Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has meltdown over Trump Supreme Court verdict
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has meltdown over Trump Supreme Court verdict



@FreeQboy Says:
Reading all the commentd just makes me realize that americans are so mean to each others... so many disrespecful and mysogine comments... I see no great nation here, only a bunch of loosers
@FreeQboy Says:
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez for president !!!
@usefultimers8937 Says:
The Supreme Court makes decisions exercising democracy.
@edwarddegner4357 Says:
Send her back to the bar
@redr1150r Says:
Tantrum, tantrum tantrum. It's all you ever have. It protects your own, too, in case you hadn't noticed. Just come for us all and get it over with.
@parcdeexpositions Says:
Doesn’t sound like a meltdown to me - exaggerate much ?!?
@freakboyj69 Says:
Wait so where’s the meltdown?
@truthbsaid1600 Says:
Does AOC even know what articles of impeachment are? This is the same politician that helped with the loss 25,000 jobs in New York when she made great efforts to block the construction of an Amazon major distribution center. Her argument: why write a check to Amazon for three billion dollars when the money could be used to improve the subway system. The monies were actually "tax credits" which is very different from writing a check and is standard procedure used by local governments to attract business to a community. This is what voters are sending to Washington.
@JamesFaso Says:
She needs a diaper change
@victorrivera459 Says:
Someone needs to be the one to push back on the obviously corrupt judges . They are there to interpret and enforce the laws no to create them
@THEBANDIT7979 Says:
So many stupid inbred mutts on these comments. No president and no billionaire is above the law. This Supreme Court trump stooges lied under oath that they would uphold the constitution. They lied. They are a bunch of trump appointed stooges. They need to be removed and impeached for lying to uphold the law.
@victoriaconnor8295 Says:
It is against American Democracy if granted full Presidential Immunity on anything unofficial. What does this mean for any future President or sitting President? They could manipulate anything? They could unofficially push the nuclear button? They could unofficially tear up The Constitution? They could unofficially install Noahide Laws, or Sharia Laws? They could unofficially assassinate whoever they want? AOC is right on this. Trump saying he will unofficially drill, drill, drill, and deport every single migrant, regardless of whether or not they are a threat or have committed any crimes. No, you can't just do whatever you want as President, which would be likened to a Dictator. That goes for Republicans, and Democrats, and Independents too.
@richardkronberg4925 Says:
I sense another meltdown AOC.😂
@Eddiebee09 Says:
democrats are a bunch of sore losers and suckers lol
@KiwiWingate Says:
It's Time to Hold Politicians Accountable A Campaign to Fix Democracy What Does Accountability of Your Politicians Look Like? You're not alone; others with enormous experience in law and governance have been witnessing the decline of democracy and have designed the Leadership Accountability Court (LAC) to modernise democracy and protect humanity from the horrors of corrupt government. The Leadership Accountability Court (LAC) is an independent court where a jury has the power to correct negligent or unconscionable decisions (1). The LAC holds politicians, judges, bureaucrats, and media accountable for their actions, ensuring integrity and responsibility. No more lies, deals for mates or donors, harmful red tape or selling out to globalists. These powerful cabals control key politicians and policies, owning the largest corporations, banks, media, and technology, and are attempting to hold the human race to ransom by monopolising water and the food supply. The LAC empowers humanity by providing juries to identify and correct failures, returning government ownership to those seeking honest public service. We own the government and set the rules to protect ourselves from abuse of power. By empowering juries to enforce accountability, we safeguard against corruption and negligence. This campaign demands protection from these threats. We are fixing the government, not breaking it. We are not political—we’re not left or right. We just want better accountability for a better country. Big money investors hijack governments to serve their interests. It's time to say enough. Protecting Against Power Abuse: Those in power can misuse it. Without action, power will concentrate in their hands until society collapses. History shows the consequences if we don’t act now. Call to Action: Join us! Sign the petition for the Leadership Accountability Court. Visit our supporters' page to stay informed and engage with fellow advocates. Spread the message to your friends, family, and community. Together, we can demand transparency and accountability from our leaders. A Line in the Sand: For 40 years, lack of accountability has harmed so many people irrespective of who gets into government. It's time to draw a line in the sand. Sign the petition for a better, more accountable government. Let's fix democracy together! (1) Unreasonable Conduct - means conduct that is clearly against the weight of evidence or without evidence to support it, including the failure to act when clearly against the weight of evidence. (Lord Wilson in Owens v Owens [2018] UKSC 41, [2018] AC 899, adapted by LAC) Unethical Conduct - means failing to act with integrity, acting improperly or giving the perception of acting improperly, engaging in immoral behaviour, cheating, acting without principles or scruples, or acting dishonourably. (LAC definition) Inequitable Conduct - refers to either actions or omissions and can include intentional misrepresentation of facts and concealment of pertinent information. It refers to conduct that directly contradicts acting in good faith and fairly with others. This includes making decisions that are biased, prejudiced, or influenced by incorrect factors, which can result in an unfair or unjust outcome. (Therasense, Inc. v. Becton, Dickinson & Co., 649 F.3d 1276 (Fed. Cir. 2011) Unconscionable Conduct - conduct that is so unfair or oppressive that no reasonable person would accept it. It involves conduct that is contrary to good faith, fairness, and justice.
@Eddie_Schantz Says:
ALEXANDRIA OCCASIONALY COHERENT is totally off her rocker. I hope the state of NY does thelmselves and everyone else in the country a favor and get this two year old imbecile out of the federal gov.
@dlbutler Says:
Odd that Dems are ranting over this ruling. It also covers Obama droning American citizens abroad without due process.
@Cazz8203 Says:
so slander is no longer a thing? this old fart is allowed to say things like that? and wtf is up with the dems? how did aoc get elected? i'm ok with backing away from it all, and be like carlin....cause on election day when I sit home and masturbate, possibly to a picture of aoc, i'm gonna have a little something to show for it.......seriously, what a f'n embarrassment of a government and judicial system.
@user-cf5hc9vc4c Says:
She is completely ignorant i can't believe that people keep voting her in maybe they should keep a closer eye on those elections also
@barracudahunter2463 Says:
AOC=Wack Job! Dangerously Low IQ! No Business being in politics.
@KevinKillNation Says:
4 years ago, Nancy Pelosi opened the door for the capital building to be raided.
@Le_Serviette_Noir Says:
This is going to guarantee a huge voter turnout and you know which party that favors.
@barrydee709 Says:
This senile ignorant fuck can't open his mouth without lying through his teeth. FUCK JOE BIDEN. TRUMP 2024
@nancywilds6076 Says:
Nancy Plosie. did this
@nancywilds6076 Says:
Your daughter showed with you
@user-nf5mx5db5n Says:
When this Bartender is over Can my Barber have a try?
@Brick1978 Says:
She and her ilk are a threat to democracy!
@Hammer-HHH Says:
Am I missing something here, Biden and his cronies pushed Trump into a corner, Dems got what they asked for, a ruling by the Supreme Court...!
@jamesbusch282 Says:
@doxoxo779 Says:
Ok Sky News. If you say it, must be legit 😂 😂
@CommonSense-hd4rw Says:
I mean, how sad is it for Joe Biden that he has this uninformed, uneducated, vainglorious madam fighting his battles?
@dreadpirate3152 Says:
AOC should impeach herself for costing NYC thousands of Amazon jobs
@mrloanagentman Says:
Scotus overstepped their authority on this. They have essentially amended the constitution. Congress must act because its their job to make amendments to our constitution.
@mrloanagentman Says:
You call that a meltdown?
@GilbertGarcia-c2j Says:
Sorry horse teeth😂😂😂😂😂 your next to get fired. Hopefully with charges and we better not be paying her security. Soo no ones cicked her ass in yet😢
@raymondhintz5457 Says:
If Trump wasn't given immunity, then we could charge Joe Biden for 13 counts of manslaughter! Afghanistan was a disgrace.
@BabySagan Says:
AOC is a true leader.
@drc512 Says:
@MrConrad1950 Says:
Aoc, need to chill, make her self a drink 🥃 and calm down.
@korrea7088 Says:
Hakeem Jeffris is another Obama plant a fraud that done nothing for the American People dont be fooled.
@petesmith6434 Says:
AOC is not going to like her life after Trump becomes President and the House and Senate flip full-on MAGA. Swamp rats who have committed crimes, including treason, are going to be brought to justice.
@randallwittman2720 Says:
@beepseatsfindingfoodtreasu8756 Says:
See what we have to contend with. Its not easy being an American.
@Robert-hg7ir Says:
AOC doing her crazy eyes thing again. The Progressive Socialist Party fringe group are attacking our political system because the time has come to take over before they loose all power to do so. The next presidential election may very well not happen. Time for them to ramp up the MAGA domestic terrorist propaganda game plan. The Potato in chief is on the verge of declaring Martial Law. He is getting desperate and running out of time. There you go YouTube censor my right to free speech like you usually do.
@jimWayne-lc3dg Says:
AOC is a moron, plain and simple. The squad are made up of education, ignorant, arrogant, racists and extremist and do not represent Americans, the USA and only push hateful speech and promote treason and should all be removed. The voters in her district need to ay attention and wake up, otherwise they just prove they are the same stupid people and do not deserve the right to vote and FU our country. She needs to go back to her own country and ruin it. Now its time to get rid of monkey face watters, booker, cori bush, Omar, pressley and Terrorist Talib from from congress.
@jakemiller7010 Says:
Tell Nancy about how she sent the guard away.
@C5B-jc1yj Says:
AOC? 🤣😂🤣😂 💩🤡
@michaelflores8598 Says:
Omg just about if not everything he said is a lie
@getrehkt3139 Says:
Biden up there, lying. trump didn't send anyone anywhere. Democras are genuinely frightening when it comes to their temper tantrums. We dont like the decision, so we will push for impeachment. We dont like you, so we will fabricate crimes and throw you in jail. I couldn't ever vote for any democrat ever again. Voting Republican for the foreseeable future.
@marcothehammer Says:
She's an idiot, and she' starting to blither.

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