'Full investigation' required into ABC's doctored audio
'Full investigation' required into ABC's doctored audio



@chriscoghlan692 Says:
What has happened to Aussie doctors? All the young GPs are either Indian, SE Asian or Middle Eastern. The clinic I go to has 13 GPs of which 2 are Aussie and they are nearing 70.
@travstar5447 Says:
Defund the Activist Broadcasting Corporation
@rogermckinnon5738 Says:
😂 investigation?. Will never happen. The ABC have been doing this sort of thing for years, and nothing has ever been done before.
@navajojohn9448 Says:
If an independent journalist or citizen did the exact thing on X with the laws the govt wants that person could be in jail and X fined.
@navajojohn9448 Says:
ABC is not alone.
@robertorwell5035 Says:
ABC is communists propaganda machine!!!!🎉
@theresedaamen4172 Says:
Do the Australuans pay ABC to report the truth or lies. The taxpayers deserve only the truth not fiction.
@scottadams2125 Says:
The world is watching and will remember these HACKS.
@DesertLife4me2 Says:
propaganda and corruption have taken over journalism. Truth is impossible
@be.love.shine. Says:
We must repent
@infidel202 Says:
Abc sux
@markeden767 Says:
The left wing woke ABC are laughing at ordinary Australians They think they are above the law
@Sturmavk Says:
Disgraceful. But the lefties fail upwards so promotions will be forthcoming for these monsters.
@bluddyrowdy8757 Says:
Lady Sarah Henderson is fair-dinkum the Real Deal, a true Aussie. Hooray for Lady Sarah !
@hadrian3487 Says:
Nothing from Elbow, nothing to see here.
@jancrosby6677 Says:
It's there in Neon, we are losing our Democracy .
@Marita940 Says:
Never ever have believed anything from ABC😢
@oasis042 Says:
There MUST be an independent enquiry. Who the hell is this random group of "journalists" that are apparently untouchable. This is wrong
@jamestinning8900 Says:
Not sure I can take Sarah seriously while she does the social scene as an A-lister at Sky executive parties.
@rhyno1740 Says:
They finally got caught out. Defund, and shut down the ABC.

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