'Shower in benefits': Coalition looking to reward communities hosting nuclear plants
'Shower in benefits': Coalition looking to reward communities hosting nuclear plants



@footbru Says:
The Fox Propaganda Networks' daily pro LNP pro nuclear story. SkewedNews insists Australia go Nuclear! Now! Vote LNP!
@oldgolfer7435 Says:
It is called bribery.
@spikegumby7186 Says:
For plants to make dividends you need profits, how profitable will a nuclear plant be if curtailed back to 25% capacity like our coal fleet often is already. Or do we run the nukes flat out and curtail cheaper sources of power
Parasites destroying the Host God help Australia
@ianpickett8420 Says:
Charmers as the Prime Minister .............. HAhAhAhAhAhA ....... Maybe if he makes his pitch in Victoria it could work ........... they love left wing socialist drop kicks ...
@ianpickett8420 Says:
Maybe now that Bill is on the big money , he should go out and get some English lessons ... he could probably pick up the tab for Dopey as well .
@ianthompson3360 Says:
Back to the bribes instead of education on the nuclear energy system is cleaner than energy today and there is nothing good from Marxist communists labour party left or right all run by the Marxist unionists corruption dangerous delusional traitors vote the lot of them out
@Didly88 Says:
Nuclear power is great, but what about all the waste?
@damo7228 Says:
Peter Dutton will golden shower on communities, that follow him. Sounds about right.
@user-ld1wh1ce9l Says:
@aerotuc Says:
We demand nuclear power.Albaneses virtue signalling useless renewables crap has our dollar worthless ,worse than some South American revolution country.
@tomr6955 Says:
Nuclear is obviously the way, but i don't trust the Gov not to screw it up. Coal/gas for the win
@lorrainelavin764 Says:
Not sure , lady on news recently said NUCLEAR ENERGY made her sick along with her local neighbors where she used to live . She does not recommend it. Hey Mr. Beazley was a very fine politician, shame we never saw him as PRIMINISTER
@rickjohnson2165 Says:
Don’t believe the unis when they complain about a lack of funds.
@SamsonCheung Says:
Nuclear plants or nuclear plans ?
@Peter_Thorpe Says:
No one wants nuclear in their backyard,it will eventually leak radiation in the community
@julianng9997 Says:
Why all these politicians that fail the people still be able to get a job of 1.8 millions when they didn't do a job for the people
@daveevans4260 Says:
his made a big contribution just like the rest of the uni-party destroying Australia for a cheap buck to sit on their fat asses still bludgeing on the workers and the people that died for this country
@trickyboy1517 Says:
So............. Bribes? Not surprising. But how much more will that cost tax payers on top of their energy bills IF Benito get these expensive nuclear power plants built, Pete? :I
@larrylongprong5219 Says:
Credlin in cahoots with Higgins
@patrickwakefield2297 Says:
commentators continue to say what a great place australia is and that is why migrants wont to come here. THATS HOW IT USED TO BE, but albo and his mob of woke morons have changed that in the space of a couple of years.sadly there are many in the opposition ranks also leaning to the left. peter dutton must sort this out quickly, and get his party back on track.
@DrewPortman-x3q Says:
Labour and Albo are absolute poison! Albo just a dip shit, there is no nice way to describe him.
@alancotterell9207 Says:
A completely pointless discussion.
@alancotterell9207 Says:
Demonstrates a complete lack of cognition.
@BruceJWilliamson Says:
When nuclear was first proposed, I immediately thought it could be a fantastic solution. First, we no longer need billions of dollars of new power transmission lines. Second. 90% of the staff are already onsite and living in a local community. The next thoughts are opportunities. Could we double or triple the existing generated power onsite? This extra capacity could be used for green hydrogen production, steel, and aluminum smelters. These could all be built around existing power stations. Benefits. Short run transmission lines to high usage consumers. Cheap power for essential green technology, which Australia needs for home grown manufacturing base. The community's around existing power stations could grow. This would expand the local communities with good paying jobs benefiting the local communities with the ability to fund new schools, hospitals, and community services. As most of our existing power stations are in rural locations. This has the benefit of not jamming more people into our overcrowded cities and giving Australia access to much needed raw materials produced in country. Just a thought. I had another thought. What if Australia had a nationalized gold mine? Where all the gold production went straight into the national gold reserves. The intetest earned on the held investment alone would pay the costs of running the mine. The gold put into national reserves would cut our national deficit. The interest paid on the current deficit would eventually fall to zero. After that the interest earned on the held investment could be used for expansion and / or maintaining defense, schools. Hospitals, national roads and rail networks. Is that thought silly?
@UltraPerception Says:
To get around the Westen laws that Drug Addicts cannot be arrested and Forced into Rehab. The Councillers here can convert deep subjective heroin addicts into Pedaphiles in a span of 12 months. This can help secure convictions and rehabilitations. Is an interesting 1 as. We will lock down for Cov but we wont force rehab and lock down a heroin addict until it is too late that they become a threat to others.
@patriot388 Says:
Migrants? Keep them in the big cities!
@elenawalker3746 Says:
Inner city areas where the GREEN seats are, or his farm. Dutton knows about using taxpayer money to bribe his way to the top.
@alexanderwright9064 Says:
I told a woman from kakadu . U mob glow in the dark. She said no we don't. I said u are the uranium mob. She said we still don't b glowing green. 😅
@charliepyle1626 Says:
Short on brains is going to run a uni 🤣. The stupidest, most costly, most unfair and most damaging clown is leaving before his cancer kills australia.
@robmckrill3134 Says:
How the fcuk does Shorten gets a CEO appointment? What's his qualifications, other than being a bludger politician.
@robot336 Says:
@frankcoates4609 Says:
Peter Dutton has a fingers in many pies.

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