'Gaslighting': Victorian government faces backlash over new equality campaign ad
'Gaslighting': Victorian government faces backlash over new equality campaign ad



@amialal4510 Says:
Peter Hitchens is incredibly smart but very privileged and arrogant as well.
@andrealegg2527 Says:
The stupidity is off the charts. Yes we know trans people are people, they deserve all the equality, "safe spaces " BUT according to their biological sex and not what delusion is in their head.
@SummerStars18 Says:
I will not/never tell any girl or woman to ignore her feeling/instinct or comfort to validate any man. If the women feel uncomfortable then DO NOT try and gaslight them into ignoring their instincts under the umbrella of 'kindness'. I am so gross.
@Hdtk2024 Says:
The safety of women is more important than the feelings of men.
@music0cool Says:
"Everyone deserves to feel safe. Except women."
@Tropicalow Says:
We're gonna win this game!!!.... Guys?
@katty5003 Says:
The sports part is too much. Female spaces should be female only spaces! Taking womens rights & sports opportunities from young girls. don’t stand a chance against a biological men. This is not ok
@user-cx4id3wh8f Says:
Victoria , what a mess, you can’t look after electricity , cost of living , but look after trans rights to the detriment of women, what a lovely place to live!
@MetalMachinist232 Says:
I have noticed that the left seems to be shifting the meaning of safety... how is a trans person playing sport with the opposite sex "safety" exactly? Also the statement that they need to feel safe happened mere seconds before the women put her hands on the trans person without explicit consent. So the irony is just reDICKulous.
@robertnicholson1409 Says:
The Peoples Republic of Victoria.
@user-jc7jb3bu5s Says:
Men do not belong in female sports.
@user-lb1ye1pv4q Says:
While we are all distracted by the morons the WEF/WHO creep ever deeper into the free Countries. You had better wake up and stop voting left before you truly have nothing and are not happy.
@johncrow5552 Says:
@jackjobson3204 Says:
At least she walked away in the add and didn’t commit violence which is a preference . Why should a binary woman have to show comfortability with someone that is choosing to appropriate their gender. It’s a man in a dress. No matter how much they do to their body, you are born either XY or Xx and develop that way. You can change the outside but you can’t change your sex ,DNA or genetics and they all scream man. Which is why trans focus on gender and not the actual sex they are. Who’s to say it wasn’t because he was bigger than her? Could be the way he stank or she m as you have been raciest . You cannot force people to accept what exists in someone else’s mind which is where trans comes from. It’s gender privilege to say I can change my gender when every one knows it’s a lie not a fact. The thing about gender theory is it’s a theory not a fact. I suggest that woman wanna be should be psychologically tested if he thins changing his clothes makes him a real woman as it just makes him a cosplay artist or drag queen. Ultimately the kindest thing you can do is walk away than act out with hate. Withdraw this gender privilege add now.
@brnatlas9611 Says:
It’s not safe to have that person play
@catherinenoorbakhsh Says:
I don’t give a rats arse about HIS feelings - I have the right to feel safe - pay a bit more attention to homelessness and the cost of gas and electricity instead of pandering to this over protected minority
@JenE3377 Says:
Leftism is primarily and fundamentally about envy, greed, coercion, confiscation, and wealth and resource re-distribution, epitomized by concepts and policies like affirmative action, DEI, reparations, and persecution of non-compliant citizens. It is the very antithesis of collaboration and cooperation among all members of society regardless of race, sex/gender, class, and creed. It’s fundamentally divisive, by design, so that the elite class can obtain and expand their power and control over the people.
@user-qs4xw7ye5s Says:
Equality is the catch cry of the inferior.
@RichardCummins-ni4em Says:
We lived through Cain / Kerner debacle and several yrs of Chairman Dan, retired and bailed from Vic near 5 yrs back. Many are functionally trapped in the dystopian workers paradise.
@Empathiclistener Says:
It's not only women who have every right to make choices such as whether they enter or stay in a lift with someone. Sure, let's challenge our stereotypes and try to avoid being hurtful. It would have been more useful for the advertisements to provide some guidance about recognising warning signs that another person might present a risk; that might help us to avoid unnecessary fear and discrimination regarding safe people whether they are male, female, trans or Martian.
@trishwilson8141 Says:
Why are we saying trans women they are men
@kaosthecosmicreviewer1055 Says:
Good thing this wasn't shown on opposite day, it would have been a bloodbath.
@wizrom3046 Says:
Australia NEEDS Victoria! Victoria sets a shining example of just how f#/%ed a state can get if run by the Labour party for too long. Other states can learn from that! 👍
@gerryorourke7122 Says:
advert would have been better if they had a trans aboriginal woman in a wheelchair that was old and had scars on her eyes. Then in one add they could of covered transphobia, racism, diversity, impaired diversity, age dis advantage and domestic violence all in 1 minute. Bad show Victoria
@mudbutton2 Says:
Good to see Vic Labor are tackling the big issues. Those upmost in the minds of working taxpayers whose money they continue to waste.
@nielszindel1151 Says:
It is targeted discrimination against women because guess what? We still fight for our rights and one of them is not to be the victims of violence...still..We also now have to fight for fairness in sport again. First we could not play certain sport now men play it for us.. It would be good if Sky complained officially about the video because women are getting tired of fighting this day after day. Delia Morris
@marcleblanc6293 Says:
I'm sure those women really want men to play in their sports against them.....sure........
@margyrowland Says:
Disgusting and disgraceful. Leave us real women alone.
@geraldcoffey3303 Says:
Sick propaganda your paying for
@margaretoconnell7979 Says:
Women's rights are not trans rights
@cotteeskid Says:
Huge debt and they are burning more money with this trash.
@jmcham1000 Says:
Anything to divert attention from the Victorian governments $27,000,000 a day, 365 days a year, interest bill on debt that is destroying the state
@user-em5xm1ol3e Says:
Trans contrivances don't need this No one cares SPEND MONEY ON REAL THINGS OR PAY THE STATES DEBT Trans contrivances get more than atypical TRUE WOMEN DESERVE BETTER ❤
@caravanlifenz Says:
I wonder how much that ad campaign cost the taxpayers? Probably millions.
@MelodyMan69 Says:
Do NOT tell me how to 'feel' . You can feel whatever you like. Thought Control is EVIL.
Be nice to men in drag
@petermaver8466 Says:
I have to wonder how female prisoners are going now with men identifying as women raping them without consequence, I bet those numbers are being very well hidden.
@jimmyriddle5246 Says:
So listen up ladies. Don't feel afraid, just accept having your rights trampled. Men are women too. Your natural intincts are wrong 🤷
@alicerose6640 Says:
The Victorian government have absolutely no interest, in the safety and protection of women and children and 100% interest in the butt hurt feelings, of a small minority of men, who want to erase women.
@alexzannoni1501 Says:
Labor is a toxic plague!! It's simple......vote this WokeTransist Dictatorship of the Femitariat 'Government' out!! A sky-rocketing debt, tunnels & 'free(pay)ways' that will cause even bigger gridlock because we don't have an East-West link, roads that are full of pot holes or crappy fixes that fall apart within no time, Ambos working 18+ hour shifts, hospital staff stressed at all time highs.......and magically $$$$$$$$$$$$ is found for this piece of festering woketransgenderist propaganda rubbish!!!??????? Victoria has lost its friggin mind!!
@roseblack3117 Says:
They’ve deleted all the negative comments off the ad on Youtube……
@anthonysinclair154 Says:
The government should be sacked. Overpaid muppets should be ashamed for more than that.
@ma3stro681 Says:
In Thailand the trans folk just get on with their lives, and ladyboys (who call themselves this) are generally accepted and don’t carry on about it like in the woke West …
@stephenmassey9845 Says:
If you don't like it, you move away. That's a basic right. As long as you don't abuse anyone, it's none of the Gestapos.......I mean governments business.
@vincearmiento5284 Says:
I dont understand, so much negativaty for this gov! so how did they win the last election...
@Jeremy-ho3vi Says:
I need a reason to like or dislike anyone?
@markgunther8297 Says:
Don’t watch TV Simples!
@kane-vn6bn Says:
they are not interested in equality division and segregation is the goal for them
@gerrycooper56 Says:
And that guy is going to hammer the opposition.
@Bigdeano2108 Says:
The sooner this government is gone the better

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