A solemn reminder of the risks: IDF soldier killed by explosive device in the West Bank city Jenin
A solemn reminder of the risks: IDF soldier killed by explosive device in the West Bank city Jenin



@drdajoh Says:
@verah619 Says:
A senior Fatah official arrested...shows you that the PA can't be trusted either ..
@Spider_950 Says:
Im happy now because Muslims warriors are finding the real devil enemy. Muslims must stop fighting each other the real enemy is criminal occupier people of Jewish community 😅
@russbianchi8120 Says:
Erdogan is MUSLIM BROTHERHOOD and a MASS MURDERER of his own officers corps and citizens Erdogan is a madman. Erdogan is aiding and abetting SINWAR Turkey is BANKRUPT without Qatar terror banking
@idreeskhanrqq7128 Says:
Who is the number one terror group Isreali or plestieani?
@worldnews11426 Says:
PALASTINE has right to defend against brutality.
@worldnews11426 Says:
Why IOF hiding casualties, almost 70K+ IOF troops died but IOF counting stuck on 300 , World knows how much IOF has been damaged by 3H ( HAMAS, HIZBOLLAH, HOUTHIES) .
@vrose6372 Says:
@worldnews11426 Says:
@deepakkotian3270 Says:
Rip 😢💔💔
@pamelabanin5212 Says:
So many young folks gone.😢 May this young man's memory and the memories of so many lost be blessing for all time. It makes one's heart ache.💔💔💔💔💔😢😢😢
@SharonroseV Says:
Captain May his memory be a blessing, praying for healing to those who are injured 🙏🙏🙏
@lizbethartemis4886 Says:
Tired of so much drama. All lives matter.
@villelaurzua371 Says:
So sad...I pray for Israel's safety.
@WalidWalid-co4ej Says:
@johannesramokgadi6243 Says:
Palestinians have a right to resist the occupation
@noeldanino3037 Says:
Hello Yair I have a person on Facebook with your profile asking people to donate. Is that you
@nadinenadine9739 Says:
@charmmh4054 Says:
Judea and Samaria
@amadoudiallo811 Says:
@samuelsuglam7405 Says:
@michaelmahoney5431 Says:
You expect the world to have sympathy for your loss yet celebrate the death of your "enemy" sorry, I do not buy it. You have no credibility whatsoever.
@rx1-x Says:
@valeriemendes9988 Says:
@AliAbbas-sl4kv Says:

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