'Gross negligence': Columbia University BLASTED for allowing anti-Israel protests
'Gross negligence': Columbia University BLASTED for allowing anti-Israel protests



@terilynnnelson572 Says:
Does the woman who proudly states that she is a "zionist" understand what that statement means to Palestinians who are currently being slaughtered in the thousands by the IDF? But she is the victim?
@jjtheherald008 Says:
Those wearing keffiyeh support palestinians who throw LGBT people off roofs.
@PandaMoolin Says:
they want to take away their right to protest bombing women and children??? move to china if you do not like freedom!!!!
@user-zl9sh9mz6h Says:
Settler-colonialism is terrorism. FREE PALESTINE 🇵🇸
@joselichifiltzer8625 Says:
Imagine being an student in any of this 5th wolrd country schools. Like literally in Guatemala you would have better program
@Ilforever1124 Says:
Iran has managed to deceive everyone and drastically altered the rules of war, making them exponentially more brutal. From their perspective, committing atrocities and massacres is not only acceptable but justified. They endorse acts of terror, including abducting the elderly, babies, and children from their homes, and subjecting them to torture in tunnels. These are the new norms they've adopted for themselves and the country they live in.
@cyberone2763 Says:
Talk about how they're attacking Palestinians and Africans just for who they are ! Stop the bias.
@cyberone2763 Says:
What about the bias towards Palestinian and African students? Why is this country so biased?! I just heard a report about only making "Jewish students feel safe." What about all the kids?! This is disgraceful, they're showing favoritism. No wonder the other non students are angry.
@bakerstreet101 Says:
The campus is locked down for everyone because of these schmucks.
@Trumpforeever Says:
The democrats little gang is wacked
@SiemonMorgan-wi5gy Says:
These children need good old fashioned hidings from their parents and get back to studies!!!
@georgescustefan8705 Says:
Iran was behind the anti-Israel protests on at least one Canadian university in an attempt to undermine Western support for Israel and fuel divisiveness on Canadian soil, sources combating digital disinformation told Iran International. Cyber security company XPOZ, through the use of a large-scale analysis of factual evidence and data that’s collected on social networks, came to the conclusion that Iran was behind the campus protests at McGill university in Montreal. Analysts working for the American cyber company, which monitors social media, use AI technology to unmask the networks and campaigns behind “inauthentic” users interacting on a large scale. They dug deeper into inauthentic accounts, which could be defined as either bots or fake users managed by a foreign power, operating in a highly coordinated matter on social platforms. They said the coordination aspect is key because that’s how social media algorithms work to push a certain narrative. The analysts also used technology to investigate the content such users post. What they found was that there was a high-percentage of inauthentic accounts primarily written in Farsi, coming from Iranians inside Iran linked to the regime and IRGC, fueling the campus protests at McGill. Analysts told Iran International they are confident based on analysis of which group inauthentic users belong to and the type of narrative they are producing over time within those groups. XPOZ analysts, came up with their results after one month by identifying the language used in the posts, where it was coming from, and how much of it was coordinated among inauthentic accounts linking back to Iran. Iran International is not identifying the XPOZ analysts by name for security reasons. “The primary takeaway is that there is a massive activity, funded, coordinated and organized by a foreign government that is influencing Canadians in Canada and driving incitement to violence and real-world activity,” said one of the XPOZ analysts. Their analysis of the alleged coordinated activity at McGill reveals 60 percent of Pro-Palestine campus protestors were not authentic online users. The data indicates the presence of coordinated Farsi-speaking accounts, suggesting a targeted campaign. By comparison, 75% of commentators critical of the encampment were authentic. The data drew on nearly 150,000 posts on X, over 500,000 likes and more than 65,000 comments. The analysts emphasized that their data does not identify whether the Pro-Palestine protesters are aware or unaware of Iran’s alleged role and may be acting in good faith. The analysts revealed to Iran International that the network driving the McGill protests had been promoting narratives supporting the IRGC and the government of Iran while proliferating rhetoric against Israel and US. “When you look at something that is happening in Montreal, Canada, you expect most of the users to be writing in English or French. Or you would expect most of them to be primarily engaging in other posts in English or French. It’s natural to see other languages but up to a certain point. What we saw here were users that were primarily writing in Farsi or that their followers were writing in Farsi.” They added the users were not Iranians living in Canada and not regular citizens in Iran but rather tied to the Islamic Republic. “In addition to their history of what they were writing and what they were engaging with, we also see that they're highly intertwined with one another in the sense that they're following one another,” which the analysts said indicated coordination. “They share a very abnormally high proportion of followers amongst one another,” said another XPOZ analyst. Foreign interference and national security XPOZ analysts said their data demonstrate that Canada is subject to the use of deceptive mass influence campaigns coordinated by foreign governments, like Iran, to target Canadian society through proxies to deepen divides and threaten national security. In June, Canada named Iran as one of the top four countries, along with China, Russia and North Korea, that engage in extensive campaigns to compromise government and private sector computer systems. "Foreign interference, enabled by sophisticated cyber tools, poses one of the most serious threats to Canada’s national security, economic prosperity and sovereignty, as well as our way of life," the statement read. In its annual report released in May, the Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS) highlighted the cyber-attacks by the Islamic Republic that target Canada. A foreign interference report also in May concluded that Iran, China, Russia, India, Pakistan, are key threats against Canada. Iran International’s exclusive report comes on the heels of US intelligence report that Iran is funding and emboldening anti-Israel protests in the US to sow discord. US Director of National Intelligence Avril Haines said on July 9 that Iran harnessed social media to warp domestic debates and create more division. She issued an official statement warning that the Islamic Republic of Iran was boosting anti-Israel protests online. Neil Oberman, a Canadian lawyer who recently represented students who filed an injunction against the McGill encampment, said the XPOZ data suggesting Iran’s role in the protests proves “foreign interference.” “In Canada we do not tolerate and should not tolerate foreign countries interfering, meddling, creating disruption for the purposes of basically trying to influence young students who are the future of our country, from not being able to study, not being able to interact, and more importantly, not being able to be safe on their own campus,” he said. Sources with XPOZ released the data to Oberman, who became the face of injunctions against the encampments in Canada. Oberman said the students he represented were subject to aggression and hate on campus. The court had rejected his application, but he believes the outcome would have been different if he had the XPOZ documentation. “Do I think for a moment that the courts would have known that evidence existed to establish that a foreign country with very evil intentions was attempting to influence good Canadians and Quebeckers so that they could fight with each other to have an encampment, I think the outcome might have been different, and I would even beg to say maybe McGill might have acted differently,” he added. In July, McGill's campus security dismantled the school's encampment. Oberman said he’s bound by lawyer-client privileges and can’t discuss litigation but hinted that he will be using the evidence for a future legal proceeding. “Evidence that does exist will be used. The form of its usage would probably be in the form of a legal proceeding.” For Oberman, this is not an issue of antisemitism or the Jewish and Iranian communities but rather about Canada and the safety of all Canadians.
@gemox3225 Says:
It's absolutely disgusting that this is allowed. I support the Jewish students and Jewish people.
@barbarabedwell1901 Says:
3 VERY WELL spoken young ppl. Got their points across with dignity and respect. Just wanted to point that out.
@JodiDaves Says:
Wow, looks at all of the chinese and Russian morons.
@pascalouellette8516 Says:
Harris Biden are proving they are not leaders along with Columbia and NY...wake up...
@JamesTankersley-l6h Says:
🙏 God bless Israel 🇮🇱 ✝️
@MJN_DeadbeatDad Says:
Spoiled little, ignorant brats. Most are going to feel really stupid in several years. I remember when I was in college and stupid.
@saythankyou111 Says:
Colu m bia is the last step before the elite political con tra ct is signed in blo od. To the king of Lies……it’s not good!🇺🇸🕊🥺
@sangi7114 Says:
As I have always said: An expensive school degree, can not buy common sense. The guy speaking, his parents could have saved money by getting him a dictionary. The parents are idiots too. These kids do not work, protesting all day. I paid my tuition by working a full-time job and going to school at night.
@AGoodThingOfficial Says:
I’m so afraid for my life!!!!… oh, a chance for tv time you say? Sign me up. 🙄
@alp3781 Says:
This school is going to pay dearly. Hold tight and you will see. The politics in this school will cost them heavily. Don’t BLEEP with the Jewish community. It was a big mistake on their part!
@AK36677 Says:
Who cares?! They really are the eternal victim. The whole world is sick of it... 🤮🤮
@demianpelos Says:
Do they know what hamas would do to this pro hamas kids???
@demianpelos Says:
Expel them! For been dumb, how they can let them represent the university?
@stiop52 Says:
I left this school traumatized and broken last semester. This place is absolutely evil. I was under faculty who were openly marxists, and pro-Hamas. I saw Jewish students spat on, beaten, and many careers destroyed. Never ever go to Columbia.
@Anisky123 Says:
It’s not free speech. It’s incitement of terrorism both domestic and international.
@jonthoms1445 Says:
Enough of these ridiculous protests and riots! May God protect and guide these youths in their struggles in life and on their education journey 🙏
@dimaspektor5910 Says:
Education needs to change in Colombia. Teachers need to educate students about Hamas and the Middle East to change the perspective of anti-Israeli students.
@Jackpunk Says:
Everyone knows Columbia is a bastion of supporters of anti-Israel, anti-America haters because they CONDONE it!
@veredhasela Says:
American universities are controlled by Iran. It's all organized and planned.
@haroldwillrich8135 Says:
America youth should be free to express their views along with free assembly without being accused of anti-semitism. When Americans can't criticize Israel of crimes freedom of expression is gone forever. Fox News politics is dangerous to free America. Stop Fox News now they are anti-american.,
@albertstyger6148 Says:
Wonderful. Ameri Can't at it's best.
@urban_godsatl4571 Says:
Aww professional victims 😂
@markchilders5708 Says:
detain, prosecute, deport, expel
@orwanunu Says:
This would never happen in Florida ❤
@pittiebaby Says:
Thats called a RIOT
@donaldleider7382 Says:
I know these girls dreamed of going there all their lives, but why would you spend a nickel going to a college where this is tolerated?
@christine-pv3wc Says:
Really? In 2024? A particular group is afraid for their safety?? Bet you if you replaced the words, Jewish students, by any other ethnic group, you would have immediate action from the government and from all the major spokes people in this country. What cowards!!!
@josephtoubian1002 Says:
So proud of these brave Jewish students. Shame on the universities that are so weak and can’t control what is happening in their universities, and on their campuses . They’re not any better than those brainwashed , uneducated pro Palestinians students. We also should hold this administration, which is also so weak and coward to allow this happen in our country.
@growthzack9542 Says:
I haven’t seen any protests in my area. Stand your ground states seem to attract less domestic terrorists for some reason
@growthzack9542 Says:
Look at these humble, calm, intelligent Jewish students VS those unhinged protestors. The difference is obvious
@dmitriykagan3883 Says:
To run away from antisemites means to let them win. Not going to happen.
@georgescustefan8705 Says:
Why won't you speak about foreign interference in amplifying such protests, like Russian, Chinese or Iranian one?! But don't worry, expect a larger conflict to come between Israel and Iran, where the US will still be the main proxy country, given the open support expressed by Itamar Ben-Gvir (lawyer with extremist views, follower of Meir Kahane's ideas) for Donald Trump's candidacy. Of course, through a spike in oil prices, Russia (via Lukoil) will try to take full advantage of the situation, which will burn our pockets (Romanians' pockets) badly in the end! Good luck! Trump, don't sell us, Eastern Europeans, to Russia!
@mineolahome5243 Says:
Columbia and other "elite" Universities have multi-billion dollar endowment funds that are currently tax free. Make them pay their fair share and tax them.
@ninelspassionforfashion9289 Says:
I can’t believe this is America!!! Disgusting!!!🇮🇱
@jorgemontefusco650 Says:
To attend Columbia University the total cost is $93,346.00 a year. Who are these fools rioting? Where are they from? Who’s paying the bills for these them?

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