love America. Kackela is a vacuous idiot, she can't answer a single question.
@tampontim69 Says:
Gabriella is the hottest thing since microwave popcorn
@carlosdanger6129 Says:
@reyr9571 Says:
She hasn't said anything. She hasn't hasn't even answered the question.
@RaisinBran-ir4iq Says:
Ari Gottesmann should've also mentioned that Israel is the ONLY country in the ME that has a GDP consisting of something other than oil and terrorists.
@MichLingoes Says:
As an American living in the Philippines, I love SKY News! Thank you.
@nomyafiftyonefifty8081 Says:
What honeymoon period?
@jiml7183 Says:
Everyone can see why no one ever voted for Harris she’s a wack job.
@countyorga764 Says:
More 'quality' from irrelevant, whining murdoch turd power. Piss off 🚽👋.
@raniburtenshaw1619 Says:
Ari Sounds so humble so thankful that reporters are taking the time. Contrary to what is shown in Australia due to the LOUD ARROGANT IMBECILES “ that support hamas there are many of us who are 100% behind Israel. I’m ashamed that the Jewish people are being treated like this. Hamas and any terrorist organisation have no rights! They lost their human status when they decided to murder ,rape and torture innocent people…The world needs to wake up!
@homeheightsrealtythe4-1-16 Says:
She is not going to do anything different and can’t think of anything she would have done differently.
@leoda_lion4107 Says:
Why do you think she won't do a press conference? You know, where she will take questions??? She is going on an interview blitz because she knows she is losing. Everyone in the media over here, has been trying really hard to get her across the finish line, just like they did with her boss that stayed in the basement. But Kamala's top accomplishment so far in this campaign, is sitting down Stephen Colbert, and having a beer. ONE beer....is all it took for that cackle to come out. Just imagine what she's like after a few. Frightening. So please hide your kids from the Wicked Witch of the West.
@necrom21221 Says:
How can it be close? There is no way. Democrats will try to cheat again.
@goldie4245 Says:
Ok. So Taylor Swift says vote for Kamala. A woman who can pay her car payment, rent, groceries, electric bill etc is telling us who she supports. Got it.
@hotchihuahua1546 Says:
We Americans have been through both administrations ! One was a strong prosperous and a peaceful administration ! The other costly to Americans due to policies and dangerous both for an open border and a weak administration that allowed 2 wars to start ! How the news media or anyone can say Trump will be a threat to democracy is a blatant lie !
@Shadowman-1960 Says:
My momma always used to always say if you see a common floozy with herpes on her lips run like your daddy's gonnna stick a red hot butter knife up yer butt, so it's a big NOooooooo "Hose Monster" Harris!
@planetmikusha5898 Says:
Trust the betting markets as people are putting their money when their mouth is.
@4312caviar Says:
"Fool me once" 🤯🤪🤡
@edwindelgado8775 Says:
Her voice is so annoying 🙉
@Asoun-86 Says:
She is a train wreck 😂 and incompetent ..... She should. Be a comedian
@Super_Mario128 Says:
I want a “Power Hour” with the host.
@jonbenetramsey0806 Says:
While the sections closest to the stage were packed with MAGA faithful, there were plenty of empty seats toward the back of the venue and observers began sharing images of them on social media almost immediately.

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