FBI's raid garnering Trump 'some sympathy in some circles'

FBI's raid garnering Trump 'some sympathy in some circles'


Former White House chief of staff Mick Mulvaney says the FBI's raid on the former US president's Mar-a-Lago home in Florida is garnering Trump some sympathy in some circles. 'There have been hardcore Democrats and left-leaning legal analysts on television � saying that this invasion may have been too much, it may have been dangerous, it may have been unnecessary,' Mr Mulvaney told Sky News Australia.




@deanhobson4495 Says:
The only thing that is going to happen is trump is going to prison to be butt fck by big bubba
@robertsweeney5635 Says:
To be clear, I'm not a Republican. Look it up. That anyone with respect for human life or self determination is not at least a Libertarian means that somewhere along the way people have no idea of categories outside race and LGBQABCDEF. We can accept that our parents might be mindful of their upbringing in their wants for their children. Shouldn't we expect more of our educators? Why is there only debate of capitol R (Republican) or capitol D (Democrat) ? It's probable that more people are a capitol L (Libertarian). Freedom of people to pursue life, liberty and property, without denying others of their life, liberty or property through force or fraud.
@williamkobling8397 Says:
I think everyone in the world knows now that Donald Trump TOOK classified documents out of the White House to his home when he left office. He never had the right to do this. I am amazed he has not been indicted for his brazen and stupid actions. These are documents of national security. Lock this guy up...
@Generalgymsocks Says:
Just when you thought SNA was a reliable source of news, but than you remember they were soft spoken during the height of 🇦🇺 tyranny and , hush during the locked down, and silent now. I appreciate your pointing at my countries short comings, just be taller and fix your own.
@diugsmith9777 Says:
GOD Bless Keep America 🇺🇸 President Donald J 1stLady Melania Trump You Yours Amen 🙏
@freeagent8225 Says:
The ' circles ' have the same diameter of a dime.
@sjt4225 Says:
Murdoch media is evil. The "circle" of people who have sympathy for trump are white nationalists and terrorists. This is such a misleading and shameful piece of reporting.
@alphazed4067 Says:
Amendment 4 - Protection from Unreasonable Searches and Seizures The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects against unreasonable searches and seizures shall not be violated, and no warrants shall issue but upon probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched and the persons or things to be seized. When you read the affidavit, notice how General it is!
@hitnrun1805 Says:
Pfft, Trump clearly stated they would be coming for them when he took them, you clowns don't even know a set up when it happens in your face. He put in his safe something you investigative dingbats will go nuts over when it's time. By the way for the slow and stupid, Trump carried out the "Acts" that occur in the power countries when treasons been exposed in them. He was even permitted to walk in Joan of Arcs footsteps right in everyone's faces and most are too stupid to even know that! Idiots even missed the part where our own military didn't carry the current president to his own inauguration.
@southernmocha7571 Says:
Trump doesn’t need sympathy he needs SUPPORT ! Trump 2024 🇺🇸
@chopperdeath Says:
Unfortunately Trump did not understand the breadth and width of the partisanship and bureaucratic corruption in Washington his first go around. They are really scared now because if he is elected he will perform wholesale cuts, and fire leadership in all the alphabet agencies.
@FDT24 Says:
Sympathy from morons shouldn’t be newsworthy
@briankelly7620 Says:
It's not about sympathy for Trump it's about gestapo tactics used by the FBI to take control of anybody at any time. They could always plant stuff. They could have used other means to get the paperwork they needed. They didn't need to do a military operation like a invasion/Raid. When the FBI put Peter Navarro in leg irons at the airport ..to shame the man.. don't you think that's a little extreme. Acting like Nazis with gestapo tactics against US citizens.This is to break individuals .. Don't tell me it's not personally political. It's all personal and definitely political. It's a sad day in America when we lose our freedom when the FBI becomes the Gestapo. When they feel they have to invade Roger stones home with the same kind of gestapo like tactics of a 70 80 year old man.That operation was in the dark early morning .Scare tatics ..They're going too far. They are going after anybody that has supported Trump politically that has any clout and ability to move or sway people for the positive. Any body who is for President Trumps reelection bid in 2024 .The FBI went after many others .To many to list. F ed up. They also are going after Steve Bannon the same kind of Nazi tactics. But Bannon is a navy vet..he has a better idea what there doing against freedom..It's shameful and in our face. Do they even think we cant see the intent.Americans might not all be greedy and rich like some of the power nuts ,but Americans can very well see the deceptive calculating devisive means to intimidate us citazens..who is next and for what reason off intent will they have for others ..honestly think it won't be you by no means ..if you even think of getting/talking or saying something. .your day might be ?? Could you imagine in Germany back I the day..you can hide from that phone that tracks and listens to what u say constantly. What's next don't miss judge these people..what's next .what is next.. Torture concrete block rooms with steel doors is the next torture chambers for the opposition. ..the fake media would like this kind of tatic..were you just disapear..don't underestimate the evil intent they have for others It's not about sympathy for Trump it's about gestapo tactics used by the FBI to take control of anybody at any time. They could always plant stuff. They could have used other means to get the paperwork they needed. They didn't need to do a military operation like a invasion/Raid. When the FBI Put Peter Navarro in leg irons at the airport ..to shame the man.. don't you think that's a little extreme. Acting like Nazis with gestapo tactics against US citizens.This is to break individuals .. Don't tell me it's not personally political. It's all personal and definitely political. It's a sad day in America when we lose our freedom when the FBI becomes the Gestapo. When they feel they have to invade Roger stones home with the same kind of gestapo like tactics of a 70 80 year old man.That operation was in the dark. .Scare tatics ..They're going too far. They are going after anybody that has supported Trump politically that has any clout and ability to move or sway people for the positive. Any body who is for President Trumps reelection bid in 2024 .The FBI went after Peter Navarro. They also are going after Steve Bannon the same kind of Nazi tactics. But Bannon is a navy vet..he has a better idea what there doing against freedom..It's shameful and in our face. Do they even think we can see the intent.Americans might not all be greedy and rich like some in power but Americans can very well see the deceptive calculation devisive means to intimidate us citazens..who is next and for what reason off intent will they have for others .. Torture concrete block rooms with steel doors is the next torture chambers for the opposition. ..the fake media would like this kind of tatic..were you just disapear..don't underestimate the evil intent they have for others who don't beleave in there power grab.. It's not about sympathy for Trump it's about gestapo tactics used by the FBI to take control of anybody at any time. They could always plant stuff. They could have used other means to get the paperwork they needed. They didn't need to do a military operation like a invasion/Raid. When the FBI Put Peter Navarro in leg irons at the airport ..to shame the man.. don't you think that's a little extreme. Acting like Nazis with gestapo tactics against US citizens.This is to break individuals .. Don't tell me it's not personally political. It's all personal and definitely political. It's a sad day in America when we lose our freedom when the FBI becomes the Gestapo. When they feel they have to invade Roger stones home with the same kind of gestapo like tactics of a 70 80 year old man.That operation was in the dark. .Scare tatics ..They're going too far. They are going after anybody that has supported Trump politically that has any clout and ability to move or sway people for the positive. Any body who is for President Trumps reelection bid in 2024 .The FBI went after Peter Navarro. They also are going after Steve Bannon the same kind of Nazi tactics. But Bannon is a navy vet..he has a better idea what there doing against freedom..It's shameful and in our face. Do they even think we can see the intent.Americans might not all be greedy and rich like some in power but Americans can very well see the deceptive calculation devisive means to intimidate us citazens..who is next and for what reason off intent will they have for others .. Torture concrete block rooms with steel doors is the next torture chambers for the opposition. ..the fake media would like this kind of tatic..were you just disapear..don't underestimate the evil intent they have for others who don't beleave in there power grab.. don't beleave in there ideas and there power grab..
@briankelly7620 Says:
It's not about sympathy for Trump it's about gestapo tactics used by the FBI to take control of anybody at any time. They could always plant stuff. They could have used other means to get the paperwork they needed. They didn't need to do a military operation like a invasion/Raid. When the FBI put Peter Navarro in leg irons at the airport ..to shame the man.. don't you think that's a little extreme. Acting like Nazis with gestapo tactics against US citizens.This is to break individuals .. Don't tell me it's not personally political. It's all personal and definitely political. It's a sad day in America when we lose our freedom when the FBI becomes the Gestapo. When they feel they have to invade Roger stones home with the same kind of gestapo like tactics of a 70 80 year old man.That operation was in the dark early morning .Scare tatics ..They're going too far. They are going after anybody that has supported Trump politically that has any clout and ability to move or sway people for the positive. Any body who is for President Trumps reelection bid in 2024 .The FBI went after many others .To many to list. F ed up. They also are going after Steve Bannon the same kind of Nazi tactics. But Bannon is a navy vet..he has a better idea what there doing against freedom..It's shameful and in our face. Do they even think we cant see the intent.Americans might not all be greedy and rich like some of the power nuts ,but Americans can very well see the deceptive calculating devisive means to intimidate us citazens..who is next and for what reason off intent will they have for others ..honestly think it won't be you by no means ..if you even think of getting/talking or saying something. .your day might be ?? Could you imagine in Germany back I the day..you can hide from that phone that tracks and listens to what u say constantly. What's next don't miss judge these people..what's next .what is next.. Torture concrete block rooms with steel doors is the next torture chambers for the opposition. ..the fake media would like this kind of tatic..were you just disapear..don't underestimate the evil intent they have for others It's not about sympathy for Trump it's about gestapo tactics used by the FBI to take control of anybody at any time. They could always plant stuff. They could have used other means to get the paperwork they needed. They didn't need to do a military operation like a invasion/Raid. When the FBI Put Peter Navarro in leg irons at the airport ..to shame the man.. don't you think that's a little extreme. Acting like Nazis with gestapo tactics against US citizens.This is to break individuals .. Don't tell me it's not personally political. It's all personal and definitely political. It's a sad day in America when we lose our freedom when the FBI becomes the Gestapo. When they feel they have to invade Roger stones home with the same kind of gestapo like tactics of a 70 80 year old man.That operation was in the dark. .Scare tatics ..They're going too far. They are going after anybody that has supported Trump politically that has any clout and ability to move or sway people for the positive. Any body who is for President Trumps reelection bid in 2024 .The FBI went after Peter Navarro. They also are going after Steve Bannon the same kind of Nazi tactics. But Bannon is a navy vet..he has a better idea what there doing against freedom..It's shameful and in our face. Do they even think we can see the intent.Americans might not all be greedy and rich like some in power but Americans can very well see the deceptive calculation devisive means to intimidate us citazens..who is next and for what reason off intent will they have for others .. Torture concrete block rooms with steel doors is the next torture chambers for the opposition. ..the fake media would like this kind of tatic..were you just disapear..don't underestimate the evil intent they have for others who don't beleave in there power grab.. It's not about sympathy for Trump it's about gestapo tactics used by the FBI to take control of anybody at any time. They could always plant stuff. They could have used other means to get the paperwork they needed. They didn't need to do a military operation like a invasion/Raid. When the FBI Put Peter Navarro in leg irons at the airport ..to shame the man.. don't you think that's a little extreme. Acting like Nazis with gestapo tactics against US citizens.This is to break individuals .. Don't tell me it's not personally political. It's all personal and definitely political. It's a sad day in America when we lose our freedom when the FBI becomes the Gestapo. When they feel they have to invade Roger stones home with the same kind of gestapo like tactics of a 70 80 year old man.That operation was in the dark. .Scare tatics ..They're going too far. They are going after anybody that has supported Trump politically that has any clout and ability to move or sway people for the positive. Any body who is for President Trumps reelection bid in 2024 .The FBI went after Peter Navarro. They also are going after Steve Bannon the same kind of Nazi tactics. But Bannon is a navy vet..he has a better idea what there doing against freedom..It's shameful and in our face. Do they even think we can see the intent.Americans might not all be greedy and rich like some in power but Americans can very well see the deceptive calculation devisive means to intimidate us citazens..who is next and for what reason off intent will they have for others .. Torture concrete block rooms with steel doors is the next torture chambers for the opposition. ..the fake media would like this kind of tatic..were you just disapear..don't underestimate the evil intent they have for others who don't beleave in there power grab.. don't beleave in there ideas and there power grab..
@brianbrigg57 Says:
Not sympathy but outrage.
@cherish867 Says:
I should very well think that other politicians would start feeling badly for President Trump. They know their necks are on the next chopping block if they don’t get this thing taken care of!
@Tom-yr1mp Says:
As hard as this is to say, we can no longer blindly Trust the FBI. Lets face it they were proven to have conspired with Hillary Clinton in creating and presenting knowingly bogus information (Steel Dossier) and with others to frame and oust Trump in activities that were clearly unlawful. What this means is that the organization sworn to uphold the law knowingly broke it. The same organization has now carried out a search of the former Presidents residence. How can they be trusted to collect evidence when they were shown to have manufactured and planted bogus evidence in the recent past, and have stated in recorded conversations there is no way they will let Trump become president. That statement alone indicates the organization is working against him to keep him from office. How can we trust that organization again. If this is how they are going to operate I think they should be disbanded because they are beginning to act like the people they used to lock up. Ugh. What can they do to redeem their reputation? They can start by not following political directives and stick to real law enforcement, the kind that is blind to the side of the isle people stand on.
@ADhudson7964 Says:
They can change the affidavit to fit what they find😳😳😳😳😳
@williambenner5550 Says:
My greatest concern is the lack of transparency in almost everything. It is like freedom is becoming nonexistent in America. Very scary times!
@danielmorgan6779 Says:
Only a complete fool would trust the Biden Administration, DOJ, FBI, nor any government agency! Especially the realm of law enforcement.
@drainmonkeys385 Says:
The Democrat party should be treated as a terrorist organization and all party members put on a terrorist watchlist
@drainmonkeys385 Says:
The Democrat party as an organization should be charged under the RICO act, everyone who is a Democrat should be charged with a crime
@drainmonkeys385 Says:
The Democrat party and their leaders are a dangerous threat to humanity and to the United States of America, they should be treated as enemy combatants and their leaders arrested and brought to get mow at the party should be banned, the Democrat party should never be allowed Everett to hold any seats in congress
@Jodyrides Says:
The most hated people throughout history, are the ones that told the truth
@drainmonkeys385 Says:
Of course you’re not going to release it because they know it’s full of bullshit
@raynaengle4313 Says:
i LOVE that he calls Trump 'the president'!!! BECAUSE HE IS OUR PRESIDENT! Biden is total fake! only there to wake people UP to the state of the goverment and the tyranny here! it's is despicable!
@xBettyjo Says:
Defund the FBI!! FBI track record-habitual liars and terrorists!!! They are literally terrorizing American citizens this ends now!!
@hvacexplained9341 Says:
I can only imagine what other countries think of us anymore? We literally can’t get shit done it’s nothing more than high school BS one party fighting against the other to get in their way it’s amazing there’s not a Civil War at this time
@hvacexplained9341 Says:
We all know this was politically motivated 100% a and the left is completely scared of Donald Trump! And what I mean by them being scared is draining the swamp that the Democrats had just plugged up and is now overflowing with scum !!! Trump should’ve hit all of documents and anything he wanted to hide from the FBI in Hunter Biden’s laptop or on Hillary Clinton’s servers or her emails FBI would never look there!
@dennisday2049 Says:
Everything (documents) Trump has IS declassified. DOJ; FBI; CIA (hell, majority of politicians) are all corrupt liars and need to be held accountable.
@phillhendricks745 Says:
Miss Benghazi is so happy.
@shannonnichols3415 Says:
I’d be very interested to find out exactly what they were looking for in Melania’s closet because they apparently took a super long time in there! Ugh!
@davidfry5602 Says:
Teflon Donald.
@davidfry5602 Says:
The FBI are got hunting for make beleave files, that do not exist, just hassling him for fun.
@eugenehicks3859 Says:
To para phase Trump, They are not after me, but ultimately, after You... I'm just in their way"... 🥸🤔
@lauradahlus Says:
Abolish the federal reserve as it's NOT a government entity but rather owned and controlled by elite individuals and businesses that was NEVER voted on or for or by the people and charges our own government interest to use our own currency and answers to NO outside source!
@davidfry5602 Says:
ooh no don't let AMERICA know about TRUMPS securit book on Dr Zeuzes book of IDo not like blond eggs and ham.
@lauradahlus Says:
I sure hope and pray were all not just being played by both sides.... 🙏
@davidfry5602 Says:
iThought we got rid of the natzis.
@davidfry5602 Says:
finally, the FBI got Donald's secrete book , DR Zeuzes, IDo not like blond eggs and blond ham.
@PraytheRosaryEveryDay Says:
They broke into his safe, he never said they took it. And they admit they took his passports! Trump isn't the one giving false information, its you two!
@edr.3229 Says:
It's a witch hunt!!! They failed with their Kangaroo court!!! They won't stop because Donald Trump is still living rent free in their heads!!! Meanwhile our country is going to hell in a hand basket!!! Because we got President Lobotomy running the show!!! Schumer will eat his words about releasing the Whirlwind because he will get sucked up into it!!! The Dems will reap what they sow!!! 👍👍👍🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸
@maxt707 Says:
When Biden administration controls masses with illegal Covid19 mandates along with corporate mainstream media saw how effectively they could control America with distraction after distraction and deflection this arrogance is the result along with the bill just passed 😳 that will continually decrease America to really realize the pursuit of happiness that has been compromised by accepting Biden administration and mainstream media moguls. President Trump please come back before the Jobama bunch completely destroy our country.
@katzi1111 Says:
First a President of the United States of America have the Power to Declassified any documents he wants! That means if President Trump wanted his conversation or any other documents as Souvenir he could have declassified them and take them with him!! Second this is a Manipulative Stunt to keep the far leftist engaged in November for the Midterm Elections! Period. The DOJ and the FBI are Proving to be Corrupted to the Core!!! We Need To Fired the Entire Government Agencies for dereliction of duty! They never see any disaster coming because they Focus on Trump 99% of the Time!!! Since 2015 they have Targeted him in hope to find something and Destroy him! This is what the Communist Soviet Union used to do: “Show me the Man and I’ll find you a Crime” Enough is Enough! These Corrupt Democrats and their Allies in Media and the Government Have Destroyed our Prestige Agencies!!! They have Turned the United States of America into a Third World Country!!! It’s Despicable!!.. If the agents were good people they would Refuse to do political Prosecution!!We Need New Standards and Oversight.Impeach the judges and prosecutors around the nation who are approving the Raid and Subpoena!!!!
@katzi1111 Says:
The evidence is tainted. Case closed. Anything they "find" can be assumed to be planted. Especially if it matches the warrant.At the end of the day, what we’ve got is a corrupt Justice Department, a corrupt FBI, based upon what has happened in the last 7 years! Drain this disgusting swamp once and for all!
@bwithab2073 Says:
I do not think it is sympathy, it is more like thinking our government is taking steps that are against our constitution!
@rdesma6231 Says:
FISAGATE all over again!!! That is why they won't show it!! This is all crap!!
@taylorjensen2787 Says:
We coming for ur @zz deep state. You have put together a very efficient team of global corporations putting in the money, big tech and media and Hollywood controlling flow of information, universities teaching propaganda to radicalize people
@Cole_mac Says:
The FBI has to go. Worthless

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