Nuclear and renewables together the 'energy transition for the future'
Nuclear and renewables together the 'energy transition for the future'



@awc900 Says:
Renewables have a place but not in the vast numbers that Casanova Bowen imagines.
@davidcarter4247 Says:
Solar in the cheapest energy source but it is not a 24/7/365 energy source. It needs storage. Battery power is outrageously expensive. We can build a dozen nuclear reactors for the cost of enough solar/storage to provide the same energy as reliably as one reactor.
@jamesgleeson6538 Says:
Nuclear is limted. Has a waste which cannot be recycled. Not for me to know, yet ways need to be found for energy to be recyclable. I have faith scientists will find the way.
@PaulRiley-ev9it Says:
Ridicule is not a rational argument. So the French, a nuclear power and manufacturers of supersonic fighter aircraft and missiles, and nuclear submarines are poor engineers! Quite to the contrary! The current cabinet of Federal Ministers are somewhat ignorant in comparison I'm afraid
@Stikibits Says:
Sky: Real Fascists; Fascist Views.
@Stikibits Says:
What a pack of raving shills. none of this is guff on Sky is objective, rational and's all just th dangerous opinions of far-right shills; nothing to do with news at all. News is objective, rational and factual, and Sky/Murdoch is the opposite.
@Chief_Of_Sinners Says:
Drill, baby, drill.
@Poorlineforeva Says:
Anyone with a brain knows that nuclear cannot compete with solar. The two systems are not compatible.
@DanielSMatthews Says:
If you have nuclear there is not much point having other "renewables" except for off grid applications. With nuclear you can make and store hydrogen for transport and for meeting peak power demands via fuel cell based generation. Wind and solar make no sense at all for the grid when you have those technologies in place, even batteries are displaced by the fuel cell technology.
@creditelectric Says:
So renewables are now OK? Make your mind up Sky.
@dominicpelle7841 Says:
Nuclear & Clean Energy Renewables are diametrically opposed. MORONS
@Uncle-Sam11 Says:
“We see what can be, unburdened by what has been.” This phrase is a modified version or interpretation of the verbiage from Communist leader Mao Tse-tung (Zedong), a motto of his regime to justify killing or starving millions in an attempt to bring about a socialist utopia. Sound familiar???!

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