'Why now?': Joe Biden's media protection racket turn on 'deteriorating president'
'Why now?': Joe Biden's media protection racket turn on 'deteriorating president'



@maemiller9164 Says:
Are these people so stupid they don't understand that 'dictator on day one' refers to nullifying Biden's Executive Orders? Biden, and every other President has been a dictator on day one.The pretension and ignorance is nauseating.
@johnskipper432 Says:
They perpetuated the lie that jailbird joe is in perfect control over his facilities when everyone else and his dog can see otherwise. And then when they realize that the jig is up and the people who they have been fooling all this time can no longer be fooled they pounce on him. It’s because they are told to by the democrats who want to replace him with someone else who might could win against Trump. But he refuses to step aside which goes against their wishes. So unless they can convince him to step aside they don’t have anything to offer!!
@maryannswanson3832 Says:
When Trump left office gas was $2.86 per gallon !! Now pushing $6.00. And food prices more than doubled!!
@maryannswanson3832 Says:
It's not sad when I think of America's top secret files found in his Corvette! Or of him selling half of America's oil rights to China.
@nicolaandria522 Says:
Simple enough: 1) The crackhead needs daddy in power to stay out of jail; 2) The first lady needs Hubby in power to continue being important and have some magazine covers; 3) The Obama team needs a ventriloquist dummy in "power" to continue to run the show behind the scenes.
@arwzqu1964 Says:
They changed their tone when they realized that this train wreck of a demented old fool has just about 0% chance of beating trump.
@salgreenbalm1580 Says:
he seems fine to me
@fyx2304cd2x Says:
We have seen Biden in ice cream shops more than on camera addressing our country’s issues. He’s the most absent President I have ever seen. Trump was always addressing our American people. Biden should have listened to Obama when he told him not to run for president.
@scaredy-cat Says:
Basic dishonesty in the entire democratic machine
@williamvalentin9473 Says:
My people from SKY/NEWS our people follow the Constitution Republic that is why ,WE the American People follow our Founding Father's Rule of LAW.................... DEMOCRATS LIED😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮
@vickimontemayor3262 Says:
@peggymillion1797 Says:
US is not a democracy it is a Constitutional Republic. Its in our original constitution. Please read it
@bobbyk3469 Says:
"if he's awake" is only inappropriate if it's untrue.
@sharicarnes8027 Says:
The Republican party has been trying to bring attention to this long ago. Left-media has been called out several times. Finally Democrats have been backed into their own self-made corner they can't get out of. They have no choice but to listen.
@jamesnormoyle8653 Says:
The only news worth watching since COVID has been Sky news as every other MSN channel or rag has been bought and sold by big Pharma. It has also been clear as day that Biden has been not fit to rule the largest economy on the planet for many years and you only have to look at how the country has deteriorated into a state of perpetual decline is proof that he should be relieved of his duties and Sky has been the only News Channel that have making this point,
@SteveSearches Says:
The Guardian is fish wrap. It's always been fish wrap.
@robertbean66 Says:
Fox News and Sky News have been a couple News outlets that have always told the truth on what the see and hear what FJB has done, is doing, and will be doing. And I myself want to say Thank You to both of this channels for being honest and not trying to cover up anything from the public. ❤️Trump🤍2024💙
@carendembowski6860 Says:
I'm from America and my job is not with the press,so if knew Biden was in decline when he was sworn in, the press knew and chose to hide it. Shame on them. It's about time they stop playing these games with Americans life's! I've been watching Sky News for many years and I think you guys do a great job...
@binkibinks4635 Says:
Ouch! How true about the Guardian! You cannot believe anything published on their sites!
@rexeverything4578 Says:
Biden MUST run. He's on the ballot, and that's a state thing. Some states, including California, require a death certificate to get someone off their ballot. That or a formal law change, and they don't have the numbers, in CA at least, to change the law. Imagine a Presidential election without the Electoral votes from CA? Democraps would not have a hope in Hell!
@debbiegradowski9885 Says:
Did you hear about the 74 year old grandmother arrested for singing near an abortion clinic and sentenced to 10 yrs in prison. Please look into this. Dear Lord I wish I’d taken law in college. 🤣. Like a Biden right (?) Sorry just really pissed o’er hear! 😉 President Trump 2024🇺🇸
@debbiegradowski9885 Says:
Please know that our media wasn’t like this until the Biden White House- they had written questions with the names and news source they were going to call on so there wasn’t any reason to play this game and Americans knew this all along. Not having anything we could do but wait for our chance to vote the insanity out. Did you get a view of our pride parades? I’m so embarrassed I can’t explain nor want, but parades were fun for the children, whoever brought their children to one has problems and now they are literally bringing this to schools and nothing anyone parent or grandparents can say or do. Seriously
@debbiegradowski9885 Says:
Please 🙏🏼 Sky News Has always been truthful for the American people who didn’t have a media to rely on so you Sky News were a huge help for us ! Sincerely! Please keep it up 💪🏼 😉🇺🇸 President Trump 2024🇺🇸
@terrybranham4536 Says:
You can't gaslight me, i knew he Biden was brain dead from the start.
@annacardenas4519 Says:
She doesn’t know what to say anymore! No more excuses!
@texicanjc Says:
I’m from 🇺🇸, and I’ve watched you guys for YEARS. I’d definitely take you guys over 99% of our own media any day!
@SovereignStatesman Says:
Dolores Umbridge: “I will not tell lies“ When you’re telling the truth
Nobody cares to believe kjp she has nothing but lies to tell, she needs to resign, shes just another succubus leaching off of the AMERICAN'S taxes and living a lavish life all while watching the destruction of AMERICA as she helps. She needs to go to prison. Like the rest of the swamp.
@uuzd4s Says:
Joe has gone w/ the Jussie Smollett defense, he's Doubling down on the excuses and blaming others for his Mental Decline. The Really Scary part is that he's behaving as if he believes all the media that's been running cover for this Cadaver in Chief.
@Gauthierbrad27 Says:
How could you possibly think that Biden is going to beat Trump at this stage of the game? The dude is decrepit.
@deputyVH Says:
The Guardian is a joke woke newspaper.
@Kitkat613 Says:
I’m actually very concerned for @KJP46 her comfort in lying her ass off daily.
@garthpilkey5965 Says:
His handlers and abusers will replace him. Revealing to the world now what they have been covering up about Biden was planned
@m.murphy4135 Says:
You guys are great
@elenamaputyryanryan5867 Says:
Biden very clearly cannot do right thinking anymore. Just accept it don’t cover up for Americans people sake.🥹🥹🥹
@Justme77400 Says:
Biden is destroying this country!! His policies are hurting us by design.
@Justme77400 Says:
The conundrum is that if he is replaced for the presidential race then he has to step down as president. Remember the judge ruled that he was too feeble to stand trial in the illegal documents case.
@stephensangalli Says:
All the rats are jumping ship! Very predictable human behavoir. 😂
@brendamarrerobrugueras2080 Says:
Excuses: -A bad bad cold that disappeared the next day -Jet lag -COVID- Negative -An infection- Nope -Exhaustion -Over preparation My take—DEMENTIA in its negation phase. And now some dumb suggests the Sloppy Joe’s campaign to do the exact same thing they accused Trump of doing. AI. 🤖 Seriously?
@dabigkahunacatfish2992 Says:
GOD BLESS SKY NEWS. The biden SHIT SHOW is the best entertainment we've had in years! We have managed to survive the last 3 1/2 years, so 6 more months will be easy. Especially when you consider the win at the end....TRUMP WILL BE BACK!
@roolytooby5351 Says:
Scummy people are always thick as theives until shit hits the fan, then they all turn on each other.
@trishaholmeide2192 Says:
American democrats have gone full out Marxist and more than willing to use Marxist tools to undermine and destroy our constitutional Republic. Cheating, lying, funding both sides to ensure control, anything is on the plate for them to use to obtain and retain power. They are godless, anti-American (anti human, actually) creatures without a soul.
@NADI-MICAH777 Says:
@kalisawyer97 Says:
Why is no one saying the truth. These people are told what to say It is the plan of thrift bosses to get rid of Joe Cannot believe our people. It has been a plan
@mentorofarisia371 Says:
It's really unfortunate for us in the USA that Sky News Australia has been right on soooo many controversial issues. I've been a subscriber for a long time now, and I cannot recall a story by Sky that has been false. Regarding Biden stepping down from office now, or withdrawing from the campaign, Tulsi Gabbard was dead on, that anyone who would replace Biden will continue with the same wrong policies as Biden has been. We have to focus of failed policies, and who will change them. Only Trump will, or can, do that. And I certainly believe that any Democrat who might replace Biden will double down on his weaponizing of the Dept of Justice, IRS, and ATF, probably add the CIA, NSA, and God only knows which other agencies, since no one is being punished.
@das1013 Says:
Since I've been watching Sky News for over a year, when I watched the debate I thought Biden did the same or slightly better than some of his worst episodes, so I was surprised by American MSM claiming to be shocked. The fact that all the MSM changed 360 degrees at the same time made me realize that the early "debate" was orchestrated by the Dems who are really in power to get this result.
@JoseFlores-uy2nx Says:
It's kind of annoying to all these WH nonsense excuses, kind of someone trying to convince you that a bar of soap is cheese😮 when you already know is not!
@DehydratedNurse Says:
I think the jabs accelerated his dementia. I speak as a mandated C19 jab injured nurse. Karma Joe. Karma
@DehydratedNurse Says:
She said he didn't see a doctor. Biden said he did...
@dudley5658 Says:
I would feel sorry for almost anyone else. But not this evil creep.

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