PM reveals Morrison was appointed to five extra portfolios

PM reveals Morrison was appointed to five extra portfolios


Former prime minister Scott Morrison was appointed to five additional portfolios while in government, Prime Minister Anthony Albanese has revealed. Mr Albanese said Mr Morrison was appointed to the ministries of health, finance, home affairs, treasury and resources, in addition to his role as the head of Prime Minister and Cabinet. 'Each of these appointments made under section 64 of the Constitution," Mr Albanese said during a media conference on Tuesday. 'It is completely extraordinary that these appointments were kept secret by the Morrison government from the Australian people. It is completely contradictory, too, for example, the questions that ministers answered on the floor of the House of Representatives and the Senate.'




@morganstanley6356 Says:
Scotty from marketing is by far the worst PM in Australia's history. He is corrupt(got fired from tourism), incompetent and devoid of human emotion.
@edwinwico Says:
this is signed of dictatorship
@archiefranz962 Says:
What a waste of resources. Legal prop ups and a lack of looking after your Australian people. Stop focussing on the legal system and get on with looking after the country and the people.
@JohnSmith-it9eh Says:
Go Albo make sure these corrupt morons get what they deserve
@annepearce2845 Says:
Albo is about to create an Australian CDC. We all know how corrupt that private organisation is. He is budgeting for it in October. Now he announces that Moderna will make 100million does of c19. It is an endemic now...🤔
@annepearce2845 Says:
Im sure albo isnt squeaky clean either. Time to investigate all of them. There probably wont be anyone left standing at the end of it!
@TJ-TJ Says:
Albo is a great strong excellent PM!! A true patriot to Australia 🇦🇺 🙏🏽
@pixelpotato4874 Says:
Hurry up and form a Federal ICAC,that's their job,you get back to work and worry about the Citizens ,FFS. P.S.I don't like Sky News,but at least they let taxpayers comment on their Videos, unlike my tax dollars going to the ABC,where you can't say jacks...t
@fifitrixibelle9279 Says:
I would assume while a pandemic is raging through the country and we’re all locked down like criminals can’t leave ya house only for food and medical reasons.. our then pm exercised under parliamentary law a backup plan if ministers were going to drop like flies.. if it’s not illegal then what is the problem..every boss who runs a company has a backup plan in case of disaster.. I would think Australia is a pretty huge business and considering the impending doom that was headed our way with covid emergency planning was needed.. your just a angry little man Tony better make sure your squeaky clean.. live by the sword die by the sword
@meredithisme3752 Says:
Ask albosleezy about his roommate Andrews
@Mikelennon78 Says:
Why dont you do a press conference on the cost of living. Bloody flog.
@evelynmcmenamin4330 Says:
How old are all their grandmothers????
@scottphillips7108 Says:
Prolly cause Albo was being stealth about his CCP portfolios...
@thesinistermonk2515 Says:
This is what FriendlyJordies has been warning everyone about! Thank fuck people woke up and voted for labour!
@achtung001 Says:
Sack the GG and cancel ScMo,s pension..its disgraceful
@peterdixon7705 Says:
What Morrison did was for his benefit not the nations .
@chrishayden9599 Says:
Was he also collecting salary for all of them plus PM.
@stevedavis2473 Says:
& we're all suprised to find out our Government is just as currupt as every other Government around the world. Please😒
@ericmesser1 Says:
Governor General……OUT…………..smirking creep Morrison OUT……….
@user-rc4nw6xy5p Says:
Morrison must have had some backing from someone else higher up in the Party. The fact that the people pushed sideways - said nothing. Means someone was Morrison's enforcer. This was all on the Public record. All that has to be done is go to the Governor General's office to ask for how many appointments Morrison held. Morrison must hold some very deep dark secrets about his political colleagues for them to not out him. At any other time he would have been outed by his own party. It now looks like someone was helping him. It also raises the fact that why were the Ministers still appointed in their "roles." Meaning they kept their "position title" and pay as a minister of state. If Morrison was the Minister for a large number of portfolio's that means he is the minster in charge of the Departments he was signed off on by the Governor General to control. Meaning that why did he leave the "ministers" in "their roles." In effect if Morrison if the minister for 3 - 5 Departments. Then those ministers are no longer ministers, and they should have taken their place on the back bench. This is a massive cover up and fraud. Morrison under mines his key ministers. Yer he leaves them their purely for public viewing so no-one works out they have been replaced. Think about it. He still had these people in place as Cabinet Ministers - they still held their titles - IN NAME ONLY. They are in effect not ministers. How can they make up the Cabinet. Scott Morrison holds the position of Minister for 3 - 5 key Government Departments. ? And what people seem to not be talking about is. The Ministers were left in place to give the outlook everything was normal. That is fraud. Those said ministers were still getting paid as ministers of the government. So what happens in a cabinet meeting. They walk in for the cameras. The door shuts. And Morrison says this is what you will say and do. That's it there is no more discussion. That means Scott Morrison has a meeting with himself. Talking to himself about his own decisions. No wonder the guy was taking sleeping pills. He would have to suffer from Schizophrenia. Some symptoms are: 1. Delusion. 2. Disordered thinking. 3. Disordered behaviour. 4. Flat effect - lack of emotional expression. 5. Inappropriate reactions. 6. Phobia. This really opens up a huge what if. What if Scott Morrison won the last Federal Election. And this comes out now. He is way worse then Trump. Trump is calculating to - but he understood his boundaries. Scott Morrison gets up and makes a speech in a church he does not politics. And then this comes out. And you suddenly see it the way he sees it. He wanted total control. He effectively ran a dictatorship. His ministers can't say they run their Departments. Once he is sworn in he is the Minister of whatever Department he chooses to take over. That means whoever held that spot should go to the back bench. Scott Morrison should resign immediately - and get some serious help for mental health issues. He appointed himself dictator. And he legally used the Constitution to do so. And before people get upset. The constitution was written in 1901. Back then political parties did not exist. And political parties were created to get around the Constitution with getting legislation through the House and Senate. He also did a Hawke & Keating, e.g. the Gorden below Franklin decision to stop the dam project in Tasmania. The gas project he shut down in N.S.W. he used Sections 50 & 51 of the constitution. So he had people working for him researching the constitution - and what dirt he had on fellow politicians in his party. People should be extremely worried about him - this is his religion and it's effects on his personality. You go back under John Howard - he would have the minister and their understudy as the junior minister. This was not the case. This was Morrison running the whole government by himself. The fact he got his senior ministers to agree - is just astounding. They effectively have no say - no control over their role. Yet to make out everything was o.k. he kept them in those roles, to hide his deception. That is pretty sick thinking. He says he does not trust Government. And he was the government in it's entirety - and he thinks that is o.k. ??? And he must have had some powerful information to hold against these people to keep their mouths shut. It was the Government Departments that gave him away - not his own party. That is unheard of. He had to be holding some bad information on his colleagues. And that explains why, he did the things he did. It may well be the inquiry into incidents like what happened to a former political staffer now charged with rape, may have uncovered similar events - and Scott held those to play his cards. That would certainly fit in with his religious bent, he was self righteous and he held that over his colleagues. How else could he run over them, and they kept silent.
@bobdopelina3521 Says:
Yeah yeah..blah blah blah. Albo idolises Despot Dan and stands by his actions as just and true to democracy... Hypocrite.
@saltyaussie7702 Says:
Albo needs to explain why on the 23 June 2022 he changed how ministry portfolios are handled. Seems albo is hiding his own little secrets 🤔
@peacetooneworld Says:
Wow ! Bad actors in 3rd & 4th World countries are learning fast from Scott Morrison. Are these now five ministerial positions tenets of so called rule of law & democracy ? Or extra pocket money ! Or new Aussie autocracy ? May God bless upright souls for betterment of fellow country men !
@trentspackman3597 Says:
Ok crime minister, but what is it that your doing!!!! How long are we gonna blame the other guy? I don't see things improving at all.
@richards8718 Says:
Well the GG still said nothing after 5 and should be sacked asap he is now compromised totally
@easemailboxes Says:
Likely Anthony will ultimately leverage this as reason to change the constitution and at the same time get the voice installed. .... we can see only one flag in this video.
@easemailboxes Says:
Anthony is getting mighty righteous. Morrison issue needs urgent attention although I hope Anthony holds himself to his own standards mentioned.
@lisilucyinski9455 Says:
my question is whether he was paid for these job's
@keithmartin3914 Says:
Wow not much different than the United States of America I think it's time to call in the military let them sort it out they take an oath they'll protect us God bless World military takeover to protect us from these evil evil people around the world
@peterdixon7705 Says:
@keithmoore8429 Says:
Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare ÷÷÷
@dwalte4742 Says:
Australia government collapsing also not surprised let all governments fall don’t replace it either now that’s freedom
@dwalte4742 Says:
Fox’s in hen houses r watching hens lol
@dwalte4742 Says:
Got him too the deep state criminals going down one by one
@waydewynn4191 Says:
What we are witnessing here is organized crime plain and simple.
@leithmurray736 Says:
When is Albo going to get on with his job. What Morrison did was clever
@heathgluskie7951 Says:
Will you Anthony Albanese ensure the openness of our democracy and not let Australia be ruled by the unelected tyrants of the World Economic Forum and the World Health Organisation who desire world domination and control by world elites including Bill Gates, Kaus Schwab and many like them? Or will you roll over and allow them to wrench control and subvert the Australian Constitution which enshrine the freedom of all Australians and apply the rule of law as determined by Australian elected officials without bribery and corruption tainting their opinions. While the answer to this question is in recess, I pray the you might have the fortitude to resist the demands of these overlords and act freely and fairly.
@wilowest3509 Says:
More Woke BS talk as a diversion from Albo's useless incompetence . Fix the Hospital's and Heating Bills Albo !
@frankwren8215 Says:
The LNP is the ALP.
@vivrowe2763 Says:
He may as well take a permanent holiday, totally useless like I thought he would be.
@saltyapostle44 Says:
Every Western government is corrupt as hell.
@petechudleigh8070 Says:
Lol Albo channeling his inner Biden. Let's go Albo 😂😂😂
@rods6405 Says:
STFU Commo Albo and start fixing Petrol electricity and food prices FW. Instead of flicking mud !
@emanuelgavriel1023 Says:
Get a life albo and move on.More serious problems to worry about..STOP THE WINGE
@bluestar2253 Says:
So, was any laws broken? If not, then just STFU!
@highvibe4839 Says:
The Pantomime continues, don’t let the REAL truth get in the way of a Good Story. Slugate Albo, your all compromised, everyone in every seat of ALL Australian Parliaments need to step down. WE THE PEOPLE WANT OUR COMMONWEALTH GOVERNMENTS AND CONSTITUTION REINSTATED !
@TheRealBobSmith. Says:
You cannot take this Government seriously . I mean , is this the best they can do ?
@bigboy9693 Says:
Morrison was fired from his previous job at the sperm bank, he was caught drinking on the job.
@philjohnston7920 Says:
so are we going to see a Royal Commission into the Covid grab for power. Are you going to apply the same condemnation to Dan andrews and other labor Premiers, It time to strip the cupboard bear and let the people decide who hangs for treason.
@junebaldwin5352 Says:

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