Government parenting children could 'escalate' into dangerous territory
Government parenting children could 'escalate' into dangerous territory



@KookaburraAU9908 Says:
You would think the Australian Labor party both Federal and State would be satisfied with decades of Marxist indoctrination in primary, high schools and universities. Parents need to stand up against politicians parenting our chikdren.
@rob6543 Says:
No means no , hurting children for saying no makes laugh children do what they are told, good for you Paul
@cherylharris-u6o Says:
Some parents can't say no to devices. Not only phones I have seen kids on devices hours and hours playing games. It just concerns me. The parents need to say no. Limit their devices. I have heard a parent say what else are they going to do. I can't believe what I'm seeing. Reading a book has gone out the door. I have kids get cranky because they can't finish their game. Parents have to get tough say no.
@AximandTheCursed Says:
Civilisation can survive without government. It cannot survive without children. A reminder is long overdue.
@brandonmccarthy7660 Says:
This prick can keep his nose and hands off and away from my kids!!! Albo has no kids thank God!!!!! Vote this wanker out with all the losers that follow his crap.
@JonathanBriggs-q4u Says:
Yes. Stop Trump and righties. We don’t want them telling us what to believe or how to lead our kids lives, all so some rich corporate interests can profit. Stop righties, they always try tell people how to lead their lives. Trump takes it to a whole new level
@batmanlives6456 Says:
Albo is making a huge mess of looking after Australia Leave parenting to parents!
@kabirabrol6263 Says:
Just wondering how the earth white still don't know how to raise their kids , how can be a debate 🤔
@justinwolff1416 Says:
First they come for your children... then, they come for you. They already have your children in their educational indoctrination facilities. It's a step by step program. You're next!
@katielee4892 Says:
Addictive substances are illegal for children except this.
@joanshaw1173 Says:
I think parents need to get more involved with the children instead of letting them run wild on social media, what happened to the days of being out Outside, playing with neighbourhood kids parents are too busy sitting there kids in front of iPads and phones Children are being forced to grow up too quick, and it’s our fault as parents this is happening
@joanshaw1173 Says:
I think parents need to get more involved with the children instead of letting them run wild on social media, what happened to the days of being out Outside, playing with neighbourhood kids parents are too busy sitting there kids in front of iPads and phones Children are being forced to grow up too quick, and it’s our fault as parents this is happening
@andrewferguson887 Says:
Im a parent, its lazy parenting, the Government should stay right out of it, they f#$@%k most things up as it is.
@stephenperry7371 Says:
Government are trying groom everyone’s kids.
@andrewferguson887 Says:
Im a parent, its lazy parenting, the Government should stay right out of it, they f#$@%k most things up as it is.
@donaldbremner8925 Says:
Thats the communist way control everybody albo is sick parents should be completely in hands of parents
@davidparkes7977 Says:
How can they ban it anyway idiots
@johncrow5552 Says:
Communists being communists.
@markpatterson2811 Says:
There will be absolutely no govt advice taken for my kids , f off
@thebobbit5895 Says:
de p-e-d-o-s are @ it again
@WilliamGriffin-vy6mo Says:
If you vote for liberal labor Nationals greens your a bloody idiot ! Time for them to go? Wake up Australia 🦘. Make Australia great again. It's in your hands.
@slavbrav69 Says:
I wouldnt live in the same time as Albosleazy, absolute predator
@tassie7325 Says:
For those that advocate for government to step in to protect the children from harm, I would like to ask how they feel about the same government have sex education taught to minors in schools. The same governments that insisted that children be forced to wear masks. Just how much do the governments actually care about the children's welfare. Children's health and welfare should be under the control of the parents up until the parents abuse that role, at which point the law enforcement authorities should step in.. Governments should keep their nose out of family affairs.
@Ownedby Says:
In all honesty, just ban phones from school. Those of us who went to school before the 2000s began, had no phones coz, etc. They were silly bricks, and there was no Internet.😂 Im glad i went to school during 80s and 90s, no way would i and my mates would've wanted our parents to have tabs on our every movement.
@Jo-ji1yf Says:
Well said Evelyn Rae! The government just wants us to use identification to use the internet so it's easier for the transgenders and pedo's to sue us if we make a comment online that offends them. Also easier for a dictator to persecute those who speak out against the regime.
@VovelPunch Says:
Tyrannical!!! They wish to radicalize our kids!!!!!! BAN social media for minors under 13 especially tiktok and BAN govt from INFLUENCING our KIDS!!!!!
@BeatBay771 Says:
Touch my kids and you'll know a whole new world of pain
@shiftinsteak8331 Says:
@johnperry7534 Says:
Glad I’m 64 and can use my device addiction without problems. At this stage until they block every fucking thing. But after not smoking all My life I’m in trouble if I feel like just having the odd cigarette once a month perhaps if I bring in a couple of packets of cigarettes through customs , then I’m searched like McCartney in Japan and treated like the master criminal ! this government knows no boundaries when it comes to control they’re a bunch of dictators . This will never end until the two party system collapses in this country and we get our freedom back . We are ruled by numpties ! The thin edge of the control wedge in this country would shock our ancestors . We live in a convenient prison. When my mother was a kid they were living in a tent and surviving (just) on rabbits but at least they could have a smoke and an odd drink . Sheesh!!
@annbarker7707 Says:
It’s all been set up and all part of the overall control, you need to teach them about everything, absolute disaster
@Rid-iculo-us Says:
Isn't "government" to be FROM US FOR US? These people seem to be under the impression they're here to rule. When they are here to SERVE
@supernovaaust Says:
Like providing schools, roads, lighting, health care etc... Really dangerous stuff for a government to do what we elect them for.
@russellcullen9913 Says:
Welcome to communism.
@khaansulu5695 Says:
The government shouldn't be our parents but social media is horrible for people's mental health, especially children. If you require a parent's permission to create an account for an online game, why wouldn't you require one for social media?
@madeleinebray5205 Says:
We didn't allow our teenage children to have phones years ago when social media was in its infancy, but one of their friends was always happy to secretly hand over their old models so "they could keep in touch" . It was a huge battle for us back then, so today must be a nightmare for parents. Anyone would think there is an agenda behind it all...🤔
@Firestarter-AU Says:
Giving your child a mobile phone is no different to leaving a pornographic magazine in the toilet.
@leevan2332 Says:
This isn’t about children. They are USING children as an excuse to control access for ALL to the internet via the Digital ID
@RS-qy8pk Says:
So government should not limit when kids can get drivers license? Should not limit when someone can smoke or drink?
@rinzler9775 Says:
The bill has nothing to do with helping kids online, it's true premice is much more sinister, and will literally spell the end of democracy.
@leslieafflick4650 Says:
Pretty simple i didnt hve a mobile til i was 18 n it will b the same with my kids the issue is ppl trying to b thete kids best mates n look cool
@EmperorSigismund Says:
Legislation won't fix jack. Just like alcohol, cigarettes and pornography, unless parents and communities take responsibility kids will find ways around any government controls.
@ianpickett8420 Says:
The Labor party .... Proto Communists . Get the Children left wing brain washed before they know how to think for themselves .
@michaehector1018 Says:
The government can't govern a country let alone children a very dangerous move for parents. 🤬
@Taff71 Says:
Parents stand up for your children. Be strong be proud. Our government lives in Dreamtime.
@peterschaefer2946 Says:
i dont care country is tuning to shit todays parentes are stupid like goverment
@Harien-fs6gn Says:
In tv only parents with those kids addicted phone gets their opinion… but many parents has no problem and able to do their parenting duties when it’s about digital wise uses for their kids 🤭
@VivienneWest-k3n Says:
Labor government under this prime minister wants to turn Australia into a dictation where they can control everyone. All because they are sucking over, they don't have their win with the voice.
@johumphrey1048 Says:
Albo stay away from the kids
@DamienSmyth-v6k Says:
I didnt want to get my daughter an ipad but its a mandatory for school because teachers cant teach anymore its all youtube and reading eggs. I hate it.
@wombat949 Says:
Albanese's 'parenting' involves children's gay sex books, Mardi Gras, constant lies, no moral compass and choosing not listen. We to ensure this creepy man can be kept away from our children and has zero influence over the children.

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