'Colossal task' to buying back water: Sarah Hanson-Young

'Colossal task' to buying back water: Sarah Hanson-Young


Greens Senator Sarah Hanson-Young says there is a 'colossal task' ahead of the government to buy back water to return to the environment. Labor is potentially considering changing the legislated deadline to return 450 gigalitres of Murray Darling Basin water to the environment. Ms Hanson-Young said the government needs to be buying back the water. 'There is a colossal task to be done,' she told Sky News Australia. 'I'm very keen to make sure we get the water for the river.'




@threedogs8349 Says:
Sarah Hanson Young is one toxic pos and a true indicator of what the greens are,atoxic pos.
@paulchilds9137 Says:
Take the gloves off with irrigat ors who have stolen huge volumes of water from the murray darling. The nationals are out of power now, and the nsw government is likely to be kicked out, so time for a massive crackdown on the crooks. We are not going to destroy in land Australia for stinking cotton
@Pendaws Says:
Is SHY still around? I thought she was a non starter? Thick as shit she is.
@peterjones4180 Says:
WHY not ENFORCE buybacks on water INVESTORS who are simply using it as bonds for profit, and leave agriculture alone.
@peterjones4180 Says:
The Murray Darling agreement was based on VERY dodgy assertions by scientists. Howard implemented Labor water policy. Every time listen to Hanson Young i realize how little she actually knows.
@frankwren8215 Says:
This useless commie who spent taxpayer money and donations losing a lawsuit over a lie she made in parliament no less has no place on any news network
@Condowie-Bloke Says:
As long as South Australians keep voting this half witted ninconpoop back into the senate, we can not expect to be taken seriously by anyone.
@gregmccartney5780 Says:
Water trading is an abomination
@rustinpeacegarage Says:
Why would you give her air time wow
@mattmacca3990 Says:
Let’s try… omg.. what a statement.. Greens will destroy agriculture and other industry in our small towns and regions.. What about the Darling river. Menindee Lakes.. Do they realise they just want to let the water flow into the Murray at Wentworth and then just flow out to sea… How about they stop planting nut trees by the tens of thousands along the Murray for a start..
@gulaggreens296 Says:
Just seize it all
@matthewpalmer9007 Says:
@bibbedyboo3532 Says:
She doesn't push that buy backs are a great scheme to be fair, she's saying we are out of time to do anything else about it.
@Bro-pj2xc Says:
@hterrin Says:
It’s about time the coorong is replenished as it should.
@jennyohara4011 Says:
Private Schools are going Belly up...not enough Chinese Students are coming in...
@pookeyhutchison7838 Says:
How much stupid can you fit into one head? The water that has been flowing down into the dam at the mouth is unbelieveable. We should be using every drop of water before letting it run out to sea. And sorry South Australia but your geography hampers you but the river is not yours.
@scottmitchell7302 Says:
What a loud of horse shit
@haroldmclean3755 Says:
It's a Colossal Task to listen to anything that Hanson Young or Pilbersek habitually moan about , They just waste the time and money of the Public , Useless
@gutz1981 Says:
Yeah, meanwhile, when there were floods on the Lochlan river a few years back, farmers got finned for using the water to farm their lands. Piss off all of you.
@dontbeasheeple5883 Says:
@lappo253 Says:
Shhhhh nobody mention the millions of GL of artesian water flowing out into the oceans every year...
@sharonalbanese8084 Says:
The greens, if they had their way would collectivise all farming and have it owned by the government. Marxism 101.
@ricky6864 Says:
Green infidels... bawawawa No idea
@kevinansley7353 Says:
Wake up look at the Netherlands its your turn now.
@imantifeminism556 Says:
What happened to Sarah Hanson Young has she turned herself to John Hoyle?
@yupyup7402 Says:
You know its greed when when you have to buy a natural resource given freely by our creator. As usual with all government's it's always about money.
@swiftbobber Says:
Remember the socialist party's?They became the greenies.
@notafreespeechplatform4201 Says:
The ideology of permanent butthurt.
@monicaemm4109 Says:
Labour and Greens - destroying the country.
@shellyaus Says:
section 100 The Commonwealth shall not, by any law or regulation of trade or commerce, abridge the right of a State or of the residents therein to the reasonable use of the waters of rivers for conservation or irrigation.
@ernest919 Says:
Buy back our own water from ourselves for the river that provided it in the first place? Why not build a roller coaster for the Koalas like we have done in Qld it makes just as much sense.
@thesepeoplearecriminals1731 Says:
Spraying the sydney skies today, again
@ewtwetrwerwteet Says:
...any water redirected to "the environment" is water wasted. The environment has done nicely for millenia so why attempt to fix it when it's not broken?
@lukeh321 Says:
Looks like the media have decided the greens are in charge.
@ewtwetrwerwteet Says:
@killbotone6210 Says:
How can a country surrounded by water have a water shortage?? Australians are thick as f.
@meredithisme3752 Says:
Who in their right mind would trust this reptile to do anything requiring grey matter
@vivrowe2763 Says:
Is there anything they do not stuff up. Gas electricity and now water.
@naughteedesign Says:
hanson-young is as incompetent as she is emotional.
@aussie5468 Says:
Hey Plumberscrack, how about you use some of your husband's heroin trafficking profits to "buy back" the water?
@naughteedesign Says:
the government, buying water and distributing it: shortages incoming.
@jamestinning8900 Says:
Didn't Barnaby sell all the water to Angus?
@user-rc4nw6xy5p Says:
All the Greens want to do is pick on farmers. Labor and the Greens always pick on groups that don't have "Unions" to defend themselves. What would be smart politics - is build large diversion dams for the Queensland and N.S.W coastline and push the water inland to farmers. And then buy back the water. Instead of take everything away. And reduce food production in Australia. The fools making these claims - have no skin in the game. It's not their livelihood or job on the line. That's why Australian politics is full of fools - they simply want others to lose their house and incomes - so they can say they saved absolutely nothing. And voters don't get it - they will do the same to you - they simply play mind games that gives them personal pleasure of being able to destroy others, and sit there and tell you, how wonderful they are. Next election - you should treat them the same way don't vote for them. No-one will listen to them when they are no longer in politics. That's how you have to view these people. Self centered narcissistic. Let's look at the symptoms of a narcissistic personalty disorder. 1. Being overly boastful, exaggerating of one's own achievements. 2. Pretending to be superior to others. 3. Lack of empathy for others. 4. Looking down on others. 5. Monopolising conversations. 6. Impatient - angry - unhappy - depressed or has mood swings when criticized. 7. Easily disappointed when expected importance is not given. 8. Always craves for "the best" in everything. 9. Has a very fragile self-esteem. And that is from the medical journal of the symptoms of a narcissist. I give you Exhibit "A" Greens politicians personality.
@arroeducarlion4990 Says:
aka labor intends to attack murray basin farmers next
@Timbuctoo Says:
So they buy it and then what happens with it?
@waltermelyon4300 Says:
Water purchased for the environment?
@stevefarley2676 Says:
Voting for the Greens is like running in the special Olympics, even if you win you are still retarded.

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