Interest rate rise 'before a fall' expected for Australia
Interest rate rise 'before a fall' expected for Australia



@Xxx-c5p Says:
Rates need to rise. Inflation is still too high. Rate rises now would insulate the Australian economy more from the next inevitable global economic shock.
@gregwooldridge8864 Says:
Remember only 30% of Australian's voted for Labor. - 30% next election.
@L0b0ts Says:
The problem with Australia it is being run into the ground by fascist politicians who have been attacking the human rights of Australian citizens for years. We are now in the beyond COVID phase and nothing has changed and if a child self harms because they don't have access to social media, and they will, it will be covered up.
@Deano00777 Says:
For anyone thinking how in-debt the US is…35 trillion, that’s a thousand billion x 35. Every morning they wake up, a billion is added in interest….another way of saying that is almost $2m a minute of interest is added. That has to get paid back somehow.
@ThatGuy-ze5kk Says:
"By Christmas INTEREST RATES will come down" - dominicpelle 29.9.24 where are you dominic.... i know you're watching.... you're being very quiet lately!!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣
@nomyafiftyonefifty8081 Says:
And of cause putting it out there to get the plebs used to the idea before they shaft us more.
@robertstrutt5468 Says:
@JanitorLife Says:
RBA and albo fucked Australians left right centre
@Father-Grandfather Says:
I've been saying the rates were too low for too long and they would go up before they will come down
@WalkInTheLIte Says:
Yeah you haven't bankrupted enough hard working Aussies yet. Keep raising rates, insurance premiums, energy and food prices ya flogs
@17th_Street_Preacher Says:
A system reset you mean
@nicethings2070 Says:
The economy has been crap ever since Anthony took office. After 3 years of this trend why would anyone expect anything different.
@stoneycc2817 Says:
Trump win means there MAY be issues with trade between countries, but OUR economy is purely on the policies of OUR government. The fact that the government policies SHUT DOWN our production here (cost of energy is one area that affects production) and Australia is more a consumer country than one of production is entirely our government fault, no one else's.
@AsserRautio-kg5tp Says:
Woke loony lefties in the media are worried that a Trump presidency will cause Albo to go slow on Climate Change and forget about interest rates dropping before the next election!!
@fellowcommenter-m7n Says:
Too white to bang too crazy to lay your land mines ?
@paulbeasley8218 Says:
Blame Trump for our failing government. China 🇨🇳 COVID. Russia v Ukraine Climate agenda Someone needs to tell Albo to STOP spending 🤡 But Hah blame the scapegoat Trump’s fault 🤦‍♂️
@Prognosis__ Says:
Is this stooge still sitting on the panel on The Project?
@Prognosis__ Says:
Beer o’clock 🍻
@AnthonyChase-h5b Says:
Trump wants fair trade.. tariffs are the stick.. fair trade the carrot

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