Kevin Rudd 'on the money' with new book about Xi Jinping
Kevin Rudd 'on the money' with new book about Xi Jinping



@windsong3wong828 Says:
Generally, whoever wants to succeed must tell the western audience what they want to hear and not what is the truth. Western audiences want to hear that Chinese economy is collapsing soon and that the leaders are incompetent and had made a lot of mistakes. They do not want to hear praises about Chinese success and how good and smart the leaders are. All the so called “ Chinese experts “ that are invited for talks and interviews always have the same opinions that Chinese economy is facing imminent collapse due to multitude of factors. Whereas , I live in Malaysia and we all noticed that the Chinese economy is getting stronger and its peoples lives are getting better and richer. We go to china often and we received many tourists every year.
@kermitthehermit9588 Says:
Downer is such a massive poonce 😂
@meredithisme3752 Says:
Who gives a shit what Rudd the weirdo writes about
@Eric-jo8uh Says:
Crudd should relocated to Yemen, Afghanistan or Antartica. What a piece of nothing.
@17th_Street_Preacher Says:
Should do an autobiography called .. DiM WiT
@CatsandJP Says:
Is October…book month..everyone is on the “Book Bandwagon”….no it is to make more money and top up the bank account of the authors……and for people to give a person a book by someone they don’t like or care about as a “Spite” Xmas present.
@theoneonly259 Says:
Do you guys remember when China rat fucked Kevin Rudd? He never got over it apparently.
@ricky6864 Says:
Msm liars.. rudd is dumber than albo
@theoneonly259 Says:
A nationalist? Like Donald Trump? Ha. This is idiotic.
@stenkarasin2091 Says:
Ambassadors are supposed to be diplomatic, and they chose Kevin Rudd..............?
Given the upsurge in domestic issues that currently take up much of Xi's time. His leadership of the CCP, particularly when dealing with external issues, leaves much to be desired. He has always remained a threat to regional peace as he sees himself as wanting to leave a substantial legacy with territorial gains.
@peterschief9778 Says:
Military top leaders now have no Xi sycophants in any positions
@peterschief9778 Says:
They’ll keep Xi as titular head like Suharto after the Indonesia coup.
@peterschief9778 Says:
Training guides pushing Xi thought have been withdrawn and replaced with Democratic Centralism study guide book.
@JohnSmith-vu6zd Says:
You can be sure that this is a job saving exercise because he is the ambassador to the US. If he was ambassador to China this chameleon would be a totally different colour as usual!
@peterschief9778 Says:
The book is old news already. Major demotions and transfer of Xi loyalist the last two months. Plus the promotion of anti Xi people within the military has meant a quiet coup.

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