Israeli strike kills at least 30 in Jabalia refugee camp
Israeli strike kills at least 30 in Jabalia refugee camp



@RuffledRodent Says:
While the numbers probably parent accurate anyway, especially the number of children which are always inflated for sympathy, there is no excuse for having children in this area at this point of this war. Anyone stupid enough to be in this location is there purposely for effect at this point.
@thepee-onpress Says:
Stop Netanyahu’s Genocidal Apathy.
@dmarshall8366 Says:
Sky Murdoch don't care about the slaughter of civilians
@鎌倉源頼朝 Says:
※The reason why military technology was provided from Japan to Iran and the Middle East is that the Ministry of National Highways, Transport and Tourism secretly tolerated this illegal Middle Eastern facility and built a road for the facility. The scale is the size of 10 baseball fields. ,Japan's Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism has been taken over by Korean religious groups. In addition, military technology is provided from Japan to Iran and the Middle East via China. ※Video name =潜入ヤード最前線❕❕ 県道22号線(千葉県佐倉市岩富町)
@鎌倉源頼朝 Says:
➀.石破茂新総理大臣が提案するアメリカ国内での自衛隊軍事練習は非常に重要である。戦後80年もの長い間玉無し軍事練習の自衛隊では日本国領土を守れない。年間6兆円もの予算を使い国を防衛出来ない組織など必要無い。早急にこの公約を実行し国防が出来る組織に日本自衛隊を訓練すべきである🌟近年ロシア/中国/北朝鮮による日本への軍事挑発は日に日にエスカレートしている。領土/領海/領空/への侵犯も日常茶判事に🌟 ②、公務員軍事動員法を早急に設立させ警察部隊も自衛隊と共にアメリカ国内で実弾軍事演習が必要です。自衛隊24万人と警察部隊26万人で対応しないと領土侵略戦争を阻止できない🌟ロシア軍115万人と中〇軍200万人が相手なのだから早急な米国内軍事演習が必要である。公務員総数335万人は早急な訓練が必要だ。🌟戦争はやるべきでは無いが国防・防衛は必要である。国防・防衛をしなければその地に住み続けられない! ③、徴兵制度に付いても早めの説明を行い仕事に支障を期さない日程で徴兵軍事練習を頑張る事が必要です。日本経済に悪影響しないスケジュールで徴兵日程を行う必要が有り、また市民の仕事の差支えに成らない様な日程で徴兵スケジュールを設定する事が必要である。第二次世界大戦を見れば分かる様に徴兵軍隊と言う物は強くは成れず戦場に行っても殆どは戦死、その為に第二次世界大戦太平洋戦争では日本人は300万人が戦死した🌟 ④一般労働者の場合、職場での銃器火器の練習は兵器管理の面に対しても難しい所が多々ある。しかし公務員の公職の場で有れば兵器管理しながら練習も可能となって来ます。中国兵士総数200万人、ロシア国兵士総数は115万人。中露同盟軍隊総数315万人体制。これに対抗できる数と組織としては公務員総数の335万人が適度であり軍事練習にも最適な組織と思われる。公務員軍事動員法を早急設立させ防衛に備え軍事防衛訓練🌟 ⑤徴兵軍隊の設立も行い米国出張警察部隊の代替に日本国内の治安維持と外国人組織の犯罪阻止に当たらなければならない。徴兵軍隊を公安化させ銃器の扱い方や戦いに対しての心構えを練習し徐々に軍事練習も行う必要がある。徴兵軍隊を徐々に新日本軍隊として行き日本独自の軍隊整備が必要である。戦後G〇QとC〇Aが関与して構成された自衛隊とは同盟行動を行える様に訓練を行うべき。後に徴兵軍隊を新日本軍隊と定めよう🌟 ⑥、今後、本人や先祖の祖国を明らかにし何々系日本人と公表、その上で信頼感を持つ事が必要である。アメリカや外国で行っている何々系米国人という表示はその事を踏まえお互いが信頼し合える様に行っている行為です。今後の日本には信頼し合う為にこの何々系日本人の表示が必要です。今後、G〇QとC〇Aというアメリカが関与して構成された自衛隊と警察部隊は徐々に在日米軍所属という形にする事が良いのではないだろうか。🌟 ※※ 7,日本からイランや中東に軍事技術が提供されてしまった原因は、国道交通省がこの中東系違法的施設を極秘に容認し施設に道路整備をした為です。規模は野球場10個分です。 日本の国土交通省は、朝鮮人の宗教団体に乗っ取られてしまっている。その他日本から中国を経由して、イランや中東に軍事技術が提供されている。 ※Video name =(潜入ヤード最前線❕❕ 県道22号線(千葉県佐倉市岩富町))
@upanddown1132 Says:
Genocidal Jews at it again I see.
@ThomGarson Says:
"refugee camp" hahaha imagine being given a peace of land and billions of dollars and yet somehow still be counted as a "refugee", i have 0 empathy for these people.
@ThomGarson Says:
So opening a war against a stronger country isn't worth it?!?!?! Noted....
@gregstarosta7807 Says:
Where hamas hides
@BellsMasterblaster Says:
O well
@theoneonly259 Says:
Tikkun olam mfers.
@theoneonly259 Says:
I say the sooner the third temple is constructed the better. What is the hold up now? Jesus Christ. Get on with it.
@saarb737 Says:
500,000+ killed in Syria- silence. 377,000+ killed in Yemen -silence. 5,400,000+ killed in Congo-- silence. 236,000+ killed in Afghanistan-silence 500,000+ killed in Sudan- silence. 300,000+ killed in Iraq -silence Less then 1/100000 this amount killed in Gaza - EXTREME OUTRAGE. (After hamas muders hundreds of people and Israel retaliates and bombing terrorists). its has a name, antisemism.
@saarb737 Says:
In the comment section: Muslims who occupieded 40+ states since the 7th century, want to take the only Jewish homeland (where Jews had Jerusalem as their capital more then 1600 years before Islam was invented). In Islam there is 'dar el islam' (place where Islam rules). And 'dar el harb' (place where islam isnt the ruler). Harb btw == war. Europe, America, you are next!
@saarb737 Says:
For all the 'free 'palestine' guys. Can you tell me plz, if palestine was existed as a state- When was it established? When destroyed and "occupied"? And from whom? What was the boarders? Who was its prime minister/president when the Israelis occupyied it? Who was its army head/general/chief when the Israeli occupyied it? . Can you answer it? Ill wait.., Got the point? . And lets have a history lesson, 'palestine' is part of the name 'syria palestina' a name of a **REGION** (not a state), a name given by the ROMAN EMPIRE after they occupied the land of israel from the Jews. And, have you heard about 'kingdom of israel'? (United monarchy), It was existed even back at 1010BC (thats 1010 years before christianity, and 1610 years BEFORE ISLAM). . And you know what was the capital of that kingdom? ****drums****- JERUSALEM. Yes, jerusalem was a jewish capital before you islamist came to that world and trying to claim everything that aint yours. +Jerusalem was not an arab/muslim capital a single day throught history. Also- talking about 'occupation'/'colonialsim'.. remind me plz- how many muslim states there are today? (40+). how many muslim states where before Islam was made in the 7th century? (0)....... how many Jewish states there are today? (1), and you want to destroy it as well. much liberal, very wow! Jews always had 1 state, and never demanded more then that 1 sole state, even tho they are here many..... mannnyyyyyy years before both Christianity and Isalm. think of it that way, my 'dear' antisemic people who think they are just "anti Israel" and not antisemic: -when jews had no state, it was much easier to persecute them and kill them. -when jews has a state, suddenly its much harder, right? its not 'politiclly correct' to hate jews these days.. the 'correct' way is to hate thier state. Learn history.
@yoniweizman4570 Says:
They are all Sinwar and they all want to follow in his martyrdom. Israel is happy to oblige all wishing for a one way trip to jahannam
@nanowolf3718 Says:
It might just be me. So I'll speak as a individual Australian. I give zero poops about this war the US election or albos house. Sky content has been rubbish lately.
@barrybkopicz2845 Says:
Why are their "refugee" camps in Gaza since it's been controlled by Hamas for the last 20 years?
@ronaldabrams7222 Says:
Gazans are white.😂
@bbbnick9197 Says:
Wonderful how the ones doing the damage are the ones giving the information very untrustworthy
@ronaldabrams7222 Says:
Gazans have been refugees since 1948. What a good scam. Caring about gazans is a waste of brain cells.
@pwillis1589. Says:
You mean the human shields put into a camp above a terrorist bunker?
@Idol76 Says:
It happens.
@AwoChukwu Says:
Al Jazeera and arabs are praising them to continue fighting Israel, forgotten that the more they fight Israel the more they will bring destruction and death for themselves,
@Infarlock Says:
Google 'hamas children' hamas gives guns to 10 year olds
@DmitryVerzhutsky Says:
War is a war
@BnsBns-n6y Says:
Palestinians should know that they are being used by Iranian regime as cannon fodder! Palestinians should know that their leaders are not protecting them but destroying their life and future
@SamPashmi Says:
When will Hamas stop using human shields?

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