Tapper calls out GOP candidate's stance on Santos and Trump
Tapper calls out GOP candidate's stance on Santos and Trump



@gashousegorillas1 Says:
Idiot biden got us into more War
@KlaraCharm-cf1ex Says:
this guy collin is a talking head joke good push Jake
@pisces031372aj Says:
What is wrong with my brothers? Cooning for yt folks makes you happy huh? We are so tired of trying to save y'all. Yes I'm speaking for your mothers and sisters and aunties. We are tired and we need y'all to come back. Yes i said it and all the yt folks who want to complain or call me racist, save it. I'm not talking to you so hush up while the grown folks in the real world talk.
@g.wilkins799 Says:
Coward. What a shame
@almanseau6122 Says:
Double speak and no substance. Just another Trump fellator.
@raindogs451 Says:
@patricksimmons3491 Says:
Because he is crooked like all of them.
@wahidmalikyar6848 Says:
Another spineless coward
@wahidmalikyar6848 Says:
What an idiot, can't respond a simple question
@thinhnguyen7119 Says:
another GOP pathological liar the min this dude face came on the screen “ at the end of the day” = un educated weed head answers
@sharonsmith5033 Says:
@tc03757 Says:
This guy will be hired by cnn for its panel. He’s perfect for them.
@raymondkennedy8513 Says:
Republicans: rinse and repeat. Stick to the script.
@danpayne8042 Says:
Can't fault the kid for not wanting to commit political suicide before he even gets into office. Actually quite impressed with how he handled himself, and NO, I am not a trumper.
@jeangouveia4521 Says:
Actually the very least you can do is speak up about traitor trump. Anything less is cowardice.
@jeangouveia4521 Says:
Just another coward
@99991ray Says:
Run, dodge and jump.......................... how typical.... water off a crows back......
@whubbardjr Says:
Im sick of double talk politics
@rawrimsobig Says:
Love the new political hopefuls... You can always tell they're in over their head whenever they choose to overuse specific words and/or phrases. This gentleman's selection? "At the end of the day," he learned the word, "vigorous"!
@ronaldakins5338 Says:
No more Republicans, they never respond to the questions directly. Same old song. Wake Up America!!!
@izodman Says:
A mouthful of nothing!
@chrisinmontreal Says:
Another spineless stooge! How weak, and this is the type of individual who seeks to represent a district in congress?
@lovetheobscurities Says:
Another weak-kneed republican coward.
@QuietRefl4378 Says:
That was painful. But given who that district voted for in the past, this plastic guy with no opinions and no backbone might have a good chance.
@craigraybon7842 Says:
He can't answer one question
@rayjacksin8237 Says:
Another GOP grifter. In it for the money. And the connection.
@rayjacksin8237 Says:
What you going to do for low income people in your district. That's what you do more tax cuts for the rich.
@CFlame20 Says:
This is my district and I will DEFINITELY NOT be voting for this clown
@arguescreamholler Says:
They'll never elect a republican again.
@ew346 Says:
Another token who can’t stand up for democracy and just reads from the teleprompter.
@redbrick2745 Says:
Guy said absolutely nothing
@foxxmulderxx Says:
@cm.5023 Says:
I knew what he was all about in the first 2 minutes. Hard Pass! come back when you are actually ready to step up.
@lesliephillips7021 Says:
The Republicans are cowards and INSANE!!
@Lerian_V Says:
He is good. I'm voting for him.
@mitchellmay7391 Says:
Hes not going to step on his orange Jesus toes or he will fight his election bid
@marlowelindsaysr.5726 Says:
He stupid New York
@lindahenry6168 Says:
Incoming, another grifter.
@davidkeogh1570 Says:
Jeeze the first words out of his mouth is the same tried political bs, vote for me because I will change things and I am the real leader, ya right, piss off.
@wolfchief7952 Says:
The GQP haven't stop sells to cartels in Mexico from America. So they don't care about no border.
@duediligencedrag Says:
Oh Jesus. If there is an Independent running, VOTE THEM IN!
@magillagorillasecuritypatr2591 Says:
A lot in long island like donald trump...its quite obvious hes avoidibgbthose questions
@dominicdipentino9548 Says:
At the end of the day. At the end of the day. At the end of the day. So we get rid of a lying, cheating parasite and the replacement is this wus? Go home, Curry. At the end of the day, you don't have the guts to be in Congress.
@dominicdipentino9548 Says:
Kellan Curry makes Ron Desantis look like Hercules. What a wimp!!! He's so afraid of pissing off the MAGA mob and Trump himself, he tries to bob and weave the whole interview, and in the process was made a fool out of by Jake. Give it up, Slimeball. Why would NY go from the frying pan into the fire?
@marcusduckworth Says:
@marcusduckworth Says:
Have Gideon Levy of Harretz,Jake AMERICAN S deserve the truth they are paying this’war’.
@fabiancortes6255 Says:
Domo arigato Mr Roboto.
@deealia2568 Says:
lol what a coward! He doesn’t have a snowball’s chance in hell. Typical GOP loser
@joc8092 Says:
at the end of the day, that guy got trolled by Jake. lol
@waynewright5023 Says:
*DEEEEEP BODY GROAN!!!* His evasive word salad was physically painful. One cliche' sloganism after another..🙄🤦‍♂🤦‍♀ Glad Tapper pressed him on the fact that he was **already campaigning to replace Santos** before he was actually expelled

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