Labor 'may not have to deliver' on its promises

Labor 'may not have to deliver' on its promises


Sky News host Paul Murray says it's widely been speculated Australia's current economic situation will give cover for Labor to not have to deliver on its election promises.




@tangels Says:
Labor are delivering. Higher power bills, higher food prices & higher housing costs.
@lizcrouch4203 Says:
Yes yes you do labor bring down power and gas you said you would
@georgemoylan7455 Says:
Paul the simple truth is that politicians from both sides liberal and labour lie and always have done. But we the people always elect them . Hence we pay the price. What’s the answer then? I wish I had one.
@graemegaerth14 Says:
How did the slogan go! " Medicare, We care" now they don't care
@ianwillans2126 Says:
@ianwillans2126 Says:
@lynette1228 Says:
Is there any way Australians can overthrow the government and have another election if not australia is in a lot of trouble and we will be living a soloist company ruled by idots
@aaronfarley14 Says:
Everyone with half a brain 🧠 knows that the Labor Party say whatever it takes to get them elected and couldn’t lie straight in bed 🛌!!
@thelmamckinney9725 Says:
Didn't they win with only 31%of the vote...
@schweppes59 Says:
well I guess all those retards who threw rocks at Scomo & mob the last election are now wondering just how bad it's going to get under dickhead Albo & motley mob
@soma4u289 Says:
My father got shipped back and forward from the Nursing home 4 times (pneumonia) then didn't have to go back to the Nursing home ever again because he died .When queried Nursing home said we not doctors and nurses you know .Hospital said we don't have enough Doctors and Nurses !
@tiesword3252 Says:
@archielea1200 Says:
To the Australian people first chance you get vote them out Says IAM who Iam Amen and amen
@ginobiondi2 Says:
That's because Labor cannot deliver anything other than hypocrisy.
@barrygathercole6598 Says:
It’s all a scam
@manowar3804 Says:
Wow a government not keeping its promises.....what a freaking 🤯
@darrenluck2612 Says:
Did you believe they would???? Hahaha fool you
@normlothian8379 Says:
the labor party are liars
@proudaussie3522 Says:
Soros is funding the USA demise ...who is funding ours ?
@proudaussie3522 Says:
All the "noddies" in the background behind Albo .
@johneverett6751 Says:
The focus of the left..Is woke Green BS. and Overseas trips for everyone...Where is Labors Economic Plan....???.🤬🤬🤬🤬
@erinsable Says:
put some spas in the damn pools in sydney.
@mikehansell7262 Says:
Yeah, cheaper power too, not likely🤨
@stevep3692 Says:
Why do Sky News allow Paul Murray to broadcast from home he looks as if he has just crawled out of bed and he looks as if he needs a shower 🚿☂️ and it does not stop him from talking his usual shit 💩🤭
@markjmaxwell9819 Says:
Robo debt comes to mind. No more service Australia offices closed and less automation for services Australia. No nuclear submarines because the greens won't allow it. Climate change targets are impossible to reach without my renewable power stations and diesal hybrid semitrailers..😉
@atgrints Says:
Bring back the unjabbed to work if it's staff shortages, it's already proven not to change the spread......
@donkeys762 Says:
Sorry Paul but Labor will not have to deliver on much of anything...BUT the great news is that this will be the last chance they will ever get to FAIL.
@lesleyosborne9319 Says:
They Lied for the past 3 years. They bashed the Coalition who would HAVE DONE SOMETHING BY NOW !. Albo lies in bed DREAMING STUFF UP. NONE of this shi. was mentioned during his campaign.
@Neil-yg5gm Says:
Does anybody remember Rudd/ALPs 2007 broadband policy which helped him win the 2007 election? It was a FTTN-NBN built by the private sector with a govt contribution of $4.7B and finished by 2013. After winning the election Labor threw the policy into the bin and came up with the FTTP policy on a plane flight in 2009
@linoapruzzese5341 Says:
When do politicians keep their promises their all bull shitters
@aldonabagusauskas4956 Says:
Albo is so full of it it's starting not only come out of his mouth but it's also oozing out his ears!
@brianrassie3526 Says:
Of course they lied.. they are politicians
@piratepete4322 Says:
Did Albo have his fingers crossed?
@brothermaynard3200 Says:
Let's face it. Labor did not win, the LNP lost. The political class and the brain dead media decided they hated Scomo, largely on the basis of his religion, and pulled out all the BS stops to get rid of him. Naturally, the plebs fell for it. Now we're stuck with this motley collection of limp-dicks and Bolsheviks.
@moe2470 Says:
No government ever has.
@TheSmittenman Says:
ALL POLITICIANS tell you lies, stop all their benefits and pensions, and things might change, but they will never vote for it hahahaha :( :( :( :(
@kaylz6418 Says:
I tried to warn people about voting Labor. Every time they get in promises broken and then the recession
@DJ-yj1vg Says:
Why didn't the media crucify Albo and half his cabinet during the floods, or the interest rate increases while they were away overseas? They never stopped criticising scomo when he wasn't here during a bushfire season... the double standard by the media is like day and night now that labor are in. Why wasnt albo holding a bucket...
@bencordell1965 Says:
Stupid women use their vote as a way to virtue signal...nothing matters except for the market
@bencordell1965 Says:
Well they are impossible
@petercunningham3469 Says:
We all know it's gunna be a disaster maybe we need the church to step in before Labor and the Greens declare themselves Devine and ABSOLUTE!
@OGAussiegamer Says:
We need trial periods for PM's like 30 days not 3yrs. If they make us list 1-8 for preferences case if the 1st is just a lemon.
@grumpyowl66 Says:
The UK Labour party never delivered on promises during their election campaign. Most parties rarely follow through with promises. Don't forget they're politicians. Lol
@desertman1943 Says:
good on you mate up them don't hold back labor morons.
@kevinduffy6712 Says:
The lords prayer should stay !, The welcome to country should go and the stupid acknowledgement to the so called traditional owners bull shit . Never has so many people been so pissed off with a government in such a short time . Albo will be very lucky if he gets 6months in the job ? He has no mandate to do any thing he is only there as a caretaker till we the voters find someone better ?, We might have to look over seas though ?. We defiantly need another party like one nation to get in , and fuck the dick heads off from both labor and libs .
@Jimboken1 Says:
Be fair! The only promise that mattered was that Albo promised not to be Scotty. If Albo decides to go eco-terrorist lefty mode then at the next election Pete just has to promise not to be Albo. First MadKevvie07, then Liarliartrouserpantsuitwithhuuugearseonfire Julia, then Turnbolloxxx and finally Scotty. It's not difficult.
@hesky68 Says:
I’m also expecting major wind backs on defence spending, that’s a Labor standard for the past 50 years. Then look out when China fires up.
@clintclintonforshortbonser736 Says:
They didn't make any promises. Albo had no policies. He's as shallow as a puddle of piss.
@judyadams8178 Says:
We all who have smarts knew Labor have never done anything to help it's citizens, Labor have always lied, and never ever have they been able to run a budget,
@d00mg1rl Says:
Do any of them, ever actully deliver on promises? They promises the world, just to get votes. Lies Lies Lies yet again.

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