Donald Trump gives mother $US100 to buy groceries
Donald Trump gives mother $US100 to buy groceries



@davelindsay9736 Says:
WTF ! Thats Blatant Vote Buying ! LOL ! TRUMP 2024 MAGA ! Vote for the TRUMP, not the Tramp !
@razz-8031 Says:
The dummies in Pennsylvania wont be saying how much they dislike Trump if Harris is elected because of their state. Love him or hate him we all lived much better and much stronger under Trump. Facts are facts man.
@David-up7rv Says:
@GloriaVeliz-m3r Says:
DONALD J TRUMP FOR PRESIDENT ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
@Bill-c5i Says:
Bidenomics stomped on the middle class aka inflation. The rich are getting richer and the middle class is paying for it. Trump 2024!!!
@daniek1221 Says:
God save us from Kamala! MAGA 2024!
@1234crevis Says:
@AlexA-vz9pz Says:
PA for Trump-Vance 2024 !!!
@lyndabond1443 Says:
You don’t see Kamala doing this. Oh no..she’s paying people to lie for voting for her.
@judyo.3032 Says:
YES!!! GET UP, GET OUT, & VOTE TRUMP/VANCE2024🇺🇸 PEOPLE!! ❤️🤍💙💪🏼👏🏼👏🏼😁
@sal19967 Says:
CACAmala 💩Harris would give that $100 and more to the illegal alien instead of an American citizen ohhh wait my bad democrats are doing that already!
@alfasiger4178 Says:
How about having the same election regulations that DeSantis put in Florida? There is no "to big to rig."
@KathleenHolland-nk8nk Says:
We need Trump back, yesterday. 😊❤🎉🎉
@yokwekom Says:
Some people might think that the Democrats care about you and your family but you are so wrong all they care about is power.... Never been make sense from the beginning how do the Democrats work for government and living in a big mansion.... So sad many people are so blind to see.... 10% on the side...
@bigmamadebbie Says:
Sticker shock. 😮😮
@PrincessGriftess-px9bk Says:
President Trump is TRUMPtastic and MAGAnificent!!!
@Avrelivs_Gold Says:
It's a surprise souvenir, not just actual money to spend. That note alone has more value than 100 dollars because of the circumstances.
@agusiaa591 Says:
Trump2024 ❤❤❤
@TedTrinity Says:
Everything Trumpdumpinhispants does is staged trying to hide who he really is. A lifetime and is going to change now because he was told 😂
@jimmythedoll9820 Says:
Mr Beast trump
@hannahkushan175 Says:
Two attempts on his life and he’s not afraid to be out in public with people who need a leader. Trump2024❤️🇺🇸
@craigbrown6317 Says:
@triplejazzmusicisall1883 Says:
Why is Sky News Australia so weird? Comments from Australians about SKY NEWS Australia who have not been brainwashed. Basically no one watches it here, but apparently, they get heaps of YouTube clicks from right-wing Americans so they just pander to them with bullshit stories about how the rest of the world is a hyper-woke dystopia. Sky News Australia is actually watched by quite a lot of people, but they are all bogans (Australian rednecks), racists, bigots and Pauline Hanson supporters. Basically, it’s a channel for morons. If you are a ‘journalist’ working for Sky News you have reached the rock bottom of your career. Canned crap piss. Sums up Sky News well. Exactly right. Is it even still sold in Australia? I think perhaps it's being shipped to the U.S. and distributed among the far-right extremists there. See you get it! It’s rubbish and no one in Australia likes it but Qanon seems to love it. You can tell they are appealing to the American right-wing when they constantly put out stories about why Joe Biden is a bad president. You're called Sky New Australia. Most Australians couldn't give a shit what Joe Biden says or does. The only reason people were concerned about Trump was his views could have a negative influence, while Joe Biden's views were far from being as controversial. As for Sky, they just repeat stale old talking points and add that smartarse irony that OP drew attention to. It's a place where hacks go to die, or a bolthole (no pun intended) failed politicians. Basically no one watches it here Charlie Pickering used to call Sky News the number one rating news show being shown in the Qantas lounge. Now they don't even get that. Oh don’t be so sure of that. My Dad, my Father-In-law and a bunch of other guys I know that are 55+ LOVE Sky News. That’s their target demographic. I know a significant number of Aussies who watch and believe it but apparently, they get heaps of YouTube clicks from right-wing Americans. I always wondered why their YouTube videos seemed to have millions more views than other real Australian news services. Sky News Aus is where the hate factory tests out its latest brain farts before shipping them out to the Trumpers and Brexiteers. Yeah but there's always some dumb Aussie c### on every Facebook thread who you just know is really into it from all the talking point parroting and the throwing around of the word "leftist" at anything and everything they don't understand That makes sense, actually! Fox News is influential, so the hosts on Fox need to make an effort. Then they can use some old loonies in Australia to experiment with some narratives to find out if these narratives work or not. That's why Sky News AU is even weirder than Fox News. Sadly, some people do pay attention to Sky news. One of my wife's uncles has sky news on every time we go over there. They vote according to Murdoch’s agenda, and their kids are learning it too since it's on in the background 24/7. It's not mainstream but there is a good-sized group who listen to the bullshit on Sky news and follow the herd. The other thing Sky News is used for is to give legitimacy to foreign news stories. Of course anyone with any knowledge of the network can see that it is bullshit - using your own channels to prove your beliefs - but the viewers of Fox aren't that literate. Google Rupert Murdoch/ the Murdoch Media in Australia. He’s a right-wing nut who controls pretty much all news in Australia, but Sky News is the one platform where he gets to truly air his nuts out and go fully buck wild. It's just a hack channel to pedal American style culture war bullshit in an Australian context. Desperately attempting to further the Americanisation of Australian politics in addition to showing right-wingers in the US some kind of Australia that conforms with their paranoid delusions of us being some sort of "woke commie hell hole" because we have basic human services as a given in our society. Sky news Australia panders to cookers (crazy people). I know of some friend's boomer parents who definitely watch Sky News. One of my friends whose dad has gone completely off the rails into ultra conservative news and views has had to cut contact. Sky News seems to be the rabbit hole into more worldwide conservative media. Oh, and it's weird because it's absolute rubbish. Who knows, it's filled with inbred halfwits who try to be American with all their extremist views and never really offer anything to the conversation unless you're a liberal Christian and hate the following: Foreigners: because they hate them and their cultures and extreme crime, but secretly love them, so they take advantage of them and their cheap Labor. They love tax breaks for their mates and had major triple bypass when they wanted to fix negative gearing and franking credits to stop a massive drain. Blame everyone but the boomer and people with extreme wealth and the foreigners for all the issues of the country. See the pattern there? Who watches that crap in Australia? No one I know. So, I can’t comment other than it’s not mainstream news channel in Australia Unfortunately, my immigrant retired 75yo father-in-law who doesn’t know any better about the right-wing bias of Sky News, watches it every day. Now he hates Joe Biden, thinks Antifa orchestrated the Jan 2021 insurrection, and loves Donald Trump. There’s no getting thru him to watch news on other channels to get a different perspective. I hate Murdoch. I have extended family who don’t trust other news sources but trust sky news. They are full blown conspiracy theorists. Literally flat earthers. It’s ridiculously right wing in a laughable way Sky News AU is absolute rubbish. I do recommend reading the comment section on YouTube, they can be hilariously entertaining sometimes. They can be hilarious sometimes, like how they think the Liberals lost because they went too far to the left. Murdoch has set up “Sky News at Night” as an attempt to make a Fox News in Australia. But it doesn’t work as we’re not America, so it just feels all fake and cringy as a lot of the talking points don’t work as well here. And the hosts are pathetic grifters. Unfortunately, their pandering to right wing conspiracy gets them lots of online clicks. Australians are not the target audience, Americans and British are. If you want to say something even more insane on fox news but can't it ends up on Sky News Australia. To the point where the comment section claims fox is part of the mainstream and sky is real news. At least that's the story with the after dark stuff. It's extremely amateurish propaganda, peddled by otherwise unemployable never-beens who would sell their own parents for a dollar. The only demographics that can stomach it are either dying in numbers every year or rapidly losing relevance anyway. I give it 5 years in its current form, tops. Maybe less if Murdoch dies anytime soon. Sky News often employs losers - people who have failed - as they're the angriest and that's the most prized attribute in presenters there. (Failed in commercial TV or radio ratings, business, politics, thrown out of political parties etc.) We all know that certain kind of grifter or wanker who always thinks they're a winner even when the world consistently replies otherwise. Sky News at night is their alternate universe. Where everything is upside down and they're a winner - yet still complaining endlessly. The shareholder subsidised channel has few viewers but does attract like-minded souls. People who are shit at life but think they're fantastic and there must be a conspiracy keeping them from being the brilliant success they should be. It's weird because it's owned and operated by weirdos. Not the usual, harmless type of weirdos, but completely f***ed-in-the-head weirdos. Avoid it at any cost. Sky News is to keep people who lack the necessary tools to deconstruct the framing of "news outlets" ignorant and angry. That's pretty much it. Sky News is very good at radicalising and influencing people. Sky News is such a negative influence on my father I am now no contact with him. Some of my friends can pick when their parents have been watching it because their opinions suddenly go crazy. I do believe that some people forget they don’t live in the US after a steady Sky News diet. Sky News, like Fox in the USA, is part of the Murdoch empire and its only purpose is to produce garbage that no intelligent person would listen to. Every time i see something from sky news it ends up being the most blatantly offensive right wing discriminating garbage that pulls nonsense from thin air and acts like it’s the gospel truth. It’s just an offensive channel built on trying to tear others down. It isn’t real news.
@JenniferBeckett-m9n Says:
I will Mr TRUMP come to barnesville ohio for the GIANT PUMPKIN Festival
@krislee1200 Says:
@Dragonfly657 Says:
He’s leading bigley in PA early voting 🙏🙏🙏 We gotta win PA. 😅
@edwinrodeo Says:
One thing I’ll give to Bidenomic’s … I’m a stronger man today than I was under Trump, I can lift $100 worth of groceries in one hand 😊
@Bigmommafluffy Says:
Of course he did it on camera. He could have footed her entire bill.
@angeleyes7417 Says:
Very generous and he wants us to love good like he does.nhe dont want attention really when he helpsn kids, mothers a d parents
@angeleyes7417 Says:
That was so kind and helpful
@davidliu5388 Says:
We all need $100 the inflation so bad! Only when Trump back to WH, then we will have enough money for foods .
@alexrangel1011 Says:
Im a Trump fan, but let’s be honest , he could have done more.
@chocolatestraw3971 Says:
Whatever tests they have to determine a bill's authenticity, I hope they used it.
@dgarzaart2000 Says:
Trump for the win in 2024.
@CliffordMiller-ye5gj Says:
What store is trump at where your paying these kind of prices
@johnboko7110 Says:
This Man getting better everyday at his moves compare to Kamala.
@njg26.gustav12 Says:
Trump deserves his first term back. They undermined it completely.
@dougwells1959 Says:
The difference between Trump and Harris? Here, he gives of his own money. Harris would give out other peoples' money.
@AB-nk6sm Says:
100 dollars only cover half a grocery bill!! I guess not a lot of meat was bought.
@wayneasiam65 Says:
Real concern from a real American.
@johnww5577 Says:
A billionaire giving $100 is like the normal person giving less than 1 cent - it would have hurt him parting with $100
@jgdwick4067 Says:
@HugoMTZ690 Says:
Lefties saying he’s buying votes 😅😂
@QueenofClickbait Says:
i was expecting comments to say, “That’s nothing to him he should’ve given more!” But i don’t see any of that and I’m grateful that others can be grateful too.
@bigboss-oz2vi Says:
my president
@IDontWantThisChann Says:
I love you President Trump. Blessings
@ericmadsen7470 Says:
You must question, is Trump doing this out of the goodness of his heart to help or is he doing this for votes? Just asking a question. IMO, Trump is desperate for votes because the polls have him and Harris neck n' neck in swing states. Now it should not even be that close but if the polls are to be believed, it is that close. Harris is the easiest D to defeat since Trump defeated Clinton. Just ask Obama. I'm not down playing this. Nice gesture on his part but it still will not make me go out and vote for him.
@haroldnunez2681 Says:
Fraud is alive and doing well.... Harris can't win Without Cheating
@SkylerBaisch Says:
With 1 billion $ you can spend 1 million $ each day for 1000 days almost three years!!! Remember Trump uses an unfair tax system designed for billionaires and the lady he gave 100$ probably pays a higher tax rate than Trump and that makes Trump "smart" not crooked.

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