Albanese should 'answer questions' and show 'true bipartisanship' on Voice

Albanese should 'answer questions' and show 'true bipartisanship' on Voice


Prime Minister Anthony Albanese should engage, answer questions and show 'true bipartisanship' on the issue of the Indigenous Voice to Parliament, says Shadow Immigration Minister Dan Tehan. 'He is telling people how they should vote and is saying if you don't, then you are wrong,' Mr Tehan told Sky News Australia. 'Now that is not the way to go about getting bipartisanship, it's not the way to go about inspiring Australian people on something as important as Indigenous recognition in our constitution.'




@dancinguy99 Says:
I think albo cannot understand what he's actually his emotional only catch phrasing with NO legal or democratic understanding.....fool rushes What.
@daniellebcooper7160 Says:
All the poll shows is that most australians want to see conditions for the indigenous improve, yet i doubt they fully appreciate the implications of implementing the voice into the constitution.
@TasmanAbo Says:
The people will decide not a bunch of Tory 1/2 Witt's who lost the last election. Squeel like pigs libbo fibbos 🖕
@petewest5973 Says:
Nobody in Australia with a critical mind is going to vote for apartheid/ making the TO’s further from a real reconciliation
@gregwaghorn8496 Says:
Indigenous are represented in jail
@tazbatik6537 Says:
Voting No
@paulkerr782 Says:
Albosleazy - covering up his TROJAN HORSE/ SCAM. Vote NO !!
@Tobipop Says:
I think it gonna be no vote and I think albo knows it that why he now begging for a yes vote and guilt tripping Australians
@johnhome5872 Says:
Our PM is onto something 😂. It’s WAR says Lydia Nulla Nulla cos we need war to have a treaty. Welcome to country Albo and Lydia,sorry we missed you 🤠
@stuartthompson103 Says:
They don't want to fix this. Vote NO
@oldsgtdad8472 Says:
Labor and the Greens have a secret agenda that will destroy Australia. Sadly it will be those who could frankly don't care, as the proof is the ratings. "God help us"
@meredithisme3752 Says:
It's time we did what sri Lanka did drag them out and deal with the corruption
@wilbur1884 Says:
@agnesmcdonald369 Says:
He shouldn’t even be in the job,,,,
@Gungho1a Says:
I've heard the Voice, and it called me a "white c**t".
@tonybennett638 Says:
The voice.. something stupid as a waste of money on going when we are struggling with Health Medicare and the NDIS ... Makes no sense to me sorry.
@jamiechippett1566 Says:
Comments being monitored by YouTube.say goodbye to free speech. Darren Clarke's site can't find so therefore now media control this country not government!
@adrianjohn. Says:
i don’t care liberal or labour, i care who does the job properly now put that liberal Alex in charge cause dutton is a fkng loser🤌
@icu64 Says:
Treaty or reap what you sow.
@Want0nS0up Says:
Albanese is one sly customer. Whenever someone asks him a question on the detail, he goes all coy. He shuffles around and looks at the ground, then he looks away like a little boy who has been caught stealing. He is one dangerous nasty piece of work.
@fungi1256 Says:
No. It is working well not telling the LNP anything Only partisan politics works when it comes to the LNP for a few years Do Not tell the LNP or Murdoch media anything as you do not tell the devil how you will defeat them
@Lee-cc9jf Says:
Albo is set in his stubbornly stupid ways
@luciferblack2641 Says:
I'll assume with confidence the last 47 days of the last remaining conservative government on mainland Australia has begun... When nothing changes... Nothing changes.. Well done sky Australia for your contribution. 👍 😆😆😆
@takethat941 Says:
communists dont do bipartisanship.
@HMASJervisBay Says:
'Sufferin Sucotash.' 'Qwestwins.' 'I wuv a gwood dwistwaction.' 'I'm smwart.' Where are the comedians? This bloke is gold.
@travstar5447 Says:
The Voice is Racist & Divisive. Its an attack on All Australians bar Aboriginals. There are over 270 ethnicities in Australia.......we only need 1 Constitution, for all Australians
@dominicpelle7841 Says:
YouTube should disable comments permanently on Sky FAKE NEWS... Yesterday James Morrow suggested China paid Biden not to shoot down the balloon.. Some MORONS will believe him and take action... Like the Pelosi hammer basher.
@roncolwell Says:
Trust Albo at your own risk, Ablo has shown his true color when he did not fund any opposition to the REFERENDUM typical ALBO BS!!!!!!!!
@ivansultanoff6719 Says:
No answers from politicians exactly indicates =public's opinion is void
@ricky6864 Says:
Wef puppets trying to divide the people
@johnhoyle4401 Says:
The Liberal Party are reading from Howard’s book of racism, failing to realise that they are irrelevant. Australia rejected their bigotry and lies last May, and will reject their racism and lies at the referendum.
@geoffreytoomey682 Says:
VERY politically incorrect but probably wholly accurate!!! Abo woke bullshit! Why have Aboriginals suddenly become First Nation? Just how WOKE can YOU go? ‘The comments below are from a reader of the Daily Mail. A former indigenous politician who received a prestigious award from Barack Obama has described Aboriginal 'welcome to country' ceremonies as 'bullshit'. Quote from former indigenous NT minister Bess Price (mother of Jacinta Price). 'All the "Welcome to Country", all the "Smoking Ceremonies" and all the made-up bullshit rituals about "pay our respects to elders past and present" is just one big lie. The 'welcome to country' was adopted into Australia's parliamentary protocols in 2008 after Prime Minister Kevin Rudd delivered his apology to the stolen generation. However, two years after that decision, Aboriginal entertainer Ernie Dingo claimed that he invented the concept in 1976 when Pacific Island dancers demanded they receive a traditional welcome. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The Abos have supposedly been here for at least 30,000 years (some say more like 60,000 years). That was about 29,750 years before the British arrived. Since the arrival of the poms, only about 250 years ago, Australia has prospered and developed into a modern first-world country, along with all other Western democracies. Yet for at least 30,000 years (before the arrival of the British), the Abos seemed to have not progressed one step. To put this into perspective, the Egyptian empire came and went between around 1570 BC and 1070 BC. Abos had inhabited our great land for at least 27,000 years before the Egyptian empire. The Greek empire was at its peak from 500 BC to 300 BC, and the Roman Empire was at its peak around 117 BC. Each of those empires was highly advanced and contributed enormously to the advancement of the modern world. It, therefore, beats me why the Abos are now so revered. I could understand if, during their 30,000 years of occupation, they had built massive pyramids or miles of high-rise aqueducts, invented steam engines, etc. Sadly, the Abos have invented zilch and contributed 'F-all' to modern society. Having forwarded these interesting historical events, I must also point out that we have and still have many Aboriginal Australians, and Australians with Aboriginal ancestors, like most of us Aussies, love our sun burnt Country. What about the People who hate our sunburnt Country? They are welcome to leave Australia. That would be an excellent investment for whichever United Nations TRAITOR Prime Minister is in control to invest our Taxpayer’s money, a clean-up Australia policy. What say you, Aussies? >>>>> I’d Vote for Jacinta Price as my Prime Minister
@shotgunwound Says:
Let's have the proper debate first, get Jacinta Price and Andrew Bolt vs whoever.

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