Left realise they're in 'all sorts of trouble' and begin to 'turn on' Joe Biden
Left realise they're in 'all sorts of trouble' and begin to 'turn on' Joe Biden



@seymourwrasse3321 Says:
oopsie, the liberal trash dumpcraps found a shit*stain at the white house, it's name is Joe, aka Pisspants Obiden
@user-du8kd3sn8n Says:
Not really. Why let the right set the agenda? Trump said the election was stolen amongst other known lies. He should step down. Of course I don’t see anyone here talking about that debacle
@mattmacca3990 Says:
Oh dear.. sorry America.. What has become of your proud nation.. 🤦‍♂️🇦🇺
@lastkingz7386 Says:
Thats what happens when you cheat and are corrupt lying democrats regime of being communist constitution freedom haters hahaha awesome to watch the media melt down,, biden obama meltdown of attacking trump for 8 yrs THE KING is coming 🇺🇸🇮🇱🇳🇿🍊🥊👍
@stefanhuijberts367 Says:
This cover up of the puppetshow is a form of fraude. Big time, jail time..
@rickwalden7022 Says:
Yep joe was just like that in his 30's when joe called him self dumb dumb and even in his 30's he admitted he was corrupt and he got 8mil votes in congress they started the fact check just because of joe!
@jjm4633 Says:
Joe Biden trying to be orange now 😂
@austindarrenor Says:
One of the causes of jet lag is the low oxygen level of a cabin pressurized for 8K to 10K ft. which there's an easy solution for.
@NRCZ5BRO7_ Says:
The turning point was the release of the January 6th people locked up and the fact Trump has immunity form prosecution by the Supreme Court. The people who are panicking are the ones - that have been called to Congress and lied everyday in front of Congress. They felt perfectly safe. No-one would or could sack them. The fact they know Trump is coming - they all know - they are going to lose their jobs. You can bet - the crowd - who has lied - about everything -know they don't have long left in public life.
@Iherb7365ket Says:
Come on man! Cut the malarkey!
@Iherb7365ket Says:
We’re witnessing the Us presidential version of weekend at Bernie’s!🤣 The Us is going(suffering )through weekend at Joey’s
@ChumpyChicken2 Says:
And they drugged him as well.. unbelievable
@summagnuscumdeo5442 Says:
Everyone know that they are dealing with neurotic person
@ChumpyChicken2 Says:
His decline has been obvious since 2018.
@cygnevara8400 Says:
australia news must think its audience has dementia...the way they keep re-uploading the same segment with different captions
@RDA8191 Says:
Of course it was not unusual. I didn't need to be on the staff to see it 😅. He performed EXACTLY as he does in every public appearance
@area51discgolf Says:
Telling us you almost fell asleep, at the wheel, doesn't help your case...please someone throw in the towel for him!
@wewillfindtruthwewillfindt7370 Says:
@spivackl Says:
I think the whole debate was a Republican fake. I, for one, am not going to be fooled by my eyes!😮
@kevinthomson5865 Says:
Sloppy Joe.
@fisherman775 Says:
Can we seriously believe that the Democrat Party has not intentionally thrown Joe Biden under the bus by allowing him to go out with no cover and debate Donald Trump? This so stinks as a political stunt to get rid of Biden. Here they are portrayed as ringing their hands in despair as if they didn't know how inept he was, spare me the bullsh*t please.
@meisievannancy Says:
The left and far left are in dispute.
@VeraHuden-mj5bt Says:
If it weren't so very horrible, I would be laughing at the Democrats attacking Trump and Biden both at the same time.
@JoshStrick987 Says:
Joe biden..what is there to say.. liar, demented, tratior, benidict arnold.
@TheYika1 Says:
He is a disgrace!! America and Americans first!! Vote red❤️❤️🇺🇸🇺🇸🙏🙏
@emperordalektardis Says:
No intelligent person would vote for a cheating sexual predator like Trump.
@enfredlindstrom6763 Says:
its wasnt him ? would that work lmao. ?? what next we all see its over we all beening told not to believe are lying eyes all ?
@bobpierce115 Says:
Carl Bernstein is just an old libtard who to this day, will still insist Watergate was the worst crime in American history. and/or Nixon the worst President worked into any conversation 50 years later.
@Prognosis__ Says:
The Rigor mortis set in over a year ago now…will he get 80 million votes in November?
@MrWinky69 Says:
It's like we are all trapped in the Twilight Zone...damn
@dominicpelle7841 Says:
Yeah but the left wouldn't support Biden if he shot someone on 5th Avenue... Unlike the MAGA Cult that would support Trumpo the Criminal 🤡 if he did. That's the difference... *the left have a moral compass.*
@enfredlindstrom6763 Says:
the left cant hide biden any more old joe, has to, go go, go >. sound good all ? trying to make a song .about old joe doctor jill evil and dirty hunter ?? they got to go go go ..lmao
@billanderson2217 Says:
We should take Biden up on his debate challenge to Trump to compete in 18 holes of Golf. Let's do it at Augusta instead of a second debate. It's a different less verbal/mental challenge. N9 chance of verbal confusion. It will test physical stamia and acuity. Call Biden out on his "Dog Face Pony Soldier" challenge. Let's see Biden show us he has a 6 Handicap as he told the world in the debate. Time to stand tall and "pony up".
@easyeasegraphics Says:
hih hih hih hih hih hih
@kathyjova98 Says:
Only robots and computers have glitches.
what? He has a corvette man
@donotcomply665 Says:
Because for the last 3 years they thought he was sharp and the 'best he's ever been' ??????? The WH and media knew, they were just trying to gaslight everyone and it appear the dummies fell for it
@sadesade9505 Says:
Why are news outlets contradicting themselves, then he's leaving, then he's not, then dems support joe, then they don't seriously what is the REAL TRUTH
@BryerTheKing1 Says:
They can't avoid this and they know it.
@Opinionsrnotfacts574 Says:
Rubbish! All Democrat Governors met with President Biden today and reaffirmed their support for him - Caleb is either woefully misinformed to telling lies for ratings.
@Chris-zp2ni Says:
That idiot is a joke
@MirageMages Says:
🚬🐔Jestem pewien to jest dla mnie proste Na karku 3 7 dwójka dzieci dawaj forse Chcę za każdą zwrotkę i za każdy koncert Czego kurwa nie rozumiesz Po prostu dorosłem🚬🐔
@sicksteaneyen Says:
He gets stuck in the transporter while beaming up from another planet. He just freezes, all fuzzy like.
@gmarksify Says:
What about the earpiece
@margarettwells2424 Says:
You are incomplete i don't want Him a m Hes an idiot and he's destroying our country
@MirageMages Says:
🗣A tego czego im brak widzą w nas whisky Rachunki mi płać albo nie wpierdalaj mi się...🚬🐔 https://youtu.be/dgBr7y1pf3M

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