No democracy in Australia, the majority dont believe their net zero lies
@ricky6864 Says:
If we had honest politicians working for Australia we would have nothing to do with the paris agreement, who, un, wef etc
@speedymccreedy8785 Says:
Albo on the wrong side of history, both on climate and nuclear.
A large number of nations are pulling back on their 'commitment' to expensive unreliable intermittent energy. But our Albo is going to conjure up hundreds of billions of taxpayer dollars to make Australia the 'climate capital'. It is a one time con, any sensible future government in Australia will NOT outlay hundreds of billions of dollars to build replacement solar farms in 12 years or replacement wind farms in 15 years.
@meredithisme3752 Says:
Pull out of Paris and the UN
@chairmandan1794 Says:
Good, climate change is a sc am!
@Infectedrone Says:
Nobody cares what he does, he's not the centre of the universe, Albo is.
@TheBillABCTV Says:
I want a Peter Dutton Government to also pull out of the Paris Agreement.