Senator Price delivers impassioned speech on domestic violence

Senator Price delivers impassioned speech on domestic violence


Northern Territory Senator Jacinta Price used her maiden speech to highlight the shocking levels of domestic violence suffered by Aboriginal women and children. Senator Price paid tribute to a woman and baby killed in a murder-suicide near Alice Springs last week, questioning why there had been so little outrage about their deaths.




@mariamassey5468 Says:
@ravisingh7928 Says:
Aunty tom
@johneverett6751 Says:
...Wow..What an amazing speech..fancy recognising the fact..we are all Australians...💕
@TheRahsoft Says:
if you want dv to stop or severely reduce then stop making DV gendered( especially when you state women and other victims- thats dismissive and its not a competition ). Otherwise you are doomed to follow the rest of Australia and other countries that focus on gender not people when it comes to dv
@comarin2329 Says:
I got goosebumps listening to this.
@lauriecullen7809 Says:
Great speech and a great woman always speaking the truth. Bravo. 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
@kellypbr7742 Says:
I'm sick of this crap,....oh look! A pretty feather in my hair.
@sirskeptic Says:
Ummmm? Aren't Aboriginal WOMEN the most domestically violent group in Australia? Isn't it Aboriginal MEN and children the people we should be protecting most?
@nickdavis3177 Says:
We're are the greens on the suicide deaths Adam Bandt and Lidia Thorpe where are you what is a too hard to talk about the truth you can only lie can't you
@acedynamo Says:
what's with the silly hat.
@madddevil1 Says:
Jacinta Price for PM .....
@rapscallion9333 Says:
Meanwhile Albo cancels alcohol ban and cashless card.
@hesky68 Says:
Just like the American Democrats, the Labor party benefits from division and alienating the majority
@philippawesterman8843 Says:
Jacinta knows what she is talking about, unlike the other "Aboriginal" pretenders in parliament.
@DisEnchantedPersons Says:
85% of all domestic violence is initiated by the female, statical fact.
@tb7667 Says:
And Lydia Thorpe can’t call her a racist. I am sure she will get there though …
@normanmazlin6741 Says:
We need more Senators like this brilliant woman.
@yeahnayeah4055 Says:
She should talk about all the babies in abo communities with sexual transmitted diseases.
@dirtgucci Says:
Best. Maiden. Speech. Ever!
@paolocardinali3951 Says:
I'm with her and against all the virtue signalling that just keep dividing us!
@RegentDeMarquis005 Says:
Aboriginal people worldwide are sick of modern living. We are dying at unprecedented rates and if we don't all act NOW our future will cease to exist ... washitaw aboriginal here in North America
@jerrythompson7744 Says:
America could use a real Woman
@Idol76 Says:
What does a woman do after she leaves the battered women's shelter?....:she does the dishes if she knows what's good for her.
@jamiechippett1566 Says:
What a real woman! Can't give her enough praise a real Aussie! Give her Australian of the year award for her fine work. She bluddy deserves it! P.s and I'm caucasian.
@SteveXNYC Says:
We need laws to keep women away from man..please gun us free guns with expensive bullets. The gun bullets sale can become the new Drugs and gold . One bullet cost $100usd plus $200usd for insurance from God (USA killer). Killing is being not defense and business is good.
@jayponetwothree7154 Says:
What a wonderfully powerful uniting voice on important matters the senate has in Price.
@jeffrobodine8579 Says:
Sound check, sound check.....
@Barney_Rubble247 Says:
Good on you Jacinta, lidia could learn a lot from this.

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