UCLA School of Medicine DEI Czar Accused of Plagiarism
UCLA School of Medicine DEI Czar Accused of Plagiarism



@asaine Says:
WHY work hard when you can simply STEAL from others?
@AllegedlyElPresidente. Says:
*_"my family fell victim to one of these DEI doctors and almost died"_*
@timkasten7708 Says:
But not to the level as Melania
@jimmagill4875 Says:
At this rate, DEI will allow blacks to skip college all together and simply hand out diplomas after a simple one word application to get a degree: "Are you black?" (Check yes or no)
@jimmagill4875 Says:
Errytime fine black peoples move on up like the Jeffersons peoples wanna hate up on them, it ain't cheating less you gets caught, errybody know that black peoples be havin grate edjumacations
@jerryhatley5004 Says:
Why are so many minority types getting flack for plagiarism?…I mean how are they supposed to advance in a world of so much complexity?…after all, didn’t biden infer that minorities had a hard time using computers?…come on, man…give ‘em a break!
@LetsGoBrandon-FJB Says:
@dragluian Says:
Diversity hires are always failures.
@er1cmaurer Says:
Lowered standards. ❤️
@jungleno4151 Says:
I'm beginning to see a pattern here.
@purplepenguin1024 Says:
Didn't Earn It
@johnsullivan7628 Says:
Why is this news? What do you expect from liberal California??
@alantasman8273 Says:
DEI=Doctors Educated by Idiots
@alantasman8273 Says:
And here you didn't believe there was a woke way of performing surgery.....
"Oh lordy you mean i can copy everything and pretend i wrote it!" Yeah your ancestors built america alright.
@EsotericOccultist Says:
If you seek any type of homeless or mental health treatment in Los Angeles you'll be sent to programs run by DEI hires that serve no other purpose than lining their grubby little pockets.
@loiscarrillo4058 Says:
Another Snake in the grass!
@terryboyer1342 Says:
What a waste of money and resources.
@karfndaltin4652 Says:
Iiar liar.
@quotemenot7520 Says:
No kidding, I'm in total shock at this news but not surprised in the slightest. DEI working as designed
@kenpatterson8880 Says:
She must have chatted with pony Joe on the best approach to hid documents- oh, wrong issue - maybe she was auditioning for a Drag Queen story hour at the library but got a promotion?
@kenpatterson8880 Says:
She must have chatted with pony Joe on the best approach to hid documents- oh, wrong issue - maybe she was auditioning for a Drag Queen story hour at the library but got a promotion?
@MeneerHerculePoirot Says:
She's not the first diversity hire that has cheated to advance and she sure af won't be the last.
@Fenrir72 Says:
73lac7c Cheater!
@kikirae7138 Says:
It’s starting to get embarrassing.. but these things don’t feel shame
@robertberglund8321 Says:
It seems the same type of people are doing all of this cheating and plagiarism these days. When will people learn?
@robertberglund8321 Says:
That's what happens when DEI students and hires are chosen over the most qualified person.
@panthercity921 Says:
Its the liberal way
@krauthead4 Says:
Maybe she identifies as an honest researcher with actual skills. C'mon, man.
@thomasellner6331 Says:
This is what happens when you drop meritocracy .
@jackbooten2681 Says:
I bet she drove a 18 wheeler in the cannibal coal mines.
@333coyote Says:
DEI in practice is Discrimination, Exclusion and Inequality.
@lizalewis9270 Says:
'Fake it 'till you make it...' Motto of generation Loser
@margie6534 Says:
Now look into the head of the Department of Education.
@kushkingla7385 Says:
Another Didn’t Earn It contender is not qualified for her position. My shocked face 😶 What aren’t their degrees taken away for this?
@meversace Says:
Lol! Shocker. When you are in your position for equity, you can be a moron and still have a leadership position.
@Dm-bz7tg Says:
She is who she is by walking on others footsteps as has many other as of lately. Take all of her credentials!
@mikelee9886 Says:
I dont see how you get to keep a PHD if you plagiarized your dissertation
@TheInquisitiveShark Says:
Didn't Earn It Gosh my surprise. 🤔 Plagiarism charges??
@MisstyG Says:
No worries, we abandoned all0pathic doctors over 2 decades ago. We switched to chiropractors and naturalpathic doctors, only, and have enjoyed great health ever since, our entire family. 😊
@UserUser45654 Says:
A professional grifter is also a plagiarist?
@curteknoian1032 Says:
Stupid is as stupid does
@Notintimidated2013 Says:
Gee what a surprise.
@Toutuu98 Says:
Wait until someone finds out that the paper that was plagiarized also plagiarized another paper, like Russian dolls
@ambivertical Says:
Embarrassing and pathetic
@truetexan7755 Says:
Dei = black privilege.
@InhumanCondition-gh2qj Says:
Everyone of thes so called DEI officials is accused of plagiarism because they are morons who cannot do any work on their own.
@jaredpadilla1211 Says:
College is cancer
@j.r.warren5794 Says:
She is the epitome of a DEI hire. She didn't earn anything.
@ldrcoupleinlove910 Says:

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