'Strong parliamentary performer': Bill Shorten's surprise retirement
'Strong parliamentary performer': Bill Shorten's surprise retirement



@elenawalker3746 Says:
Championing his on retirement fund only if his RICO past catches up with him and the other elected parasites.
@beedee7663 Says:
Failor! The NDIS sucks. The only way is to quit. Married 3 times each time to gain from the wives's families' help! Also this time, got a long life job until retirement!
@mickmick5825 Says:
The rats are always first to flee the sinking ship!
@user-sf2vp2rh4b Says:
Getting out of the WEF Corruption group before getting caught. Get my ongoing pay and extras whilst there is still money in the WORLD BANK.
@eb2505 Says:
Yep. Performer. No achievements to his credit or the benefit of Australians.
@CohnmanTheBudbarian Says:
A rat jumping ship? I wonder what its going to be.
@putitinyomouth Says:
What ever he did with that digital i.d for the w.e.f he probably can't live with it. So he's retired so he doesn't get questions on it.
@richardswallow1967 Says:
$1million salary , plus a polition…. pension…..for doing what…🤨
@kevthecontrarian1614 Says:
Another rat leaving the sinking ship...Feb election then?
@rhettcorbett3346 Says:
Don't let the door hit you on the arse on the way out Shifty Shorten. And you should not get a Pension or a single taxpayer cent. You are going to a 1.8 mill paying job. You are just a leech.
@robertcatterson8835 Says:
Short arms long pockets (Shorten) life long snout in the trough politician, who done sweet f all and slippery as a bar of soap.🤡
@stewatparkpark2933 Says:
Still on the public teat .
@Whereareyouthen Says:
@robertbursle5421 Says:
Here goes another uni down the drain.
@mr_jdes Says:
Ndis king prick
@riprex2072 Says:
This pos knows what's coming
@hakanurludag5477 Says:
Send him home today, an absolutely useless politician. Give some of his retirement money to people who struggle every day with living expenses.
@growdaddy4281 Says:
Great. Now can we have an NDIS Royal Commission?????
@davidcarter4247 Says:
Shorten is different from most Labor politicians because he puts himself ahead of party. Not unique but in the minority. Neither put Australia and Australians at the top.
@MarkForbes-dr4ie Says:
Lost two elections, usless like the rest of them,good bye and good riddance.
@jazzysnaps Says:
Another one down, professional bludger.
@setildes Says:
He's quitting because he has failed at everything, lost the election, failed to do anything to control the runaway cost of the NDIS, good riddance to bad rubbish
@russellcullen9913 Says:
Bill let the cat out of the bag?
@Brennan_Dale3169 Says:
Suspicious Cats ✌️ ☮️
@iconsaustraliaproductions4991 Says:
Could be the leaker, anyhow, more important is the ousting of Mr Pants on Fire to his left, when you get the chance, VOTE THEM OUT...
@erichtomanek4739 Says:
One of the destroyers of Australia.
@davehad-enough2369 Says:
Good riddance. He's done nothing positive for this country. Just another Labor has-been sucking the money out of the taxpayer for his own benefit.
@craig-r8b Says:
go gogo
@_hold_the_line_ Says:
Bill is getting a sweet deal from the education sector, that taxpayer funded institution that look after Labor ministers when they retire.
@happycampa9622 Says:
Oooooo avoiding something I wonder what it is?????
@joco9024 Says:
Bill leaving Albosleezee, failing Labor, looks like rats jumping off a sinking ship. Guess he didn’t want to go into opposition for another 10 years, watching Peter Dutton repair the damage caused by Labor’s reckless and in some cases catastrophic policies and eye watering squandering OUR money fuelling inflation. Hey Bill shred Alboliar’s cheque book before the farewell, take Wrong Wong, Blackout Bowen, Katy ‘let’s make up dirt and Albo lies to get into Government’ Gallagher, Dum Dum Charmers and the list goes on.
@starlight1McDonald Says:
about time
@garydurandt4260 Says:
I am pretty upset shorten is leaving in February, I was hoping it would be next week.
@thethinkingman9338 Says:
His days of lying to the Australian people may be over but his days of thieving from them will continue wilth his big fat life long taxpayer paid for pension ( that us taxpayers are never entitled to ) Criminals of the highest order are what politicians are, and all they are.
@carolynedunsford6582 Says:
running away with his tail between his legs like a dog
@paulw7404 Says:
Dont let the door hit you on the backside as you go.
@Lucifer-c4g Says:
FoaD, Shorten 👋
@chrisdaly9539 Says:
Sure hope he gets a huge pension and a corporate position with a six figure salary.
@barryryan4234 Says:
@domes2 Says:
another idiot gone..
@ozzinedyoutubechannel1851 Says:
Good Riddance
@BJ-jt7bz Says:
Guess sorting out the NDIS was to much for him ???
@snozzybosch7503 Says:
Bill the dill, what a fucking dudd
@Denito451 Says:
Bill thinks the brainwashing of university students with Marxist ideology is a better use of his limited abilities.
@MrMcnamex Says:
the champion indeed.......
@ju5t_5ay_n0 Says:
Bill Shorten dumps wife for G-G Quenten Bryce's girl | LABOR MP Bill Shorten, touted as a future leader of the party, has left his wife for the daughter of Kevin Rudd's newly appointed Governor-General, Quentin Bryce. | September 21, 2008 - 12:00AM
@coronavirusboogieman3568 Says:
NDIS is full of fraud and Shorten has mismanaged tax payer funds
@lornatodd4750 Says:
Fat pension for life is not enough. 🤑🤮
@DMaxisme Says:
The rats depart 🐀🐀🐀
@stevep9041 Says:
He doesn’t want to back a loser.

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