Majority of NSW COVID patients in ICU unvaccinated

Majority of NSW COVID patients in ICU unvaccinated


NSW Health has revealed the majority of patients in ICU with COVID-19 are unvaccinated. Of the 52 people in intensive care, 34 are unvaccinated and the overwhelming remainder are understood to have pre-existing health conditions. It comes as the state hit the 95 per cent first dose target on Christmas Eve, with 93.5 per cent of residents now fully vaccinated. NSW Premier Dominic Perrottet is urging the unvaccinated to reconsider their choice for the sake of their health, should they catch the virus.




@lander1591 Says:
Meaningless considering they are admitted for completely unrelated reasons and are falsely flagged as positive to raise hospital funding quota.
@alibarber57 Says:
Lies...lies..and more lies
@ronstevenson261 Says:
More lies. As usual, blame the unvaccinated. Even though it's a proven fact that the vaccinated are 13 times more likely to catch covid and pass it on than the unvaccinated.
@hannahchase3881 Says:
@earthsuit4418 Says:
Unvaccinated because most had only 2 jabs instead of 3. Its all numbers manipulation and mind games. Rise above it.
@BadassBikerOwns Says:
Why is this comment section enabled? Look at all the unvaccinated people commenting.
@CM-zs9wv Says:
What did tedros say about boosters. 😅 So all before this bs report, in hospital over the last 3 months were jabbed.
@ToniEleninovski Says:
Unvaccinated people are 5% of the population, miraculously now make up more than 50% of covid cases in hospital. Those unvaccinated people must surely be throwing themselves at covid to make sure that the tens of thousands of them all got sick before the millions of vaccinated. Yep. The numbers don't lie.
@joshuaalexis4904 Says:
A doctor in US put up a video on how they have been asked to add COVID as part of the diagnosis to reports to increase the numbers in order to push for Vaccination..saw that clip on YouTube but can't find it now..I won't be surprise that that's what they do to states or countries that choose to release control measures and release measures for unvaccinated. They use this tactic to make the governor's look bad ,and as if to say all these cases are got to do with the release of you know NSW has released restrictions for the Unvaccinated..what are the odds that suddenly all unvaccinated are at the ICU..all this while the unvaccinated have been around..even if they can't go into a mall or work . they are still around amongst everyone buying groceries to cook or is it thar just upon releasing restrictions they're suddenly in the ICU? Lol... what governor's need to do when sudden reports like this turn up.. investigate your chief health officer...he is probably with the bigger movement..replace him.
@ryanCODMAN Says:
Fuck up dominic 7 kids cant even control your cock let alone a state
@ryanCODMAN Says:
Pandemic of the vaccinated spreading like wild fire the cunts are yuvk
@user-kh1fn8qe8k Says:
Recent report Xmas Eve covid outbreak on US Navy ship with 100% fully jabbed crew.
@jessicali8594 Says:
False classification. The jabbed are not deemed vaccinated until 14 days after the second jab. Those with adverse reactions to The Clot Shot can thus be labelled unvaxxed.
@micksantos4972 Says:
Just like when nsw health got the test result wrong for hundreds of people telling them they were negative 🤣🤣. I say this because the majority of people in ICU have had at least ONE dose... and it's the one dose that's made their pre existing medical conditions worse . Are people that dumb ? Can't people read between the lines...
@safeeffective385 Says:
Better tell this to the >50,000 breakthrough cases ( with 380 of them now deceased) reported in Arizona alone along with the 1.3 million adverse reaction events (that were even recorded) in the UK, to date~
@dominicconolly1219 Says:
Must you make your news a house of lies?
@tylerweikum2918 Says:
This is some terrible journalism. How about you elaborate a little more you fear mongering puppets.
@isakslegostudio9489 Says:
don't believe it
@xSiC84 Says:
My shot isn't working because you don't have a shot!!! LMFAO , GET FUCKED!!!
@smefour Says:
7% of the population are 70% of ICU cases
@johnchehade170 Says:
The people of Australia only have one demand and that is to hold all politicians accountable for the rollout of the agenda onto our people
@johnchehade170 Says:
How much more BS is MSM still pushing
@mareesmith1264 Says:
majority of NSW residents are unvaccinated
@tashastorme Says:
'Over whelming remainder'....18...pre-existing health conditions....vaccinated and showing signs of side effects? The wording, the wording, it matters, it matters.
@johnwoodrow8769 Says:
Basically the story is virtually all the people in ICU have serious other health conditions (including obesity) of which around half are fully vaccinated, and half are not. So don't do anything to address the actual risk factors which will be predominately reversible lifestyle diseases (hypertension, CVD, obesity, type 2 diabetes) ..... just continue on with your lazy rubbish eating lifestyle and get vaccinated with a redundant vaccine every 3 months.
@leithmark959 Says:
So what... are they in hospital because of covid, or are they incidentally found in patients hospitalised for other reasons? There is a difference. Do they have omi- kron or delta?
@vallee3140 Says:
according to the UK news most of our patients are unvaccinated too.
@robertmarmaduke9721 Says:
Chances of surviving Cov19 without medical intervention are 99.7%. Chances of surviving that medical intervention are only 55%, and come out the other side of the 30 days in chemical coma unable to sit up, with $100,000s in medical bills and a lien on your first born child. No thanks.
@peratuapawa8424 Says:
NumberZ DonT Lie 😂🤣😀 Wtf and therez YeT anOtheR One 🙄😡🤬
@peratuapawa8424 Says:
BS!!! af
@marknovak8471 Says:
Or, to put it another way: ''A significant proportion of people in ICU's were vaccinated.'' No, the numbers don't lie, people do. “Everything we hear is an opinion, not a fact. Everything we see is a perspective, not the truth.” Aurelius.
@mattaustralian6584 Says:
No one can be fully vaccinated until they actually make a vaccine.
@goodmorningaustralia163 Says:
Don’t let their lies trick you! Most people who have all got the jab don’t know that many people who are unvaccinated. I’m unvaccinated and haven’t even got a sniffle !!!
@jonnykrivan6840 Says:
What about all the people with adverse reactions you NEVER hear about this I know heaps of people if this was truly about Heath they would talk about it
@lauralaura7953 Says:
After 8 booster meaby......government gives freedom.....I live now and I want freedom now. Nobody blind wat they do.
@sannanvideo Says:
Up here in Finland those that have taken the 1st shot are officially considered as what is this news report actually referring to?
@michaeltowler3455 Says:
So, are people in ICU because they have covid or did they just test positive WHILE they were already in ICU for something else? We've had the same sketchy explanations here in the USA and it does matter.
@CN-no9ob Says:
I wonder if the vast majority of un-vaccinated have pre-existing conditions, mmmm funny they didn’t mention that 🤔
@madmantovalhalla6971 Says:
Lies and propaganda
@tytemind7850 Says:
By the way they are giving un vaxed are given a cocktail as punishment. Do not go to hospitals unless u enjoy walking in fire.
@tytemind7850 Says:
I cry foul!
@stephanbowman1061 Says:
Excuse, excuses,
@phils5650 Says:
What are their ages, that is a very important statistic. Protect the elderly and sick.
@josephprucha9823 Says:
Remember your not considered vaccinated unless you have all four or five shots.
@johnnygarfield9873 Says:
How many are there during regular flu seasons? 52...laughing.
@gsly6585 Says:
Big. Fat. Lie.
@alexkelly8131 Says:
I'm gonna say bullshit
@davidstewart9872 Says:
Remember they get paid $26 a pop for giving you the shot. It was meant to only be $16 for the boosters, but they complained and now Scomo will give then the full $26. On the other hand doctors risk de-registration (loss of career) for granting exemptions, prescribing certain treatments or even discouraging you from taking it. Given the above How can we ever trust these so called experts?
@terryquarton2523 Says:
Well that's what you get from all the misinformation from sky Murdoch's option bs for the last two years.
@davidstewart9872 Says:
I seriously doubt that stat.

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