'Very concerning': International students involved in majority of university misconduct
'Very concerning': International students involved in majority of university misconduct



@alanhuntley Says:
Re universities is old news, in mid 1990’s while undertaking a Graduate Diploma joint assignments included an overseas student whocould not communicate sufficiently and were carried by us yet received the same result/result.
@alanhuntley Says:
Unfortunately we have not trusted the ABC for several years and rarely watch the ABC News.
@elenawalker3746 Says:
Well, the states are doing their best to help out again, this time it's the Victorian Premier has the solution apparently, announced at her trip to India where she's promised to reserve 25% of the state’s regional work visas for international students, putting them on track to stay in Australia permanently, on her trip there she unveiled a $5 million fund to help Victorian universities and colleges set up shop overseas, using state-based loopholes aimed at helping foreign students avoid the federal government’s new caps aimed at relieving pressure on the housing and rental markets.
@danieljrpeters6637 Says:
I am a university student who has been previously asked by two Chinese students to do their assignments for them.
@neliaferreira1492 Says:
Deport them all
@BatMan-fz7np Says:
This is all true, even some of the universities in Australia are no longer calling themselves as Australian Universities. To the point they are wanting to change the written, speaking language at the universities to Chinese and Indian to cater for their student base. My university experience was horrid, I was threaten to be beaten, stab and killed. Simply because I refused to do their assignments for them. I did not know these other students, though since I was Australian they approached me to do their work for them. Most did not attend classes, they would rather work full time on study visa and go party. The University when approached claimed on multiple occasions, claimed for me to ignore the threats and eventually claimed I was some how instigating the aggressions. I was forced to complete projects that required 5-7 students, alone or I would fail the courses. This happened from bachelors and all way through multiple master degrees that I had enrolled in. The faculty didn’t even care, I was told to toughen up and do it and do a good job or I will be failed. Numerous classes the lecturers would condemn white Australians, noting that the white establishment had to be taken down. Even if the course had nothing to do with politics or business. There was two professors who stood by teaching the research ,and holding a high standard for students at the masters level. They were constantly bullied and taken to the university board for investigations over complaints by the international students. The bribes to other professors and lecturers were even welcomed/announced by the lecturers and professors, welcoming the extra money. As an Australian, I’ve never felt more like a 4th class citizen, than I do now. I grew up with a tough environment central Australia, no formal education etc. I pushed my self as a young adult to get education, so I could be able to attend University. I obtained masters in Psychology, International Relations, and Human Resources. I can not even get employment. The stress and worry I get from this is huge, I often feel like giving up.
@hopeless5151 Says:
Finally people are starting to make sense.
@kellysouter4381 Says:
Then send them home in disgrace.
@georgetsipas49 Says:
It has been at least 15 years since overseas students were not able to speak English, did not interact or integrate and paid for the course work. This is nothing new!
@barkmaker Says:
@rogermckinnon5738 Says:
A large portion of Australian uni students are from overseas because that is how the universities make their money. The unfortunate side effect is fewer places for Australian students. As for the ABC that's been going on for years.
@RichardCummins-ni4em Says:
The ALP will sell anything that does not belong to them.
@AndyNguyen-sl5gg Says:
First, there should be no funding given to broadcasters like the ABC and SBS! There should also be new regulations on media reporting, which includes: - Getting rid of wokeness - Not reporting anything negative against conservative leaders/governments - Not reporting news from overseas unless relevant to Australians - Mentioning the nationality of suspected, accused and convicted criminals On the issue of student misconduct at universities, any cases of plagiarism should be referred to the police for potential fraud and offenders should face prosecution, and if the offender is an international student, they should also be deported upon conviction!
@HemanthKumarJadhav Says:
Basically Aussies are importing Khalistani extremists, radical Islamists from India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Middleeast, etc., without any background checks. Get you immigration right, Aussies. Have a sustainable annual quota for immigration.
@mallachsteve Says:
And this is news after the last months?
@garrysecuramot Says:
I'd like to know if this predominance of foreign students is compromising the number of Australians in these courses, especially in Dentistry and Medicine.
@alexisl9426 Says:
If Australia’s education system can’t even educate our local students to a high standard through highschool , how can they provide quality education to foreigners? International students go to Australia because of our universities low standards! 😂 Those who purely pay for their degrees will be future leaders and executives while our local students will be the brains working under them!
@Buybtc-oc9er Says:
Excellence of education ...in Australia ? This is not excellence it is just a business !
@Chad.H. Says:
Victoria Premier is in India. Before she left, she gave a speech demanding more indian students and that australia next leaders will be indians! I have othing against them, but a politician can not say that he or she wsnts the leaders of her country to be from otger naton regardless of which nation. This premier "Albo pick " is so desperate for votes knowing Australians will vote her out ! She should be sacked for such a shocking speech !
@damlurker Says:
I was an International student. It's true once me and my friends got drunk and had a swim in the university fountain.. lol
@balung Says:
When I was in tuts at USYD, there would be about 20 students, 3 of our grp where Aussies, the other 17 Chinese fullfee paying "students" who couldnt speak, read or write english. The majority of the chinese "students" worked most of the time. The 3 of us, domestic students, had to do the majority of the work, especially when it came to grp wk presentations.
@ganjaguru7875 Says:
Maybe it's time we stopped letting foreign students take space in universities from the nation's students.
@philipgibbs5751 Says:
No problems here. Let em cheat, pass them and send em home to phuck up their own countries with their defective training.
@Kelly-wf5ie Says:
Get rid of this disgusting, bias propaganda network period !!
@FranksHairSalon Says:
Are you still shagging Tony Abbott, Mrs Credlin?
@elenawalker3746 Says:
No point in having them here as all education is going virtual, and relying on international students has been used for the purposes of a ponzi immigration scheme.
@FranksHairSalon Says:
Way to go with the racism and race h8te, Sky. Gotta keep the troops scared and h8ting the "others", hey. No-one does it quite like the Murdoch media.
@jefflaitila9799 Says:
Deport them. One strike and they are out.
@omgitsabloodyandroid5161 Says:
Import 3rd world, become 3rd world
@Poorlineforeva Says:
Xenophobia writ large

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