Liberal Party 'doesn't have a plan' for reducing carbon emissions
Liberal Party 'doesn't have a plan' for reducing carbon emissions



@justink1075 Says:
Let’s not lose sight of the fact that Conroy is an idiot. Spewing propaganda for the Labor Party Crime Syndicate.
@oldtimers6460 Says:
Funny it's not hard to find countries getting a nuclear plant built and running in five years. Nuclear is cheaper than so-called renewables, supplies 100% reliable power. Coal is still cheaper than so-called renewables as to the BS Net zero , who is calling that one ? Al Gore i suppose who is batting 100% wrong in every prediction he has made in the last 40 years.
@aerotuc Says:
What are you now labour supporters ,won’t be long before labour closes you down permanent.what a vandalistic headline .no plan .nuclear is the zero madness emission plan .dumy
@bettymarshall2702 Says:
Conroy sounds like a blubbering idiota.
@rgroppi1305 Says:
Climate hoax
@Wefpedophiles Says:
Thank god someone with brains say no to the net zero hoax cash cow And exit Paris agreement asap
@Ernst12 Says:
To me is seems that the LNP is all about reducing CO2 emissions which is precisely what nuclear is best at while Labor is more interested in climate change scaremongering as this avoids the inconvenient discussion about CO2 emission reduction. If Australia were to shut down completely tomorrow, it would do nothing for climate change simply because for this to happen all countries would have to be in the game of CO2 emission reduction which is simply not the case for a long time into the future. There are no guarantees by most countries in the world on a quantifiable reduction of CO2 emissions and as long as this persists a reduction of 1% or so will have a miniscule effect. Therefore, the focus should be on CO2 emission reduction (which is something under our control) and nuclear is the best energy source to achieve this.
@craigianna2844 Says:
Conroy has to be the Gold Medalist of fkwits on Sky..What a tool …
@Want0nS0up Says:
Why is the headline depicted as reality? It is the merely an assertion of Stephen Conroy, the blabbermouth Labor ex-minister. Everyone knows that he is a BS artist.
@raymondsnelling3748 Says:
Labor renewables scam
@kanehills4280 Says:
Every leading economy has nuclear… start now… Conroy has no idea
@gavinwilson4601 Says:
Climate change is total BS, wake up Australia
@grantsapain Says:
Dutton has a plan that includes renewables, but also includes other less expensive & more reliable sources of energy. This proves he's the grown up in the room...
@liljrae9684 Says:
Good, we don't need to reduce them. We contribute ONE percent to global emissions. How about fix the dam Bruce highway so people stop dying, and fund things that are actually important and will make a positive impact on peoples lives.
@jamesp.3951 Says:
Watch “Planet of the Humans” by director Michael Moore. All about climate change. You may be surprised!
@jamesp.3951 Says:
They have a plan! Raise the taxes and embezzle the funds for personal gains. It is the largest scam ever. Just like the American liberal politicians do. American politicians highest paid political positions is the President. A president makes. $450,000 a year which Trump refused to accept when he was president. He worked for free because he honestly cares about the American people. No other president in U.S. history turned down their salary. Most US senators are multi millionaires and some are worth over 100 million dollars. How does that happen on a job that pays under $200,000 a year? It’s called insider trading which is illegal for an average citizen but legal for the politicians because they secretly voted to make it so and probably only 5% of Americans know about it. These politicians pick and choose who will get the contracts based on personal investments. Follow the investments of the politicians.
@deerees9855 Says:
Cannot understand why Sky News insists on bringing Conroy on as a guest. Total waste of viewing time and I turn off the TV when I see that he is featured in one of the shows.
@deerees9855 Says:
Total scam, that’s why!
@stancraigie601 Says:
Conroy, anothe ex failed Labor Minister, blindly following Bowen's BS!
@grantclarke7794 Says:
Me thinks they have a great plan not like labor destruction of FARM LAND FORESTS FISHING GEE WE ARE NOT ALL DRONGOS HAVE LOOK AT BOWEN'S WORK NOW
Any Australian proposal to reduce emissions is not worth the paper it may be written on. Until such time as countries such as China and India think it's a good idea, Australia is simply peeing into wind !
@timallan6383 Says:
I’m glad they think using coal is good and think net zero is for peckerheads
@Lachlan124-b1n Says:
Renewables are not baseload power this is not gonna work!!
@HansReichhardtsohn Says:
The LNP has a thought bubble policy. 🫧
@dominicpelle7841 Says:
You mean the LIBERAL PARTY that called Climate change Science ****CRAP*** is committed to more coal. Even though the PRIVATE OPERATORS said Nah Coal is Dead.
@Poorlineforeva Says:
Jane hume- we don't have any policies we're the opposition. Truth in politics for once.

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