'Heads have got to roll': ABC's 'shocking' campaign against Heston Russell
'Heads have got to roll': ABC's 'shocking' campaign against Heston Russell



@madfrankie-p9q Says:
We could stop taking money in from foreign students and simultaneously defund the ABC.
@Keizer_Soze Says:
"‘Heads have got to roll’: ABC’s ‘shocking’ campaign against Heston Russell" you spelled JAILED wrong
@KingsleyThomson-j1w Says:
The ABC is a national disgrace,,, this incident highlights the disgraceful way this organisation can manipulate its programs and reporting to get the outcomes that suits their agenda regardless of whos reputation is destroyed! Like Politicians the ABC needs to be held to account or should be defunded,,,,
@shitsakrabeen4547 Says:
Given ABC's 2023 agenda was getting the (failed) Yes vote over the line (breaching their Charter), it could be argued this was also a resounding NO to ABC's partisan dogma & our willingness to fund it.
@MichelSabbah-mj4jk Says:
ABC seems to have one goal only : delegitimise , vilify what should be the pride of Australia : their soldiers. This is part of their aim to destroy the pillars of Australian society: family values , religion , aim for excellence and so on . Shameful. This institution has failed in its basic goal : neutral journalism, education and clarity .
@daniellemoebus9346 Says:
Lady, no Australian has confidence in the Human Rights Commission. Where have they been for the last FOUR years?
@daniellemoebus9346 Says:
Taxpayers will be paying compensation now to Heston Russell for this. He absolutely deserves it, but take it out of their paycheck.
@marylou3995 Says:
100% right - we have lost Australia!
@hairylittlewombat Says:
Just proves what I've always thought. Never, ever trust the ABC. Is anyone surprised the government has done nothing because the ABC literally runs the governments propaganda arm.
@heresjohnnyj Says:
One of the two things that need to be gone, ABC & GREENS
@richardvr5448 Says:
If the Govt passes the laws it pretends to make, then this is the epitome of why these laws would be made, to stop the misinformation perpetuated by these disgusting organisations
@dalewalters9023 Says:
This is why albo is trying to hide the truth..mis/dis info, online laws.hes fukced everything up and trying to hide it.what a wnkr
@DavidBrowne-wx7cm Says:
Hells bells. We have been saying this for years. Sell Ultimo and move the whole ABC to Penrith. The woke lot will not catch trains to Penrith from the Eastern Suburbs
@richardcharlton8259 Says:
Just get rid of the ABC it’s full of of leftist wankers
@jonathanparle8429 Says:
You think we trusted them before this?? We haven't trusted them for a couple of decades!
@RobertChaplin-m7b Says:
The ABC is in my opinion is anti Australian. Simple as that. They are pro???. If I wrote whom I would certainly finish up in jail. What a mess.
@brigittekenny6599 Says:
This is a disgrace ,if this keeps going on we will have no soldiers,
@MickAngelhere Says:
Meanwhile the ABC love those terrible people in the Middle East with pagers
@marieaudibert5692 Says:
No head to roll they will be promoted
@gordonwells1626 Says:
The ABC is a propaganda portal and the ideologically aligned mouthpiece of the Albanese Government. Nothing will be done. Labor is in bed with the ABC….they are both un-Australian and the arrowhead of the Marxist enemy within this country.
@natcorptraining Says:
I was told by a uni staff member in Sydney, "They pay, they pass!"
@ross4970 Says:
ABC are out to get the defence force and the racing industry. Anything australians should admire or they enjoy is in their sights.
@YvonneCrean Says:
Lefty willisee. Always was. Fooled a lot of people. Never liked him.
@GregMoylan-pn6sr Says:
Confirming that Newcastle University has foreign students who cannot speak/understand conversational English, causing a drag on teaching and progress of other students. Of course these foreigners are likely to cheat. How else will they achieve a pass?
@rinzler9775 Says:
ABC has lost ALL credibility as a news source over this. Complete shutdown and review. The Chairman, board, all the tip executives and management team must be fired. The actual perpetrators need to be charged and sent to prison.
@punishedpinecone4772 Says:
@nigelmorgan3449 Says:
Mr Heston thank you for your service and thank you for our freedom
@user-xt8pv3he3m Says:
How much more evidence do we need that the ABC is fake news? It is time to defund. No more of our tax payer dollars to the lying scum.
@frogman-152 Says:
TheABC has been a disgrace for years. It’s full of Left wing Woke degenerates. If you took a public vote on them, they would be defunded, it’s our tax money - FFS! The PM & government are pathetic in there handling of this, they have washed there hands on commentating. Go Heston, sue them!
@gary53 Says:
Russell should be going after them personally and not the ABC… accountability is a must.
@judithhickey4533 Says:
Faje news channel
@dplant8961 Says:
Hi, Folks. WHY are Australian taxpayers paying for something - UN-biased and ACCURATE news reporting and interviews - that they are NOT getting. If they want to pursue BS, make them find their OWN funding. Just my 0.02. You all have a wonderful day. Best wishes. Deas Plant.
@littletony1764 Says:
The criminals on the left all stick together like you know what. They cover for themselves and nothing will change. Even the fake outcry by the lefty unions who are in bed with the lefty government - so watch this space, because soon, they will all be in bed again, hiding the truth and continuing the corruption at the expense of the people of this country.
@rodsmith9807 Says:
The ABC are criminals, the Government is a weak group of self licking ice creams, the Defence leaders are there to serve the government and their next job.
@ianmcculloch8531 Says:
Defund the ABC now. Investigate those politicians who support the ABC's lies.
@cbrhubs9245 Says:
In Australia this is unthinkable.
@GaryWebster-b5q Says:
Albanese supports the Palestinians he supported Brittany Higgins paying 2.4 million to her with no proof of rape , where is Albanese and Marles now supporting our soldiers. Mark Willacy and all involved in this criminal misinformation should be sacked
@michellestanvic8577 Says:
I do not support my taxes going towards the ABC! I am sick to death of their lies and propaganda! Absolute parasites without any credibility!
@Protectiontoisrael Says:
Labor seems to have lost its way. No longer working for the workers, instead they represent a loud, non-working minority. It’s surely a crime to deliberately doctor a news report to further a dark agenda. Undermining the nation’s faith and pride in our army is part of a larger picture of undermining the structure of our society from within. Nobody is against improving our ADF but everyone should unite against dismantling it.
@andrewgrimsted7947 Says:
the ABC are a bunch of communist rats
@jtiger1062 Says:
Bloody disgraceful…our tax payers dollars are being totally wasted …
@user-qu9iy4sz9u Says:
I stand with Heston Russell!! Discusting ABC!! THEY ARE a bunch of taxpayer bludgers!!
@mikeymusic1 Says:
OBVIOUSLY It’s a smear campaign…..clearly a bunch of veterans/return servicemen are not doing the bidding or towing the line for their insidious corporate overlords and as result are being disgracefully and publicly stripped and thrown under the bus……..OTHERWISE if this ever was a “real” issue these soldiers et al would have been “disciplined” years ago!!!
@meba109 Says:
The ONLY good thing about the ABC is no ADS the rest of it is a DISGRACE !!!!!!!!!!!!!
@tonyhadenough2574 Says:
Defund the ABC, and completely shut them down now
@clairelee7054 Says:
Was it abc brought down Mr Smith as well
@user-gq6lp2hk8s Says:
The ABC puts its self above the law, Always has, And The Government LETS Them Get Away With it, It’s Conduct regarding Decency and truth in Journalism is Devious at best, in fact they Make up These stories by FALSELY EDITING THE TRUTH for sensitisation purposes Regardless of Who Gets Caught up in There LIES
@mclanaford2957 Says:
Sarah you are speaking about a similar situation my daughter was lecturing nursing. she could NOT FAIL students if they were from oversees as she would be seen as being racist. Plagiarism was rife. Lack of English These students became medical professionals in our hospital
@mckenziehellenann Says:
No comment probably because busy spending tax payers money getting Legal Advice
@mclanaford2957 Says:
Boycott ABC and Defund now.

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