Xi Jinping: China and U.S. should help each other succeed rather than hurt each other
Xi Jinping: China and U.S. should help each other succeed rather than hurt each other



@user-ed9bv9fs4p Says:
@nostradamus2642 Says:
The Russians learned a bitter lesson in trusting these compulsive and treacherous liars. China must be prepared for the worst.
An existential challenge amongst three big players often turns like two of them team up against the third one.Most likely the strongest and the weakest join together to neutralize the medium player....hence still being the US the top superpower U wonder which one will be its strategic partner ? Moscow or Beijing ?
@daytrader-iy5yb Says:
U S agriculture produce and the Boeing Co. plane production etc. are " OVERCAPICITY " that need to be ban from import to China !!!
@daytrader-iy5yb Says:
U S treasuries and government bond are " OVERCAPICITY " that need to be ban from trading globally !!!
@lancewood1410 Says:
President Xi shouldn't even entertain blinken. He doens't deserve this honor.
@sandykurniadi9199 Says:
i feel the lesson for the collective is ACCEPTANCE at this moment, maybe we should accept the western governments will not change, despite our good intentions, despite our efforts to enlighten them. i am happy to see the chinese side understand this, and of course the chinese side will always protect their nation and good intentions from the negative nature of western governments, through positive means, Please dont let the pain corrupt you, always keep your positive ways ❤
@bhubestakesoponsatien1143 Says:
The reply from US is too political and what US expect.
@bhubestakesoponsatien1143 Says:
It is so straight forward
@danstenis660 Says:
If the USA truly wants to keep up with China and perhaps even surpass China 20 years from now, the USA needs to make education in STEM subjects free to its citizens to promote as many STEM graduates as possible. The USA also need to restructure its economy so that the government and its private industries work together to develop high tech industries in every field. All the money the USA spends on its military can easily be used to make this possible, and more too. The level of corruption, incompetency, and hypocrisy in the USA is killing itself.
@tedysubandy5299 Says:
Don't ever expect US to help other country, or work/help each other, it will not even happen in our dream, it can only happened after the world is ended
@AK-wd3cr Says:
I agree.
@izajahmed8863 Says:
Saying one thing and doing other things, entire western politics and foreign policy summed up in the line 😂😂😂
@richardgoh6697 Says:
From past experiences, one knows that Secretary of State just pretends to listen and when he returns to US, another round of hostile act against China shall be imposed. China apart from being friendly, must not forget hegemonic US will not change its colour and has to be fully prepared for whatever untoward happenings from d US, including war. Ukrainian leaders are too stupid in believing promises from US and are now in a fix, surrendering to Russia is about d only best choice. Taiwan DPP political leaders are almost as stupid as that of Ukrainians in trusting d untrustworthy US, hence Taiwan shall be d next war zone.
@istiaqmujibtafader Says:
Mr. Blinken seems to lack the necessary skills. He appears deep in thought as he journeys through the decaying Roman Empire. Both the US administration and the Neocons demonstrate a mutual inclination towards this specific type of irrationality. Blinken Consider the larger context: Russia, China, and the United States allied during the Second World War. After a thorough analysis, it becomes clear that the United States adopted a contrasting position towards colonial Europe after the war concluded. It aimed to create a global system that would prevent the recurrence of such devastating conflicts. The UN Charter provides tangible evidence, beyond the mere rhetoric of political leaders of that time. After careful consideration, they chose to explore a different route, leading to the USSR venturing into hostile territory. They believed they possessed nuclear weapons, which has made them a significant and influential player that demands widespread attention. It was of short duration. Several other nations have effectively attained nuclear power status. The result, inevitably, was a period of intense hostility and tension between nations, commonly referred to as a cold war. The end of the Cold War led to the breakup of the USSR, which brought about a period of global peace. Once again, the conclusion of the Cold War led to the USSR’s decline and fragmentation, making it vulnerable to the exploitation of its resources. In a surprising turn of events, the United States took the lead in the expansion of NATO, despite previous commitments. NATO has made notable strides in approaching Russia's borders, despite Russia's strong objections. The way Russia nurtured their relationship under Putin's leadership was deliberate and meticulously planned. The collective West chose not to listen to Russia's concerns, instead dismissing them with the misconception that Russia is weak and that is now time to exploit. Instead of allowing others to exploit Russia, it decided to directly confront the enemy. Russia showed strategic patience and waited too long to convince the West not to expand NATO. After the Chechen conflict, at first, the conflict began in Georgia and has now shifted its focus to Ukraine. From the 1990s to the 2020s, China assisted the United States and achieved economic prosperity by utilizing cost-effective labor. Under the US's misguided leadership, the entire Western world appears to have lost its rationality. Brexit, Nord Stream, decoupling, and de-risking have far-reaching implications and carry significant weight. Isn't it the collective West? Who is the most notable underperformer? In my analysis, it is evident that Western nations' collective gross domestic product (GDP) will account for less than ten percent of the total world GDP within the next twenty years. The global population has awakened from its slumber. Russia has solidified its position as a leading global military force, while China has risen as a dominant global economic powerhouse. The challenges in the Middle East and Ukraine will eventually result in their downfall. An ultimatum, in diplomatic terms, represents the final demand that must be satisfied before surrendering. Don't their acts seem to go against each other? Why does China care about these people? It's funny that Blinken went to China. These Chinese people are very aware of Blinken's weak intentions and vulnerabilities. Yang Jiechi told Blinken at the Alaska meeting in 2021 that the United States did not have the tools to deal with China successfully. It is important to acknowledge that moral differences rooted solely in logic hold little value. China's semiconductor companies generously provide Russia with custom chips? China doesn't give these items away. China demonstrates its reliability as a defense chip provider for a major world power, doesn't it? China and Russia must cooperate for global stability. In the current geopolitical reality, the destiny of one nation has an effect on another. China has the opportunity to learn from Iran and Russia about how to effectively manage an economy under sanctions. The decline began at the start of this century and will continue. I have doubts about their capability to initiate another crisis with China. I will conclude my discussion at this point.
@Aiseveryword Says:
Funny how the China wants to invade Taiwan and push violence and now they’re begging for US if you fucking trust the source you’re fucking dumb.
@Ju_pi_ter Says:
The evil regime never wanted to see China thrive, even China’s food security is claimed to be their threat, don’t even talk about any other things. So prepare for the worst is a must as usual for China and the rest of the world.
@user-uj5xj6kn2d Says:
Don't trust communist china there not doing what they're saying such a backstabber
@jackysaja4400 Says:
xi, don't believe America and Europe
@MsOceanstar Says:
It seems like China has been immensely patient to innumerable US double talk, hypocrisy and endless insults. US must once and for all respect China’s handling of their political dishonesty and stop playing games! And move forward with sincere cooperation!
@chenacun3864 Says:
❤❤❤ mr xi.
@buixote Says:
It's so embarassing to have unqualified aparatchiks representing the US.
@user-fu5ng2qi2d Says:
China cant even trust 1% of what come out of the US...they are lying to buy time whilst building up their proxies (Taiwan, Japan, South Korea, Philippines and Australia) with arms and bases to be ready for war. China must get ready and start building it stockpile and reserves and stop exporting critical components that is related to US arms. Do it before its too late. Ukraine is the same US playbook they are using against China. Air defense must be ramped up and national production must be directed at arms readiness. The US is hell bent on this war with China..one way or another....we need to be more prepared...this is a real threat ....a real attack...look at Ukraine and the thousands of Russians dying on the battle field...a war started by the US but they are not being harmed in anyway.
@Billzor991 Says:
It disgusts me to see Blinken nodding along to Xi knowing full well the American Government does not intend to show China any respect or any understanding. Despicable country.
@geraldkohar Says:
Blinken's brain works like pentium I during Xi Jin Ping's speech. Unfortunately, looks like Blinken's processor cannot process the information, if any at all, because Xi Jin Ping's brain works 1000x faster than Apple's M3 max processor.
@wynetsang Says:
The Great English World Empire [GEWE] with Five Eyes for thousands of years has been defeating fellow European as recently Germany again. There is no exception to the cultural tradition or international rule of law that GEWE will help China instead of destruction.
@duncankowable Says:
How come Biden not hosting Wang Yi.? No reciprocity?
@carmenirigoyen-lopez9920 Says:
President Xi Jinping was polite and very clear on the necessity of the USA and China cooperation, that the world is a big place, and that it can accommodate multiple players! He said that the USA should stop saying one thing, and then doing another completely opposite and in contradiction with SIGNED agreements! Let’s pray that for the common good of the planet earth, the Anglosaxons come to their senses and stop the warmongering and lying!
@user-hw7tn6vs2i Says:
When american come and talk crab
@wulung5943 Says:
Hear! Hear! US need to listen and adopt GOOD advice
@asiapadouga9748 Says:
@user-lb4yx1ms5f Says:
Blinken "We are committed to stop the rise of China at all cost even if we are called bastarxd, so be it."
@user-lb4yx1ms5f Says:
Blinken looks like a lost puppy looking for adoption.
@sferris33 Says:
What Mr Xi is respectable, but it requires China to treat others as equals. One cannot dictate that the South China Sea is apart of its territory when 7 countries use it. Should India claim that the Indian Ocean is its territory and no one can use it? If you want Taiwan to be part of China, then allow democracy and freedom to flourish in Hong Kong and turn against Russia for invading another country. You can’t trample on the people’s freedoms and not expect people in Taiwan to be weary of you
@user-xr5wy3gj5m Says:
RIP Karen Carpenter ("...hurting each other...")
@bluestar2253 Says:
Blinkin your a disgrace! Stop wasting our taxpayers' money on frivolous trips!
@samvan7787 Says:
There is no comparison between the two - one (Xi) is super clear, direct and purposeful ... specifying the guiding principles. The other (B) too general and not sure if he actually registered what Xi said.
@superphi Says:
I’m sorry but there is no way China believes anything the US says, I just don’t believe China is this stupid to trust this rat
@hermawan8840 Says:
@danhusterd6376 Says:
Blinken looks like he is constipated
@haniahannslew4108 Says:
It is not surprising to see Blinking openly shows the hypocrisy of the u s a right in front of President Xi. The us love to say one thing but do another.
@davidbatista1183 Says:
"... rather than say one thing but do the opposite ..." YES US gov, please stop trying to drag the entire planet into war.
@johnquelch3667 Says:
Blinken is a war criminal and imperialist monster desperately trying to reiimpose failing US hegemony over China & the planet. China needs to be less respectful & more forceful in standing up to this outright bullying.
@siewkonsum7291 Says:
In yesterday Blinken visit to China - Chinese Wang Yi clearly said all the right things about the Sovereignty of individual nations and Humanity in regard to China. Hopefully the opposite side should understand China's position and desist from their obnoxious behavior, to mutually work and cooperate with the Chinese leadership on resolving current global issues together. 😊
@SuhandiWijaya Says:
Blinken is there just for a vacation he is not the decision maker, just there to send empty messages. China should not waste any time for him.
@hypeddino1913 Says:
Times have really changed. The US looks like a weak hasbeen
@deanc685 Says:
The US is gearing up for major sanctions against Chinese banks to slow down de-dollarization. They have US Military Spec Ops bases in Taiwan and continue to fund separatists with the billions of dollars.
@ChristopherSteyn Says:
The US is careening towards destruction, China should not, and must not, tolerate, this deliberate US foreign policy of dividing and conquering. Both nations are instrumental in a world facing the climate crisis, AI, and the nuclear threat. The world is watching, and the only country, so far, practicing due diligence towards the future of the human race, is China. A culture that deserves respect, and we must listen. Thank you President Xi, you are a deserved leader.
@dukeloo Says:
Forked tongue just like the US treated native americans
@smarteveryday1606 Says:
xi Jinping used the chosen words in very articulated manner, his response is very clear. Very good, Blinken should skill up.

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