Israel is able to switch resources to the north against Hezbollah: Maj. Gen. Dana Pittard
Israel is able to switch resources to the north against Hezbollah: Maj. Gen. Dana Pittard



@lennarthallberg9918 Says:
I would like to know why and by whom my following comment just disappeared "mystically" from here: "Joe Biden, VP Kamala Harris and their negotiators have naively believed that Iran and their proxies would agree about a decent and fair cease fire and hostage release with them. Joe Biden, VP Kamala Harris and their negotiators should have known better. That type of naivety and stupidity will never work with Iran or their proxies. They utilize it to the maximum. Iranian leaders and their proxies have managed to outsmart President Joe Biden, VP Kamala Harris and their whole administration and play them like a fiddle for almost four years now."
@samaahammam3126 Says:
Washington is complicit in genocide, but its to be expected. It is a 2 headed beast
@TheThugNasty Says:
Americans get to work! The chosen ones will be taking more of your tax dollars!!
@Brahimfel Says:
Israel wants peace? Yeh you mean piece of Palestine piece of Lebanon, Jordan and Egypt
@theabandonmentoftruth5896 Says:
Part 1 of 10 _The Unpunished: How Extremists Took Over Israel_ *After 50 years of failure to stop violence and terrorism against Palestinians by Jewish ultranationalists, lawlessness has become the law in Israel.* This story is told in three parts. The first documents the unequal system of justice that grew around Jewish settlements in Gaza and the West Bank. The second shows how extremists targeted not only Palestinians but also Israeli officials trying to make peace. The third explores how this movement gained control of the state itself. Taken together, they tell the story of how a radical ideology moved from the fringes to the heart of Israeli political power.
@theabandonmentoftruth5896 Says:
Part 3 of 10 PART I. IMPUNITY By the end of October, it was clear that no one was going to help the villagers of Khirbet Zanuta. A tiny Palestinian community, some 150 people perched on a windswept hill in the West Bank near Hebron, it had long faced threats from the Jewish settlers who had steadily encircled it.
@theabandonmentoftruth5896 Says:
Part 4 of 10 Who bulldozed the village after that is a matter of dispute. The Israeli Army says it was the settlers; a senior Israeli police officer says it was the army. Either way, soon after the villagers left, little remained of Khirbet Zanuta besides the ruins of a clinic and an elementary school. One wall of the clinic, leaning sideways, bore a sign saying that it had been funded by an agency of the European Union providing “humanitarian support for Palestinians at risk of forcible transfer in the West Bank.” Near the school, someone had planted the flag of Israel as another kind of announcement: This is Jewish land now.
@theabandonmentoftruth5896 Says:
Part 5 of 10 Who bulldozed the village after that is a matter of dispute. The Israeli Army says it was the settlers; a senior Israeli police officer says it was the army. Either way, soon after the villagers left, little remained of Khirbet Zanuta besides the ruins of a clinic and an elementary school. One wall of the clinic, leaning sideways, bore a sign saying that it had been funded by an agency of the European Union providing “humanitarian support for Palestinians at risk of forcible transfer in the West Bank.” Near the school, someone had planted the flag of Israel as another kind of announcement: This is Jewish land now.
@theabandonmentoftruth5896 Says:
Part 6 of 10 *Such violence over the decades in places like Khirbet Zanuta is well documented. But protecting the people who carry out that violence is the dark secret of Israeli justice.* Part 6 of 10 The long arc of harassment, assault and murd*r Part 6 of 10 of Palestinians by Jewish settlers is twinned with a shadow history, one of silence, avoidance and abatement by Israeli officials. Part 6 of 10 For many of those officials, it is Palestinian terrorism that most threatens Israel. But in interviews with more than 100 people — current and former officers of the Israeli military, the National Israeli Police and the Shin Bet domestic security service; high-ranking Israeli political officials, including four former prime ministers; Palestinian leaders and activists; Israeli human rights lawyers; Part 6 of 10 American officials charged with supporting the Israeli-Palestinian partnership — we found a different and perhaps even more destabilizing threat. A long history of crime without punishment, many of those officials now say, threatens not only Palestinians living in the occupied territories but also the State of Israel itself.
@theabandonmentoftruth5896 Says:
Part 7 of 10 In 2015, while campaigning for a seat in the Knesset, Smotrich said that “every shekel invested in this department is one less shekel invested in real terrorism and saving lives.” Seven years later, Netanyahu made him both minister of finance and a minister in the Ministry of Defense, in charge of overseeing civilian affairs in the West Bank, and he has steadily pushed to seize authority over the territory from the military. As part of the coalition deal with Netanyahu, Smotrich now has the authority to appoint one of the senior administrative figures in the West Bank, who helps oversee the building of roads and the enforcement of construction laws. The 2022 election also brought Avi Maoz to the Knesset — the former housing-ministry official whom Talia Sasson once marked as a hidden hand of Israeli government support for illegal settlements. Since then, Maoz had joined the far-right Noam party, using it as a platform to advance racist and homophobic policies. And he never forgot, or forgave, Sasson. On “International Anti-Corruption Day” in 2022, Maoz took to the lectern of the Knesset and denounced Sasson’s report of nearly two decades earlier, saying it was written “with a hatred of the settlements and a desire to harm them.” This, he said, was “public corruption of the highest order, for which people like Talia Sasson should be prosecuted.” A
@theabandonmentoftruth5896 Says:
Part 8 of 10 Days after assuming his own new position, Ben-Gvir ordered the police to remove Palestinian flags from public spaces in Israel, saying they “incite and encourage terrorism.” Smotrich, for his part, ordered drastic cuts in payments to the Palestinian Authority — a move that led the Shin Bet and the I.D.F. intelligence division to raise concerns that the cuts would interfere with the Palestinian Authority’s own efforts to police and prevent Palestinian terrorism.
@theabandonmentoftruth5896 Says:
Part 9 of 10 Weeks after the new cabinet was sworn in, the Judea and Samaria division of the I.D.F. distributed an instructional video to the soldiers of a ground unit about to be deployed in the West Bank. Titled “Operational Challenge: The Farms,” the video depicts settlers as peaceful farmers living pastoral lives, feeding goats and herding sheep and cows, in dangerous circumstances. The illegal outposts multiplying around the West Bank are “small and isolated places of settlement, each with a handful of residents, a few of them — or none at all — bearing arms, the means of defense meager or nonexistent.”
@theabandonmentoftruth5896 Says:
Part 10 of 10 The video addresses many matters of security, but it never addresses the question of law. When we asked the commander of the division that produced the video, Brig. Gen. Avi Bluth, why the I.D.F. was promoting the military support of settlements that are illegal under Israeli law, he directly asserted that the farms were indeed legal and offered to arrange for us to tour some of them. Later, a spokesman for the army apologized for the general’s remarks, acknowledged that the farms were illegal and announced that the I.D.F. would no longer be promoting the video. This May, Bluth was nonetheless subsequently promoted to head Israel’s Central Command, responsible for all Israeli troops in central Israel and the West Bank.
@anileetan7234 Says:
Nasralla has no position to lose he nothing now. Just a fugitive running and hiding.😂
@KhalidAbdulkarim-v7n Says:
You are bias in your news
@unjumahanif2743 Says:
Are we missing something? Who’s the victim? Stop encouraging war and destruction and call for a ceasefire. Stop applauding this new cruel tactic of “ defending oneself “ by the use of exploding devices, it is sick. You can’t see who is holding or in the vicinity of them when they are going off or do you even care?
@imaginethepossibilities144 Says:
October 24, 2023 UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres, "It is important to recognize the attacks by Hamas did not happen in a vacuum.” “The Palestinian people have been subjected to 56 years of suffocating occupation."
@MariajoseJosemaria-k1k Says:
usa resource 😂
@mulukenwg Says:
Is that news or statement? 😂
@gururay Says:
The Israeli Govt are war criminals. We all know this.
@lunarminx Says:
Jesus hates Republicans, not one Republican ideal follows Jesus's teachings of love, empathy and compassion for the less fortunate of us. Jesus loves Democrats because their ideals that follow his teachings of love, empathy and compassion for the less fortunate of us. Satan loves Republicans as they follow his lies, deceptions, chaos and hatred.
@donniebrookins6215 Says:
Why are we involved?
@templekanwi9890 Says:
@mjinzer6881 Says:
Biden sounds weak and disinterested!
@RonD-o5b Says:
Netanyahu will never have any respect for that Stupid Idiot Biden!
@solomzisiko Says:
@abdiisse1890 Says:
Lebnon has tge right to defend himself
@Davemurray2880isaindian Says:
Israel is able to switch US supplied resources to the North.
@hfinn5706 Says:
Trumps campaign is a zombie campaign. Opps, shouldn’t have said that. Vance will start telling people that Harris let the undocumented Zombies into Boise, Idaho, Loomer will run with it, and Trump double down on it. Zombies won’t be safe in America. 😅😅😅❤❤
@worldpoetry3161 Says:
Netanyahu is a butcher. It doesn't even respect the lives of Israeli citizens. This butcher took Israel to war, the people of Israel must get rid of this butcher called Netanyahu
@SaidQuarashee Says:
What about millions in ghaza ?
@FoundingFathersUSA Says:
“Hunting the Caliphate: America’s War on ISIS and the Dawn of the Strike Cell” by Dana J.H. Pittard and Wes J. Bryant
@genuineargyle Says:
When's the last time Hassan Nasrallah breathed fresh air above ground?
@S1M1P Says:
Devilnyahu is that how you going to live for the rest of your days on earth?
@fikrirazaq8373 Says:
It's not 'Ibraham' it is 'Ibraheem' You can't even get it right for a simple pronunciation of name.
@JasonChalfant-b2z Says:
Hall Kenneth Garcia Frank Moore Jason
@waynemoore5800 Says:
Fox 🦊 Russia properganda dictator jail Murdoch
@waynemoore5800 Says:
🦊 Russia properganda dictator jail Murdoch
@waynemoore5800 Says:
🦊 Russia properganda dictator jail Murdoch
@Christlikelife459 Says:
Please i need the answer to this question. Why is everything Israel does in this war condemned, while everything Iran, Hamas, Hezbollah, and the Houthis do is praised? What is going on? Are we now living in a clown world? Have we lost our sense of reasoning?
@dreamwell2020 Says:
America stands alone in its support for Israel's war crimes.
@ibrahimkhukon5333 Says:
All the western warmonger colonial power are same, they want war,hegemony, chaos,destruction, so on.
@cathyontong5324 Says:
THE mere fact that hesbollah started bombing ISRAEL the day after OCTOBER 7th, means that they were joining the massacre on ISRAEL (who were planless, strategyless, unarmed, preparing for the sabbath, full of hurt and pain and shocked ) They, hisbollah lied when they said that they were doing it because they were supporting GAZA AND HAMAS. NO ! THEY WERE TAKING ADVANTAGE OF ISRAEL'S weakened civilian position to DO THEIR PART IN ERADICATING THE STATE OF ISRAEL !
@Gorillaunit83 Says:
You can never win against 🇱🇧
@cathyontong5324 Says:
HESBOLLAH ARE NOT FREEDOM - FIGHTING MEN. THEY ARE COWARDS , BULLIES in skirts ! and HAMAS.... attacking unarmed, sleeping civilians , men, babies, women, children and old people . ..HAMAS ARE NOT FREEDOM - FIGHTING MEN. THEY ARE COWARDS , BULLIES in skirts ! WHAT LIARS and of course ,since, EVERYBODY , EVERY USEFUL IDIOT in the world, BELIEVES THEM ! !
@MSN1701 Says:
USA have a responsibility to arrest netanyahu under international law
@BorhanYusoff Says:
american help.... lebnon is christian....
@felixmendosa-vt3tx Says:
strange youtube. recommendation.... a black guy talks like a master in a plantation: he says depend of the skin color, or religion, genocide, live extermination of people is OK .. include women, children, elders... IT's OK and a blond pink women says it's OK ...
@soccersprint Says:
Evil trying to justify evil
@nenalee3594 Says:
Thanks sir❤❤❤❤

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