Xi: The planet is big enough for common development and respective prosperity of China and U.S.
Xi: The planet is big enough for common development and respective prosperity of China and U.S.



@harbinger6562 Says:
I think they should focus on exporting the Weapon as diligently as they exported weapons whether through magnetism or just that season to migrate it ain't going to be explained or believe away cause it is ❤️🇨🇳🙏😇
@sttan2631 Says:
The world is not a kindergarten to be fool around..
@istiaqmujibtafader Says:
Mr. Blinken seems to lack the necessary skills. He appears deep in thought as he journeys through the decaying Roman Empire. Both the US administration and the Neocons demonstrate a mutual inclination towards this specific type of irrationality. Blinken Consider the larger context: Russia, China, and the United States allied during the Second World War. After a thorough analysis, it becomes clear that the United States adopted a contrasting position towards colonial Europe after the war concluded. It aimed to create a global system that would prevent the recurrence of such devastating conflicts. The UN Charter provides tangible evidence, beyond the mere rhetoric of political leaders of that time. After careful consideration, they chose to explore a different route, leading to the USSR venturing into hostile territory. They believed they possessed nuclear weapons, which has made them a significant and influential player that demands widespread attention. It was of short duration. Several other nations have effectively attained nuclear power status. The result, inevitably, was a period of intense hostility and tension between nations, commonly referred to as a cold war. The end of the Cold War led to the breakup of the USSR, which brought about a period of global peace. Once again, the conclusion of the Cold War led to the USSR’s decline and fragmentation, making it vulnerable to the exploitation of its resources. In a surprising turn of events, the United States took the lead in the expansion of NATO, despite previous commitments. NATO has made notable strides in approaching Russia's borders, despite Russia's strong objections. The way Russia nurtured their relationship under Putin's leadership was deliberate and meticulously planned. The collective West chose not to listen to Russia's concerns, instead dismissing them with the misconception that Russia is weak and that is now time to exploit. Instead of allowing others to exploit Russia, it decided to directly confront the enemy. Russia showed strategic patience and waited too long to convince the West not to expand NATO. After the Chechen conflict, at first, the conflict began in Georgia and has now shifted its focus to Ukraine. From the 1990s to the 2020s, China assisted the United States and achieved economic prosperity by utilizing cost-effective labor. Under the US's misguided leadership, the entire Western world appears to have lost its rationality. Brexit, Nord Stream, decoupling, and de-risking have far-reaching implications and carry significant weight. Isn't it the collective West? Who is the most notable underperformer? In my analysis, it is evident that Western nations' collective gross domestic product (GDP) will account for less than ten percent of the total world GDP within the next twenty years. The global population has awakened from its slumber. Russia has solidified its position as a leading global military force, while China has risen as a dominant global economic powerhouse. The challenges in the Middle East and Ukraine will eventually result in their downfall. An ultimatum, in diplomatic terms, represents the final demand that must be satisfied before surrendering. Don't their acts seem to go against each other? Why does China care about these people? It's funny that Blinken went to China. These Chinese people are very aware of Blinken's weak intentions and vulnerabilities. Yang Jiechi told Blinken at the Alaska meeting in 2021 that the United States did not have the tools to deal with China successfully. It is important to acknowledge that moral differences rooted solely in logic hold little value. China's semiconductor companies generously provide Russia with custom chips? China doesn't give these items away. China demonstrates its reliability as a defense chip provider for a major world power, doesn't it? China and Russia must cooperate for global stability. In the current geopolitical reality, the destiny of one nation has an effect on another. China has the opportunity to learn from Iran and Russia about how to effectively manage an economy under sanctions. The decline began at the start of this century and will continue. I have doubts about their capability to initiate another crisis with China. I will conclude my discussion at this point.
@whatyousaid1375 Says:
He said this is not to US because he knows well US won’t change it provocative approach. He mainly wanted to let the world understand what’s China stand.
@user-lb4yx1ms5f Says:
These buffoons sail the seven seas, stole land from natives and lord over others. This is their normal behaviour, it is my way or the highway.
@yvonnefurniss138 Says:
So does that mean America will pack up their 100 military bases around the world and GO HOME!!
@wynetsang Says:
For thousands of years the West experienced many revenges from enemies not totally eliminated. Therefore, the West has this cultural tradition of totally root out enemy from competition.
@deanc685 Says:
Not for the US, there is only room for itself. Smiles and lies by Blinken are only to buy time while they prepare for economic warfare. This treachery is not new in the West, look at the Minsk Accords and Merkle’s admission it was to allow Ukraine to build up.
@TacticalMayo Says:
@mikewei2619 Says:
@hamidbli8903 Says:
never trust the empire of lies
@Sarah-gz7ge Says:
100% as it is the same case and management between Russia and United Sates
@Qresmaidapa Says:
@allauddin732 Says:
Common? At least your united on common.
@FattymcstattyMcormick-pv6pj Says:
Israel sends its 2nd representative so soon.

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