Society makes life 'more difficult' for transgender people

Society makes life 'more difficult' for transgender people


Journalist Michael Koziol says being transgender is not something people would 'elect to want to experience'. 'For kids that are going through this � it's a really difficult thing,' he said. 'I think society makes it more difficult for them and we shouldn't do that.'




@iwavemyprivateparts Says:
As it is said, sticking feathers up your but doesn't make you a chicken!
@tigre9271 Says:
TV, video games and social media, cheap fast food, fast processed food, expensive healthful foods and neglectful parents.
@XA1985 Says:
Trans whamen
@main___name___main___name Says:
The only universal orifice in all this politically inspired gender nonsense is the anus. Liberal governments all over the world, the Australia one included, should declare a "Happy Anus Day" to celebrate the gender neutral orifice.
@richalderson6069 Says:
The truth is, none of these kids need medical treatment, they need love and understanding and most of the time are simply victims of homophobia.
@robinwatkins8528 Says:
Michael Koziol is as milquetoast as they come on transing kids. Grow a spine, Mike.
@kerryjohns1485 Says:
Don’t expect society to play along with your deluded perception of what you feel like being. Thats just wrong people used to warn their kids to avoid those folks
@Xfranman Says:
The cowardly Google YouTube liars are censoring comments. Their days are numbered. Soon actions will commence that will effectively prevent YouTube from their shameful and dishonest censorship or bankrupt them. Not soon enough.
@Reaper4367 Says:
Get of the fence Michael. Grow a pair!
@jillstevenson9585 Says:
I'm starting to think a study can be done to prove anything you want to..Where's the regulations overseeing the studies and interpretation of the results?..The continual release of inconsequential studies will eventually discredit all scientists and their studies .
@abc-dh7xp Says:
I should put some money in Rowan's jar, I've spotted the lefty, it's glasses boy.
@dedhead9322 Says:
@voxac30withstrat Says:
So, according to the ABC, basically NOTHING happening overseas is of interest? Oh unless it's Ukraine for example, which of course really is relevant to us. Right??
@stormtrooper11empire85 Says:
😆 lol
@davidedbrooke9324 Says:
@thatlittlevoice6354 Says:
But, they only want to get married......
@machinesandthings9641 Says:
Actually it’s trans people who are making society difficult for the rest of us. I’m not walking on eggshells to keep from offending the insane
@DavidBrendan7799 Says:
Transgender people make life more difficult for themselves. People, do not care what adults do or don't do, for the most part. UNTIL, you rub their noses in it, especially their kids! NO ONE I KNOW wants to dominate or indoctrinate, no one I know fought for that! Why can't Transgender people just be!? Why the need for SO MUCH attention? Why the need to be accepted!? THEY. When as many people believe a child can transition like they now believe a woman can abort, THEY WILL reveal!
@starrynight1329 Says:
I believe we need to be extremely cautious about sterilisation of children.
@mr.fredricklawngtawnghedav5094 Says:
Not as difficult as they make it on themselves and everyone else
@wyattfamily8997 Says:
Seems to me transgender people are busy "making life hard" for everybody, including themselves.
@brianrassie3526 Says:
Transexuals make life more difficult for society
@davidpar2 Says:
If you have to rely on others for validation, it’s a you failure.
@tammy9411 Says:
Imagine if we stopped living in the past and remembered the changes that have been made in the last 100 years or so
@blackprince4074 Says:
I blame climate change for climate change. Please! don't play GOD in the gender bender cyclone.
@Hazzard91 Says:
Down with leftists!
@freelander4058 Says:
What God is going to do to them Is far more detrimental to them Than what any human can do Satans agendas Which this is part of Will get taken care of By God himself.
@fortyseven1832 Says:
Trans people make life more difficult for themselves.
@johnnybgood3909 Says:
There were no transgenders when i was young. We were all normal.
@barbaraperalta5121 Says:
There is no such thing as transgender God made male and female in the image he wanted us to be. A man can put on a dress but that doesn't make him a woman you can change your clothes but you can't change your sex even if you go in and get mutilated.
@janaburritt6939 Says:
Hahaha 😂 people are crazy. Food makes obesity. Some health conditions too. Heat just makes me drink more water with a little snake.
@zephyrr914 Says:
Climate change BS!
@GearHeadBoris Says:
There were no obese kids in the 1970's. We had bicycles and air rifles. We had to be home when the street lights came on. Every day was an adventure and nobody died. Now we live in clown nanny state and I feel bad for the kids who aren't allowed to have any fun and they're preyed on by pedo's.
@marygreen1991 Says:
Hope it is hard for those minorities that think they are intitled creeps have had enough attention
@-Dash- Says:
Unlucky... We arent going to join in your fantasy.
@deviator43 Says:
Oh I see.So the push to force language,demented gender ideas,subversion of our kids,etc hasn't made things more difficult for straight "normal" people?I have no sympathy...sorry.Like all these radical movements they get what they want but just can't resist pushing the envelope.Now they want to cry about their lot in life?
@themenace4017 Says:
Well how the hell can someone control you….. IF THEY CANT LIE, LIE, LIE “BTW, Climate Change is due to the 1,000’s of nuclear weapons tested in the 45-72, and beyond, AND MORESO we have several governments who are **Trying to control Mother Nature AND SHE DONT LIKE THAT STUFF***. Put the blame where it belongs
@mdaddy775 Says:
I applaud Michael for pushing back on some of the Sky News agenda 👍
@huntertomblin1946 Says:
Nope the opposite is true. Unstable people make society harder for the normal people
@lucasroe2878 Says:
Cimate change has pushed the poor weak minded woke, alp, green, trans lgbtiqabc people, over the cliffs of insanity. Those poor fat little over eaters, playing on phones and computers and playstations are being harmed by their own lazy behaviour. Get off your bums, get outside and ride a bike or play some footy or soccer or go swimming with your mates. There is an awesome real world to see and experience first hand. Friends to meet, projects to do. Sitting on your lazy bums, eating junk foods, using nothing but your thumbs is going to make you lethargic and fat.
@Ashkihyena Says:
They make it more difficult for themselves. Just saying.
@stevehei8035 Says:
Good because it’s not what God created!
@berkvjli Says:
People have gotten so tempermental and ridiclous, I am losing my desire to talk to people.
@therealcnn5346 Says:
How did the last 20 years produce a view social construct that created a physical construction of the human body
@tracypolselli1464 Says:
That is a bullshit title. Everywhere we’re expected to bend over for confused people who need to be validated by complete strangers.
@therealcnn5346 Says:
Our leader ship makes life harder for me. Does anybody care? Fuck no
@CaliWeHo Says:
They're only 0.03% of the population I don't give a s**t. There's no such thing as "trans" anyway. No one is born "in the wrong body," it's LUDICROUS. 🤯
@mollyashdon6158 Says:
First off, those who believe this latest ridiculous nonsense have to be as insane as those making the claim. This latest far fetched idea of climate change is making children obese just goes to prove all the previous claims the climate warriors peddle are as crazy as this one. I can only wonder what their next claim would be. Maybe the climate change is the cause of inflation or that climate change is driving kids to think they need to change their gender. Second is the travistock clinic, according to records the clinic had approximately 250 children on their books a decade ago now there are serval thousand children on their books. The question should be why, why so many in a short space of time, the answer being all the brainwashing that’s going on in society today, especially in schools plus the parents of these children believing them and going with the whole idea that their child needs such devastating treatment without talking to a qualified consultant/dr. With the clinic now getting closed down, ( which should be immediately not in several months time ) and to my knowledge only 3 new clinics to open, these 3 clinics are within hospitals, one of those hospitals is the famous Great Ormandy St hospital in London and having experienced first hand their great work with children I can’t see the hospital or the other two, treating the children in the same manner as the Travistock clinic
@Phamyunx Says:
Your choice, not society
@daniellebcooper7160 Says:
@8:40 While people are going on about Morrison making himself into a multiple minister while covid was going, their tax money had been spent by the ABC, on a story about how the Russian invasion of Ukraine effects the LBGTQ community of the Ukraine.... Some people are truly blessed with an awesome sense of perspective.

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