Health insurers asking for hikes to premiums will create a 'huge dilemma' for Labor
Health insurers asking for hikes to premiums will create a 'huge dilemma' for Labor



Follow the money and see who the insurance/health funds companies largest shareholders are - bet you find Blackrock & Vanguard, who are raping the profit from these insurance companies and health funds and pushing them To increase their premiums. IF ALBO SLEAZY REALLY CARED HE WOULD INVESTIGATE THESE HUGE GLOBALIST COMPANIES AND THEM INCREASING COSTS TO CONSUMERS. JUST LIKE THEY FORCED TARGET TO PUT TRANS GARBAGE INTO THEIR STORES EFFECTIVELY BANKRUPTING TARGET.
@jule3480 Says:
Well, time to cut my extras out!
@tomjones5338 Says:
Hypocrites in private health insurance
As per usual, the shareholders will always come first.
@SnorriHT Says:
Albo, words are cheap. I'm all for letting the market decide, but we're in a housing crisis, the market is not working, and government intervention is required. It's ironic how state and federal governments came together during COVID, but we can't seem to do the same for housing. Government is about compromise, so stop cuddling up to the Greens and talk to Liberal/Nationals for a bi-partisan solution.
@CatsandJP Says:
Can you move on from …THE BEACH HOUSE…because Sky News are not getting much of a response from politicians or ex politicians..that’s because the all own property…..and choose to defend it….how about other news…all they are doing now a dog chasing it’s own tail.
@michaelbaker1087 Says:
Its not my fault that Jews have nice things
@MrPopo-nn7kp Says:
Gotta recoup the losses from all the previously healthy people becoming seriously ill all of the sudden.
@Pet-rf6rh Says:
If he has negatively geared this purchase is there a conflict of interest in any future taxay policies associated with investment properties.
@Graeme-r2f Says:
Governments have never said no to health insurers asking to hike their premiums, it's just a formality they go through.
@Gungho1a Says:
Tell them to cut their profit margins.
Another stealth tax, watch for more.
@meredithisme3752 Says:
It's not worth it, you'll always be out of pocket
@nomyafiftyonefifty8081 Says:
As if people aren't struggling enough. Dogs.

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