Toll review recommends 'more tolls' to alleviate cost of travel
Toll review recommends 'more tolls' to alleviate cost of travel



@Maximuswin777 Says:
Transurban are grubs
@Maximuswin777 Says:
What a joke, time for Jablko to go she is a grub
@GLB-f7s Says:
Tell me you are a bureaucrat without telling me you are a bureaucrat.... just say "we should add more tolls to reduce the cost of tolls"......
@joeybrown3583 Says:
Sounds like girl math.
@kirtap2601 Says:
More tax.
@Slickstaff_Stainpants Says:
just in time for xmas holidays.. coz if we're gonna screw you its when we know it will hurt the most.
@markentwist Says:
i dont mind paying tolls id also support a congestion tax as long as we get world class roads in return better infrastructure leads to benefits for everyone and those with greater wealth can afford to pay more and they should be required to do so and those who are least able to afford it should be paying less i believe this approach would make the city more inclusive accessible and fair for everyone and i also believe that a wealth tax on the very wealthy to help support the homeless community would be an effective way to tackle homelessness in this city
@HonchHeado Says:
lol this is stupidity corruption at its finest the review conducted by a group of investors in tolls roads? lmao
@velvetfaerie Says:
Absolute filth
@KlausYourSupremeLeader Says:
You will have nothing
@tomjones5338 Says:
Double dipping chris Minns stole the 5.4 million
@RogueElementMkII Says:
Aaaaaaah,ha,ha,ha. Who are the clowns🤡, us or them?
@daveo3122 Says:
All I can say is 'HUH?'
@birgittabirgersdatter8082 Says:
How does charging more tolls help alleviate the cost of travel. Sounds like doubling the price of petrol to make driving cheaper.
@Prognosis__ Says:
Merry Christmas Liz and Gabby ☺️
@omgitsabloodyandroid5161 Says:
First class flights, 5* Hotels, $1,000 meals (each trough pig)
@EducationWillSetYouFree Says:
Old screechy, such a pathetic excuse for a journalist!
@ronan4681 Says:
@TheDarkSuit Says:
We need more Italian and Canadian zombie beggers.

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