Kamala Harris on Georgia high school shooting: This is a senseless tragedy
Kamala Harris on Georgia high school shooting: This is a senseless tragedy



@barbarastankus9943 Says:
It would have been so effective if Harris pointed to what she has done in her 3.5 years in office to correct the situation, if it doesn't have to be this way. Or state what she proposes to do about this in her time as president. So tired of politicians complaining and doing nothing. Proposing nothing. Hearts and flowers. Americans want constructive solutions. We are a national embarrassment.
@kenialalora6535 Says:
Says the one that believes in full term abortion
@kendyllj8072 Says:
Trying to figure out how those who say they are pro-life are willing to protect a fetus but when it comes to protecting the lives of our children,for many of them, their gun rights are more important. Just curious.
@nancymilberger8708 Says:
Our guns are to protect us from you harris!! If your so worried about violence, then why are you allowing Venezuelan gangs to take over the streets of America
@TheThekapuka Says:
All is trump fault 😡
@josephcross7960 Says:
Don’t Pray for Change , Vote for Change !!!!
@codyb6849 Says:
Stop with the bs it has nothing to do with the guns it’s the people using them that needs help
@skyleruballe2265 Says:
All you trumpers coming out of the woodwork to say "youre still not taking MY guns!" PEOPLE LIKE YOU are the reason this is happening and you cant admit it, so you blame mentally ill people. Mentally ill people exist everywhere only in THIS COUNTRY would you advocated for throwing them all in prison before simple background checks
@amyvonquintus73 Says:
Imagine standing against guns but promoting hunting hats on your website…. Make it make sense! Imagine defunding the police (Kamala) and then not having enough police to protect the students. Who would vote for this nut?
@scottosborn6193 Says:
America has had enough of these filthy Republicans.
@RussellWorkman Says:
What Do YOU Expect Kamala ?* > These Poor People's Families Have Had Not One Day To Morn & "YOU" Politicize It ! ?* > You SEAR Their Conscious In Schools With YOUR Ungodly Lies & Wonder Where This All Comes From ?* > BACK OFF ! & GET LOST ! Demons !
@jerrybeaver4677 Says:
The blame game starts
@justinkey3181 Says:
Venezuela gangs have kicked out people from their apartments in Colorado and moved into their homes without the police doing anything about it. Why would you pay rent in America anymore when you could be kicked out of your home by Venezuela gangs and our government wont do anything about it. Don't pay rent and tell your landlord that if a Venezuela gang kicked you out of your home you would let the Venezuelans live rent free!
@marcusbarker4001 Says:
Of Script and REAL!!!
@DinkinFlicka11 Says:
Man, camel is one of the dumbest people ive ever heard speak. Good thing she sucked on willie to get into politics
@DinkinFlicka11 Says:
Guns dont shoot themselves you morons
@crazykev1985 Says:
If Trump had done this the media would come down on him like a ton of bricks...
@raymondmix1763 Says:
Put the blame were belong put the blame with the parents. They can’t correct their child no more because child protective services won’t let them.
@davidbooyer4851 Says:
Yes what we need is idiot control! You idiot!
@glenmaxwell3465 Says:
You are in Power right now Kamala why not act to improve things? This is just more meaningless Babble!
@CastlesForEyes Says:
Where is THE PRESIDENT? Did he say anything?
@troykell540 Says:
Deep inside her heart, she’s cackling and giggling
@defman85 Says:
If she wants to stop gun violence. Why won’t she say this speech in the city of Chicago.
@Scott-G11 Says:
Kind of like your miserably botched Afghanistan withdrawal. Yet I haven't heard you once say a single thing about the 13 brave veterans who needlessly gave their lives because of your incompetence.
@waynebarth8029 Says:
Harris idiot
@deezldude Says:
Fukking halfwit trying to get votes
@independenttexan3505 Says:
You can't call her an opportunist because preventing school shootings and passing common sense gun laws is something her and Walz have been talking about from the very beginning, and in almost every speech. They know it has been a problem for years and it will continue to be a problem until somebody does something about it. We all know the Republicans plan is to not do anything. Actually Trump is on video against AR's himself but then he caved to the NRA
@independenttexan3505 Says:
My wife is a teacher in Texas. A couple of years ago they had two gun incidents a few months apart. One was a 2nd grader who brought a gun to school to show it off to his friends and another was a 4th grader who brought a gun to school because he was mad at another student. When they took his backpack that it was in and carried him away he was kicking, cussing, and screaming. I bet anything the guardians of these kids just got a slap on the wrist even though they endangered people's lives since it is Texas. Those guardians should have spent years in jail, but we can't do anything that would be common sense to protect the feelings of gun owners and the NRA.
@monkeyboy4746 Says:
"Gun violence", she can't say crime or criminals because it hurts her politically.
@charliewebb6017 Says:
You don't care
@judymorden4460 Says:
People want her for President ?
@johnmartinsen963 Says:
Democrats had 12 out of the last 16 years to get something done and want to blame Trump???
@lostvisitor Says:
stop the bullying stop the reason to strike out. Teach your children to be respectful to every one. Support your child when they have a bad day. Raise your child, don't hand them a hand held computer to occupy them. We have always had guns. The rate of school shootings has gone up with the amount of time children are raised by electronic devices.
@heidimarchant5438 Says:
@Slam_24 Says:
If America truly wants to fix itself, then it needs to stop obsessing over their love of guns and god.
@RkyMtnWay1 Says:
The kid was on a Biden admin FBI watch list = Planned ineptitude by the Biden/Harris administration. Just like the attempt on Trump.
@amandad6104 Says:
@kate60 Says:
It is sin. Jesus Christ Crucified for your sin is the only way to Salvation. Salvation is not a human decision. Be not deceived. It has always been a case of rebellion against God. Kamala wants babies murdered in the womb. Hypocrite!
@RodgerCumbee Says:
She flipped already
@kpbr323 Says:
What are you going to do about it without taking away our gun rights. She can't help herself. A blooming idiot.
@crystalbates9861 Says:
You’re senseless, literally
@veronicawhitley6497 Says:
Kamala what about the senseless stabbing of a innocent young girl by a illegal immigrant! Talk about that!
@seaeire94 Says:
Why is she Campaigning in NH when she supposedly has that State in the bag ? Same with the upcoming MN rally ? Because she's now tanking in both 😂
@zinger8276 Says:
Kamala talks about All kinds of Problems but Never talks about what to do to Fix the problems typical Democrats for you.
@broguns2420 Says:
Crazy how the only time she ever shows up is when there’s something she can use to run on and not the actual reason that warranted the reason for her to show up so in this instance “guns bad” but as for the victims and actual situation she doesn’t care
@amh7427 Says:
Where is the accent🤔
@daniel51404 Says:
That B!TC# will take your guns if she wins only the Venezuelan gangs will have the guns.
@honkoff99 Says:
Harris' statement was fine. Many of the comments on here attacking her statement are not fine. Hopefully none of those commenters own weapons.
@seaeire94 Says:
Here comes the forever Democrat push for Gun Control meanwhile Venezuela gangs are toting Guns and Rifles and it's Crickets 🦗 🦗 from them 🤔
@jasonlukasik5595 Says:
GenZ absolutely hates you you snatch basket

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