Morrison kept colleagues in the dark over ministry to stop 'unnecessary angst'

Morrison kept colleagues in the dark over ministry to stop 'unnecessary angst'


Former prime minister Scott Morrison says he doesn't believe he deceived the Australian public and his ministry by not informing them he was secretly appointing himself to several ministerial portfolios. Mr Morrison said he didn't inform the involved parties because the move could have been 'misconstrued and misunderstood'. 'I think there was a great risk that in the midst of that crisis, those powers could be misinterpreted and misunderstood, which would have caused unnecessary angst in the middle of a pandemic and could have impacted on the day-to-day functioning of the government,' he said. However, Mr Morrison said he believed the then minister of finance, Mathias Cormann, had been made aware of the changes. 'My honest recollection was that there'd been a communication between officers in relation to the Minister for Finance, that didn't take place. I accept that, and I have apologised to then Minister Cormann before that.'




@mjay6508 Says:
The only reason he took on all the other portfolios was to use his extra powers to VETOE the PEP-11 gas exploration. It would have been really obvious if he only assumed the resources ministry, so he assumed all the other portfolios at the same time, pretending he was the Supreme Mullah backing up his own ministers... that was all a BS front...... he only wanted the resources portfolio to BLOCK the gas exploration going ahead!!!! WHY???? Because he and his slimy dodgy backdoor mining mates want to get in on the gas exploration deals themselves. So we will block the PEP-11 and, being PM, I will get the deal for me and my shonky mining mates.... WHY??????? M O N E Y!!!!!!!!!! Millions could be billions and all at the expense of the integrity of the Westminster System of procedural laws that have served this country since Federation. So here we have, an unelected puppet PM, taking the pss out of the governments own laws, to set mining deals up for his maggot mining mates....... yep good Xtian fair dinkum honest boy our Scotty is....... makes me puke you lying thieving oxygen thief..... RESIGN NOW BTCH..
@frankwren8215 Says:
No he did it because he knew it was wrong.
@pacemart60 Says:
To cut short in which position Is he at the moment of those 5 portfolios ? Health minister not think he is not a doctors maybe finance As he like money which one he exercises at the moment?
@douglemcdougle2912 Says:
@pacemart60 Says:
Lie cheat canning glad that he left the government
@margiecj4225 Says:
The governments, both Federal and State, were abysmal failures in the handling of the covid-19 pandemic. And they should be criminally charged with their vaccine mandates !
@DG-xe9nc Says:
great way to distract everyone from how fuc.ked everything is getting in the country now don't worry about the real problems
@annviolet4727 Says:
Morrison can talk until he is blue in the face. The fact is, *HE* was not running a transparent and honest Government! In the event of one of the Ministers being knocked out because of Covid *HE* made sure he was ready to enact the powers as *HE* wanted.
@graemekeeley4497 Says:
Morrison is no longer a PM and sits in Parliament as a mere backbencher and no longer poses a threat to Albanese But listening to Albanese and the Media most Australians would think that Morrison poses the greatest threat to Australia apart from China Australians on a daily basis are spectators to Albanese and Labor rubbing their hands in glee and out leftist media clapping in joy having daily copy on this political distraction keeping it front page news Kept off the news is the upcoming September summit which will discuss how much Australians are really paying under the Countries new Management or how are we all going to survive the future or what is Albanese really doing to help everyday Australian We are never reminded that back in the early 1970's during the chaotic reign of Labor under Whitlam, Lance Barnard and Whitlam held every Ministry between them, so why whine against Morrison What Morrison did may today seem unusual but it was not illegal, except that for Labor with the help of a compliant Media makes for a great distraction from the real challenges we Australians face like War threats, Inflation, Aged Care Crisis, slump in education standards, slumps in National productivity levels, NDIS overspending, looming power supplies shortages and every costs to everday Items and we Australia's are still waiting for that $275 reduction in our power bill Albanese time to stop the blame game and get on with Governing for all Australians
@colebrisvegas8102 Says:
Jail him
@lupcokotevski2907 Says:
God help us if the press pack goes into politics. Morrison again showed these up the severe limitations of most of these people. Some of them presented as hysterical.
@vivrowe2763 Says:
Greg Hunt and him are both WEF members. People listened to a few of them. Kick him to the curb.
@katb945 Says:
Was a LNP voter after MT I thought I was done then I thought give them another go anything safer than Labor Greens, I found Morrison to be sneaky and walks on both sides when suits, now I trust no one will never vote for either they are birds of a feather.
@matthewspencer7058 Says:
There are few people in the world who would obtain emergency powers and not use them, and to also willingly surrender them when their time is up. This is hardly a news story.
@aussiepastor4352 Says:
So What!
@IssyKew Says:
I will never vote for the Liberal party again whilst Scott Morrison is an active member. Rotten, deceitful and traitorous to the core!
@grantsapain Says:
A bit self serving...
@Lee-cc9jf Says:
Scomo is the best PM ever. Only people with a low IQ would not agree.
@nicethings2070 Says:
All the way with you Scomo. Meanwhile our current PM is either on a Plane, a Holiday, or Gaming the system with every new distraction.
@imrithor Says:
I was over this days ago. This is past history and a distraction from real issues.
Day 2 and SKY News continue to flog a dead horse!
@jl78gap5 Says:
Mr. Morrison I miss you๐Ÿ˜Š
@douglemcdougle2912 Says:
๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚I canโ€™t Recall ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚
@douglemcdougle2912 Says:
Lying Bastards
@marcusweeding5233 Says:
The thing is he intended to use this power as a DICTATOR!!!! to prison with you!!!! Traitor!!!
@TheRealBobSmith. Says:
Hey Sky News . I know Andrew Clennell is running this attack job on Morrison . Morrison answered every question asked and made an utter fool of that insufferable Clennell .
@alistair4937 Says:
Hindsight and context are unlikely allies in such matters.
@redlightmax Says:
0:09 "I don't share that view." Scott Morrison's former colleagues are gonna call for his resignation, this is gonna be good.๐Ÿฟ
@Jimboken1 Says:
I see that on 'their ABC' sinister former PM Trunbollox sez his sinister protege PM Scotty is sinister.
@alexkaye1804 Says:
he was lobbying---- within those portfolios
@raecarver2382 Says:
Meanwhile itโ€™s the end of the Bush, Cheney, Clinton and McCain dynasties. MAGA won in Wyoming.
@wilowest3509 Says:
Who cares Morrison is history now the big question is does Albo and his Pro Communist Labor Party have the same deals with K''laus Sc'h'abb to destroy Australia's economy that Morrison had and what are those secret deals ??? " You will own nothing and be happy " according to the W E F ' S KLAUS SC'HABB !!!
@alexkaye1804 Says:
let the court decide........ the truth is he lied,,,, so investigate him...... scotty the born again pentecostal -lobbyist - he was lobbying....... LOBBY
@lilanigunaratnam4200 Says:
Scott Morrison did what was necessary for the time. He never made use of the powers unlike Dan Andrews. Who's even now hanging on to emergency powers.
@alexkaye1804 Says:
wtf they doing- this should be handled in court.......
@justin-case1312 Says:
*Yeah none of them are guilty*.
@eb2505 Says:
Morrison. Why did you need to do this? Even Twomey, a constitutional law professor cannot understand your reason for the secrecy.
@eb2505 Says:
Morrison may not think he deceived us, but we don't all believe that. An investigation into what decisions and outcomes were made whilst in charge of those portfolios should clear up the matter. In any case, secrecy of this kind in a democracy is never a good look, or a good thing - he really should have known better.
@cumonmaaannn Says:
Clennell auditioning for a job at the ABC again.
@bullshitstomper9417 Says:
Iโ€™m just trying to figure out how to make little Johnny crawl back under his rock and never come back on Sky News the little grub
@TheRealBobSmith. Says:
This is a sky news attack on Morrison led by Andrew Clennell . Morrison answered every question.
@Design_no Says:
This sky dude is a clown.
@duanehallenback7090 Says:
God and Country and our President
@jamesweist8599 Says:
Trudeau #2
@bullshitstomper9417 Says:
The Freemason wants privacy. โ€œHAโ€ !
@lilanigunaratnam4200 Says:
Clennel should go work for the ABC. He's showing his true bias. Disgusting.
@petermclaren2665 Says:
*How very Trumpian of him*
@anthonyc4812 Says:
No one believes him anymore. Why secret ? Why meddle in resources off the coast of Sydney when he was pushing for them all over Australia. Wants to claim all the covid glory but at the time fobbed off all the hard stuff to the States and even then was critical of Labor states. Blamed public servants for not telling the ministers. Took the 5 extra ministries over 14 months .. not urgently. What a grifter. Needs to go.
@positivepawpaw7564 Says:
AGENDA 21 โ˜ โ˜ โ˜ 
@ABCXYZ-jk8me Says:
Answer: Rapture Problem: 4 Horses of Apocalypse !!!!

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