Kamala Harris's cringiest ad ever leaves Sky News hosts in hysterics
Kamala Harris's cringiest ad ever leaves Sky News hosts in hysterics



@Goodthoughts99122 Says:
😂😂 not the fatty saying he eats carburettors. He looks like he will eat Kamala Harris if he is allowed to.
@gwbvegas Says:
What is really manly is supporting a coward 5 time draft dodger like Pvt DonOLD Poopeipants you bunch of frauds. If your brains were dynanamite you jackasses could not blow your nose.
@TheArmoredone Says:
😅I’m sick of ads like this existing
@abcde_fz Says:
. . Real Men don't believe in Electronic Fuel Injection. .
@JosephSims-d3f Says:
As Arnold "The terminator" in his heyday when he was a Republican in california put it best, these are all GIRLY MEN !
@Nevets1970 Says:
I’m Man enough to admit, I think Harris is a Wack Job, far Left, Socialist. I’m Man enough to admit I served my country for 21 years with Multiple combat deployments and I would Never endorse a young person to enlist in our current military. Is that Man enough?
@bettymarshall2702 Says:
All paid actors just like Kamala.
@kenselin Says:
IN ADDITION TO THIS AD BEING "CRINGY" is THE OBAMA GANG "behind" Biden is THE "same" GANG "behind" K. Harris. She talks "like" OBAMA who spoke in bureaucratese leaving his audience "wondering" WHAT IS HE SAYING? (Ha! Ha!) He's THE GUY that won the Nobel Prize for peace only to BECOME A MILLIONAIRE BY PROMOTING UNJUSTIFIED WARS in 2011 killing Gaddafi for "no reason" except that he just wanted to get "reelected". He'd lean on the podium turning his head this way and then that way SPOUTING NONSENSE. K. Harris IMMITATES HIM. THIS AD IS AS "NONSENSICAL" AS K. HARRIS and her OPPORTUNITY ECONOMY when the U.S. economy is SERIOUSLY SHORT MONEY because it's NOT GETTING the foreign investment it used to get + the U.S. CONSUMER is "TAPPED OUT". AMID THE ECONOMIC MESS IN THE USA, K. HARRIS is talking about an OPPORTUNITY ECONOMY, but WITH WHAT MONEY? SHE'S "CHUCKLES AWAY" LIKE A MAD WOMAN. THE USA IS BROKE, BROKE, BROKE. WHERE IS "THE SILVER LINING" IN THAT. eh? :D THAT'S INFINITELY SCARY. SO WHY IS SHE GOING TO BE "THE NEXT" PRESIDENT, BECAUSE (and get this) THE DEMOCRATS CAN RIGGED MORE ELECTIONS THAN THE REPUBLICANS. THE AMERICANS ARE SCREWED. WITH TRUMP, THEY'D HAVE A CHANCE. BUT NOT WITH HER. WITH HER, IT WILL BE HOLLOWEEN "EVERY" DAY. Ken, Toronto, CANADA
@northshore1000 Says:
Is this ad a spoof? A SNL skit? A parody?!?! Truly?!?!??
@williamhenderson8371 Says:
@daveswain2141 Says:
And the morons from this pathetic arm of the Faux News propaganda network prove once again that they don’t have a clue.
@ishamassoud7906 Says:
Soy boys lol
@jeans398 Says:
This advert was definately written by green haired femminist college felmale student. It's absolutely mortifying.
@Kimmy33k Says:
😂😂😂😂😂😮😮😮😮 this gross....thank you sky news
@jab-gn3sw Says:
No one in their right mind can vote for the retard Harris !
@elio271158 Says:
How would anyone vote for this buffoon. They should not be allowed to vote unless its about policies.
@PeterStec-x2q Says:
Its so amateurist and stupid, I thought it was a parody. And fake .And insincere.
@godsarmyofhammers Says:
Uhm, they all look like they were recruited of the sex offender registry, ngl. This is a lifestyle ad for simps and incels, nothing more. No policies were discussed about being man enough to vote for the future of all children, boy or girl, and the ability for them to afford houses, vehicles, have good careers and be healthy and educated. I'm sure they aren't afraid to cry in front of anyone who will watch them cry tears of failure.
@Tomswidow Says:
Please, oh please, men. Stay masculine! We need you to be men! We don’t want sissies. Please!
@user-vq3dc2se5d Says:
They can flash a set of pretty boob and still not vote Tampon Tim, Knuckle head or Harris ,Chuckles, I will vote Trump 2024
@matjones97 Says:
I guarantee that guy does not know how to build a carburetor. No way he actually works on a farm either with his obesity and last but not least all of these guys Kamala toe were showing.
@NatePossibilities Says:
Yes, clearly the only reason we wouldn't want to vote for that retard bitch is because we're sexist. Ooooooorrrrr it could be that all she does is make grand sweeping statements and lie to us. Oh Kamala is going to save 100k americans money? How, bitch? The border czar is gonna for realsies secure the border? How bitch? Just tell us one position that you have and HOW YOU'RE GOING TO DO ANYTHING!
@johnbell8011 Says:
None of those “Actors” came off as manly…that’s right they’re frauds😂. In reality they all have portfolios for jobs in the entertainment industry.
@MKK520 Says:
Severe edits - We asked “60 Minutes” why they CHANGED Kamala’s answer on Israel? Glenn Beck 9 Oct 2024 - CBS News’ “60 Minutes” edited down her answer about Israel to cut out all the rambling and make her sound more coherent. However, it wasn’t just a simple edit. They appear to have copy-pasted an answer from another question! - 60 Minutes: Does the US have no sway over prime minister Netanyahu? - Original answer of Kamala: The aid that we have given Israel allowed Israel to defend itself against 200 ballistic missiles that were just meant to attack the Israelis and the people of Israel and when we think about the threat that Hamas Hezbollah presents Iran I think that it is without any question our imperative to do what we can to allow Israel to defend itself against those kinds of attacks now the work that we do diplomatically with the leadership of Israel is an ongoing Pursuit around making clear our principles which include the need for humanitarian Aid the need for this war to end the need for a deal to be done which would release the hostages and create a ceasefire! We're not going to stop in terms of putting that pressure on Israel and in the region including Arab leaders! - Edited answer of Kamala: The work that we do diplomatically with the leadership of Israel is an ongoing Pursuit around making clear our principles.
@jamesstockton3777 Says:
Looks like a bud light commercial
What a joke 😂😂😂 they'd never vote for a moron like her she's unbelievably inept
@pancakemacbuttery9142 Says:
The people who make the ad are the same mf who keeps adding 300 genders daily
@kampferlin2079 Says:
I am man enough to choose the best person for the job. Not cum-a-lot.
@texasred2702 Says:
Most men who arent gay actors know carburetors were replaced by fuel injectors decades ago.
@matson2361 Says:
Willie Brown wanna be.
@michaelp2989 Says:
Maybe if the democrats hurry, they can get Michelle Obama to take Kamala's place.
@HeavenBound16 Says:
Beyond cringeworthy. BLEECH
@gregoryuschold3870 Says:
And today tim was man enough to have no clue how to load his own shotgun.
@abrahamgarcia-qc6qu Says:
John 14:6 NKJV 6 Jesus said to him, “I am (A)the way, (B)the truth, and (C)the life. (D)No one comes to the Father (E)except through Me. *Did you know you’re part of the ultimate statistics, 10 out of 10 people die. One day your heart will stop beating and you will be dead! The Bible says you’ll then be judged by the holy and righteous God who created this universe.(Hebrew 9:27)You’ll be judged for every word, thought, and action in your life.(Matthew 12:36-37) Will you be innocent or guilty? *Let’s check the standard, the Ten Commandments. Have you ever lied (even a “white” lie)? (Revelation 21:8) Have you ever stolen anything (value is irrelevant and includes downloading or copying movies illegally)? If you’ve lusted, you’ve committed adultery in your heart. (Matthew 5:27-30) (1 Corinthians 6:9-10) If you’ve hated someone, the Bible says you’re a murderer(1 John 3:15). If you’ve done any of these things, you will be guilty, and end up in Hell. God is perfect and He hates sin, but He sent His Son, Jesus Christ, to die on the Cross to take the punishment you deserve. Then He rose from the graves after three days – defeating death. (Luke 24:46-48) Repent (turn from your sins) and trust in Jesus Christ our Lord and saviour to receive forgiveness and everlasting life afterlife here on earth without pain, suffering and death anymore (revelation 21:4) God cannot Lie He is holy, Righteous and just cannot tolerate Sin(Hebrew 6:18) if you don’t believe in God you are making God a liar. Think about it. Do you think God cannot preserve His words ? He created the heaven and the earth and the sea all living things here on earth including human. . Read the Bible to learn about God and how to live. (Acts 20:21) *Do God’s will, plan and purpose in your life; these are above and beyond, immeasurable compare to your grandest dream. * We obey God’s moral law the Ten Commandments because we love our Lord and saviour Jesus Christ, the Father and the Holy Ghost(John 14:15) (John 14:1-6) (John 14:16-26) (Mark 12:30-31) with all our heart, soul, mind and all our strength, and we believe and have faith in Him; also we Fear Him with reverence with deep respect. Job 28:28 King James Version 28 And unto man he said, Behold, the fear of the Lord, that is wisdom; and to depart from evil is understanding. 1 Corinthians 6:9-10 New King James Version 9 Do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived. (A)Neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor [a]homosexuals, nor [b]sodomites, 10 nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners will inherit the kingdom of God. Ecclesiastes 12:13-14 New King James Version 13 Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: (A)Fear God and keep His commandments, For this is man’s all. 14 For (B)God will bring every work into judgment, Including every secret thing, Whether good or evil. * Let’s seek the Lord and His face also His strength, power, wisdom and discernment in our daily lives. We need God’s help to overcome Sin in our lives. And live a holy life in the eyes of the Living God. God will help us if we seek Him diligently with all our heart, soul, mind and all our strength . Put on always the full armour of God (Ephesians 6:10-18) Philippians 4:13 New King James Version 13 I can do all things (A)through [a]Christ who strengthens me. Psalm 28:7 New King James Version 7 The Lord is (A)my strength and my shield; My heart (B)trusted in Him, and I am helped; Therefore my heart greatly rejoices, And with my song I will praise Him. Acts 20:21 King James Version 21 Testifying both to the Jews, and also to the Greeks, repentance toward God, and faith toward our Lord Jesus Christ. God bless. Living water.
@ChrisSBF-cr6og Says:
The kamel definitely isn’t winning legally
@H.Michele Says:
It feels like a mockery of men, like it should be humor but it isn’t.
@JeffStevenson-e8p Says:
Woah…deadlift 500? 500 what? Feathers?😂🤣🤡
@somawallett6671 Says:
I think that this also has to do with the Dems trying to reverse their stance on gender identity and subsequent mutilation
@homebrandrules Says:
another "Gillette" ad moment.
@homebrandrules Says:
if i were a yank i reckon Tulsy gabbard MIGHT be presidential enough to vote for ( her claims about secret labs in Ukraine seems like a conspiracy theory however). NIKKI HALEY ALSO seems pretty good.
@guerrerowarrior1 Says:
Man enough to know you're brain dead? 😂
@BigMikeRuinedBrokebackBarack Says:
Seriously? Did some liberal Seriously think this was even slightly a good idea?😂😂
@homebrandrules Says:
simps for kamala. truly as that saying goes, WEAK MEN CREATE HARD TIMES...... is upon the horizon.....
@kiusharon Says:
I'm a woman and i will pay to not see or hear that woman ever again
@johnborio4470 Says:
Men? not likely
@Rabbitt-d6y Says:
I thought masculinity was toxic?
@KBilitsky Says:
Its obvious that their mommys raised them. Thats the problem. Men aren't raising their boys
@tbear44 Says:
Liberal bad actors.
@thegreatalta Says:
Men enough to be anything but men... jeez... these nuggets couldn't even help men out when were all busy...
@arniekuitunen6250 Says:

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