England records more than 98,000 new COVID-19 cases in the past 24 hours

England records more than 98,000 new COVID-19 cases in the past 24 hours


England has recorded 98,515 new COVID-19 cases in the past 24 hours. More than 8,000 people are in hospital with the virus in the country.




@lappo253 Says:
How many cases of the Flu? Oh wait you forgot all about it but love MORONIC instead?
@wynbrown7321 Says:
Complete shite 🇮🇪
@kbeau9538 Says:
AAA Shoooo!
@kamon830 Says:
We in the UK don`t believe a word the UK governments says and no one trusts them either . keeping it real
@julianfrench3385 Says:
IMAGINE we were living in medieval times.... and you’d been invited to a royal banquet. 👑 🍷 🍲 The ones in charge were extremely keen to get you to drink the wine. They were very insistent. 👀 You’d probably assume the wine was poisoned. “Drink this wonderful wine." "No thank you." "Be a good guest! Drink the wine. We uncorked it especially. It's a beautiful and rare vintage." "No thank you. I appreciate the offer though." "Drink the wine. It's very expensive but you can have a glass for free, and we'll give you an extra plate of supper." "No I'm fine as I am.” "Drink the wine and we'll feed your entire village for a week and reduce your taxes." "Wow all that for wine? What's in it? Still, no thank you." "We'll make you a Duke." "Very generous but no thanks I'm content in my home." “You are not anti-wine are you????” “No I just don’t feel like drinking this wine this evening.” "Drink the damn wine or we'll stop you working." "Eh?" You notice they’re getting desperate now. "We'll ban you from markets." "Wow your tone has changed." "Now you need to drink 3 glasses or we'll stop you riding your horse or seeing your family for the next year." "Wait, what? 3 glasses? Can't see my family?" "Did we say 3 glasses? We meant 3 bottles." "3 bottles?" "Yes...every few months we want you to drink 3 bottles of this particular wine we've prepared indefinitely for the next years." "Years??" Yes, or we'll try you for treason." "Ok what is IN this damn wine that you are trying SO HARD to get everyone to drink it?" "We can't tell you. Trade secret." "It's poisoned isn't it?" "No..it's...ummm...it's just really really good for you. It's um, special healing wine." "Then why all the threats?" "We just need you to... I mean we strongly encourage you to drink the wine so you don't miss out." "But the Earl drank a glass and collapsed." "Unrelated." "No...like he was fine then had a glass then keeled over...he's still on the floor writhing. Look at him! His face is blue and he's clawing at his chest." "Coincidence. Guards...please escort the Earl to his chambers. He's had too much wine." "I knew it was the wine! What about the rest of the court? Half of them also collapsed after the wine." "Those guests got ill from something else. Probably the chicken." "All at the same time?" "You sure do ask a lot of questions! Guards! Guards... get this man his wine." "I don't want it. What if something happens to me after drinking it?" "We're not liable for that." "Not liable for the wine you produce? I definitely don't want it." "Drink your wine so everyone else doesn't get a hangover." "Huh? That makes no sense. Maybe if they didn't keep DRINKING they wouldn't get HUNGOVER in the first place?" "Look at these paintings of people drinking wine all over the gallery. Look how happy they look." "Paintings? Look, I don't drink wine. I don't want the wine. Even the idea of drinking this wine leaves a bad taste in my mouth." "Ah no matter if you don't want to drink it.” "Ok good. Let's drop the subject now" "You don't have to drink it. We can pump it directly into your veins. You won't even have to taste it" "Wait, into my veins? Are you serious? I don't want your damn wine!" "TAKE THE DAMN WINE NOW! WE'VE ALREADY PAID FOR A WHOLE CRATE FOR EACH MEMBER OF YOUR FAMILY! WE'VE SIGNED AN ONGOING CONTRACT WITH THE DISTILLARY! ANYONE WHO TALKS BADLY ABOUT THIS WINE WILL HAVE THEIR TONGUES CUT OUT! PEOPLE WHO ARE NOW DRUNK ON THE LAST BATCH WILL BE RECLASSIFIED AS SOBER AND MUST DRINK THE NEW BATCH! AND WE WANT YOUR KIDS TO DRINK THE WINE TOO! EVEN YOUR BABY. SWAP HER MILK BOTTLE FOR WINE! SHE'S OLD ENOUGH FOR WINE NOW! AND YOUR PREGNANT WIFE! SHE NEEDS IT TO KEEP HER HEALTHY! EVERYONE DRINK THE WINE!" THIS is how absurd the conversation is getting now. Anytime anyone tries so hard to pressure you into something: it's rarely if EVER because it serves. YOUR best interests or because its good for you. More likely it’s in THEIR best interests.
Lies and more lies.
@WorldView22 Says:
@pattayaguideorg Says:
@petersmith9785 Says:
Sky should change its name to channel Covid because that's all we ever hear about nothing else!!
@pattayaguideorg Says:
W H O says countries are using boosters to kill Children unedited footage https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=impmShpmdco WTFU
@rollmeister Says:
It's at least double, because over 60% of Omicron infected have zero symptoms. Which is good.
@kellykovak5841 Says:
Please start interviewing medical staff who have lost their jobs or been forced to retire early because they don’t want the jab, they know the truth!
@annaverano5843 Says:
Dislike this video
@constantine2318 Says:
Sky news is loving the covid stats and stories Why dont you report the Bill Heffernan peodohile report in Australia that was suppressed by our courts?
@katb945 Says:
@ivansultanoff6719 Says:
Not called Ximicron anymore? Hmmmm
@joylarson9040 Says:
@MarkWhich Says:
Merry Clotmas and have Happy New Booster .
@davidjones3132 Says:
Well, if they were real and not actually flu cases that might be concerning.
@johnwoodrow8769 Says:
The rate of recorded covid deaths in the UK (the very loose 'withing 28 days from a positive PCR test) has remained largely unchanged for the past 6 months. But don't let facts get in the way of a good unfounded fear story.
@brianmurphy1757 Says:
Our little emperor over here is getting the right hump because every fibre in his body wants to lock down but people aren’t getting tested .So he doesn’t have the figures to justify it.
@5foot58 Says:
It's a cold when will someone take down msm
@briananderson7285 Says:
The only virus that has 24hour news coverage an full-time cheer squad.
@julieannecole580 Says:
This is all lies don’t believe this. Fact checker please
@paulettekaloudis3649 Says:
@chazman4461 Says:
The population of england is somewhere around 56 million. So I am sure there are more than 8,000 people in the hospital for other issues. Second, you are talking tests positive. A test that countries talked about getting rid of due to the fact they were testing positive for most colds and flu's. This is turning into a joke very fast. What are the numbers from the flu in 2018 for england? I bet that number is nice and hidden by now .
@agentsmithmememe Says:
So nothing new compared to a normal Flu year then
@susie7345 Says:
Deaths = WITH NOT OF
@howardolney116 Says:
Media enemy of the people. So was that with the PCR test if so how many cycles were these tests set on? So if there is at worst a 99.9 percent chance of making a full recovery fromCovid and omicron is 10 times weaker then what is the point of this continuous bombardment with false and misleading statistics other than implementing the Schwab -Kissinger thing?
@paulbotmon6119 Says:
OMG. the omicron variant.sooo scary!!! Dumbasses skynews
@MRPricks Says:
@tomostendorf268 Says:
The vaccinated have it they are spreading it. Jesus Christ all you got to have is common sense
@bobby-ov9qn Says:
Total bullsh't, brought to you by Pfizer and the Leftist Corporate Media.
@graceg2716 Says:
Omicron you mean, its a mild virus. Lets talk about the real reason for all this fear. The media is responsible for the collapse of societies mental health.
@juliegwilliam8503 Says:
No probs here in the UK. no death's! hospitalizations lower than last year
@leonardini9883 Says:
@cherylhart9370 Says:
That's because Boris Johnson is an idiot. We have his brother, Joe Biden
@reynaldoenriquez7596 Says:
It only shows vaccine doesn't work.
@john-or9cf Says:
So stop the asinine tracking of cases and concentrate on hospitalizations and legitimate deaths, I.e. OF Covid, not WITH!
@billie4106 Says:
Tests cases test cases test cases,, are you really going along with that ???
@James-485 Says:
@brianp8034 Says:
I thought people who got the covid shot are immune to catching it ? Now we know who are the real spreader are.....if you have natural immunity, do not destroy yourself with experimental covid shots.
@petergouvignon8048 Says:
Unlike the idiot premiers in Australia!
@thesepeoplearecriminals1731 Says:
Get vaccinated it’s 100% effective. :)
@dw4956 Says:
No they don't
@KillerDiaguR Says:
B 0 L L 0 C K 5
@yamatok9429 Says:
Is there a place in the world where no tv, internet, WhatsApp....
@martinepstein3332 Says:
Sorry to hear of the new cases
@trevorarthurson6815 Says:
Not one of them is ILL.
@raysmith6237 Says:
I'm in London. I don't know a single person who's EVER had covid.

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