Donald Trump, Jr.: This is an abject disaster for Kamala Harris
Donald Trump, Jr.: This is an abject disaster for Kamala Harris



@suehackett9621 Says:
She’s useless. VOTE TRUMP!♥️
@dawnweidemann989 Says:
🤔. I guess she’ll sleep with them to get what she wants.
@seekandsee5041 Says:
ULTRA MAGA! Trump 2024!
@Dtgr77 Says:
Kalama is sheHitler for all illegal immigrants natzi that invade USA soil
@HarrySingh-g7w Says:
@Man_Cave Says:
Trump Jr. for President in 2028!
@miriamvered6321 Says:
In an interview, Kamala’s role is to answer questions. She is not asked to make a public speech. The way she replies is not an answer. She just wants to say whatever she wants to say in addition to putting all the blame to Trump Trump Trump and more Trump. 😂
@MAGHUGHES-o7y Says:
@DanStreet-rm9wr Says:
The other 21% is getting a welfare check at the expense of the 79%! The collect their welfare check in exchange for their vote! It’s that simple.
@cindernubblebutt1340 Says:
All the Trump's offer is more Jan 6th. That's the question before voters. More chaos and violence or a normal human being for President.
@lorisnyder8301 Says:
@mls6176 Says:
“The beautiful thing about the Bret Baier interview is that Kamala Harris understood and responded to each question. She used examples of policies. She gave real world context. When Brett went hard after her. She didn’t call him names. She didn’t quit the interview. She didn’t make things up. She never once complained the questions were tough. She never played the victim card. She didn’t lose her temper. She didn’t take the bait to diminish or talk down to Trump supporters. She stood up to him with force and never backed down. He has been the President and campaigning for 9 years. Kamala Harris has caught up to him in just 100 days. That speaks volumes. It’s why people want to vote for her. That’s why so many Republicans and Independents are supporting her. She is everything her opponent is not and will never be: strong, smart and measured.” Mark Cuban gives the PERFECT response to Kamala Harris's Fox interview:
@jessvd1 Says:
Sure, Junior. Snort another line. Daddy is circling the drain.
@michaelkiely Says:
My previous life was head of Power Quality Analysis for a Global Corporation and we were tasked with determining the problems facing Humanity and we had logged more data analysis on power distribution and losses throughout global manufacturers we have no good news to share as the major Globalists owned companies have figured power distribution rather than the source of power is how they enslave humanity while stealing our assets and our freedoms. We the people have never heard how big power already has zero-point technologies and have started shifting the focus to power distribution over the least cost power on the planet they are attempting to control power exactly how they stole big oil for themselves.
@organicinohio5398 Says:
We can’t go to McDonald’s. Lol it’s homemade biscuits and gravy almost every day.
@andrewjenkinson7052 Says:
About 3% of The USA consists of native Americans. About 50% of Americans agree with Trump, are afraid of immigrants and want them deported. If Trump wins is he going to deport ALL Immigrants (all 97%) or only those who do not lick his boots? Which “legal” illegal immigrants should he allow to stay?
@peterbaek9059 Says:
...and she thinks she can go on Joe Rogan. 🤣🤣😂😂
@SheilaSnyder-g2b Says:
When Donald Trump says everyone should vote on January 5th and nobody questions it. You know, they have a lot to hide.
@jasonsimmons8882 Says:
Lol. Sorry your father is a loser. Thanks fox.
@Gundad68 Says:
Mic drop !!!!!!
@shimabuuuuuu Says:
What a circus America has become 😢 Trump 24 🎉
@sambarton5379 Says:
Like Shite
@Alex-m1d4c Says:
Fox has Donald Jr., to ask him how Kamala did? Let me guess, she didn’t do well. The MAGA morons think this is objective reporting. As a Republican, I stopped watching Fox when Trump got involved in politics. It became unwatchable. It became Trump’s Network. The hosts all drool when they interview him and answer questions for him when he rambles or becomes incoherent. Can’t wait for next month, when we will have voted him out of politics and a real Republican takes over our party’s.
@clario4 Says:
The best thing that could have happened was that Fox interviewed her. The undecided and the blind see her lies, her weakness. And she can't say that she's sorry. First, because she's not a mother. Second, because she's never lost a child! I did lose a child and the pain never goes away. And if these mothers suffer and cry, it's because this Democratic Party and Kamala never cared about taking care of the border, but left it open for all kinds of people to come and do harm! Please, let's go out and vote. Every vote counts. Let's vote red.🔴🔴🔴
@kitarraramirez4942 Says:
I have a quote for Nancy Pelosi : " HARRIS IS A DEFINITION OF AN ILLEGITIMATE PRESIDENCY " And a perfect demonstration of a " THREAT TO DEMOCRACY " Michigan Women Here: We proudly love, endorse, Donate to and support our HANDSOME, LOVING, AND BRAVE PRESIDENT 🇺🇸❤️🤍💙 Donald J. Trump Melania Trump Your a beautiful person. You are in our hearts and prayers. Donald Trump Jr. And all Trump children & Grandchildren, may the Lord Bless you and keep you. ✝️
@kitarraramirez4942 Says:
I VOTED 🗳 ALL RED 🇺🇸❤️🤍💙 MADE SURE ALL MY REPRESENTATIVES ARE MAGA SUPPORTERS!! 🎉🎉🎉 some people didn't have a ride, I took them, they voted ALL RED 🎉
@Gary-cc8df Says:
Inflation is so bad why we only got a 2.5% cola increase Social Security
@lmn7972 Says:
She continues to fall up. And because she identifies as black doesn’t mean anyone should vote for her. She has not one original thought in her head. Instead she tries to sound like an old, tired Obama then gets angry if you ask her to explain her position.
@jeremybunn8473 Says:
The Fox interview....the final straw that broke Kamala's back.
@LarryFleetwood8675 Says:
She basically wants no change, she'd continue Obriben's policies so she's totally lying and she's terrible even at that.
@laurie19551 Says:
Harris said we are not going back, her way forward is continuing in open border's, higher taxes, failed foreign policies, and the list goes on.
@SheilaSnyder-g2b Says:
When Trump was asked about tariffs at the Wall Street Journal interview, he doesn't even know what to say. The interviewer has to keep telling him to stay on point. You guys think this is normal?
@kylecollins3755 Says:
Don Jr would make an excellent President. Maybe even better than his dad.
@HRFdez1 Says:
To quote Milley as a source of criticism is laughable. The man was a traitor, and as far as I am concerned, he attempted to overthrow President Trump from office.
@lyndabliss9651 Says:
Kamala is pathetic and corrupt.
@dirkmueller1745 Says:
What alternative universe do they live in? Please, dear Fox News viewers, google and check all of these statements and facts about what is being said here on Fox News. It's shocking what's wrong and what fairy tales are told here. Very sad, something like that isn't really serious.
@caitlinthompson7540 Says:
Kamala kicked butt! Fox News, you're really dragging out the stages of grief, huh? Maybe it'll keep some of you idiots from actually becoming violent when she wins.
@jeremybunn8473 Says:
SHE SIMPLY DOESN'T HAVE IT.!....regardless of what you think of her policies. The President has to have impressive strength of character & earned respect not the character of a giggly, spoilt little girl.
@jigmey79 Says:
What an absolutely disastrous interview I bet she regretted that move now & whoever’s bright idea from her team was to do that interview is gonna have to flee from America 🇺🇸 & seek asylum in Russia 🇷🇺 or China 🇨🇳… Kamala’s mantra while going into the interview was “ blame everything on Trump-blame everything on Trump “ soon when she loses interest in her husband or her husband can’t get it up ! Guess what🤔surprise surprise she blame that too on President Trump 🤣🙄😂… “ VOTE RIGHT TO BE RIGHT 🇺🇸👍 “
@CarlRichmond Says:
A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. Marcus Tullius Cicero
@SheilaSnyder-g2b Says:
You all need to watch his Wall Street Journal interview. He can't even follow the questions. Do you think we should break up Google? Oh my goodness, he's lost it.
@Boondockinit Says:
Don Trump Jr. is nothing like his father. I'm voting for Trump and after that, I hope no other Trump holds an office.
@tj1225 Says:
CNN showed one part of the interview and they edited it 😂
@AyeCarumba221 Says:
40 of 44 former trump advisors endorse Kamala. His own for vice president doesn’t endorse him. Hundreds of republicans endorse Kamala. Trumps chief of staff says no way. Gotta wonder why?
I don't especially like Don Jr but at least he speaks what's the bottom line is
@johnwobma6532 Says:
Q: Is this unconstitutional to be in place running for President of The United States without receiving any votes ❓
Incompetence is not the word. That's why they cut the interview because she was dive bombing completely on fire and headed for a crash landing
@Mike-fk7vu Says:
Would not put nuclear football in harris or walz hands
She is a psychopath no doubt about it
@SheilaSnyder-g2b Says:
Anyone who says they will use the military against americans should never be our leader.

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