The huge cost of King's Guards' real fur bearskin caps revealed
The huge cost of King's Guards' real fur bearskin caps revealed



@maturefella Says:
If I were a Brit, I would be more concerned about the cost than the bear's welfare!
@billmiddleton2183 Says:
Only officers wear real bear skins. The rest wear synthetic replicas. It’s been that way since before 1979 when I wore one.
It has been a very long time since one has read so much unadulterated rubbish. For a supposed news platform, one devoid of researchers, SKY News frequently allows itself to be well and truly played for suckers !
@Someone-p2x Says:
What about tradition ? These are the same women who are so desperate to see other cultures, well this is our culture, dont insult us.
@nomyafiftyonefifty8081 Says:
It's alright it's the mega rich. But then they run sfories on telling the plebs not to buy too many clothes.
@fado792 Says:
Money??? Anyone thinking about the bears???
@doacarnage Says:
There are more than 380,000 Black Bears in Canada. Due to their relatively robust numbers, black bears are not a Species at Risk in Canada.
@PickleAllergy Says:
so their are much bigger things in the world to whine about, but I do agree with the fact, real bear fur is ridiculous. then again I think the entire King/Queen( or in current case Old arrogant letch and his mistress), and royalty thing is absolutely stupid. it is a tremendous waste of money, and yet you are complaining about hats costing 2? you want to keep the stupid hats, then here is a thought, sell off one of the castles, or maybe some silverware. Time to stop worshiping tradition and senseless men, get a grip on reality and just freakin move on.
@conniesmith8417 Says:
Why can't they use fake fur? This is cruel!
@freespeech7747 Says:
Just wear a maga cap
@ChrisM-fz6xx Says:
Big deal .You talk too much .Black Bears are NOT an endangered Species , there are 3 times more Black Bears than ALL other Bears Combined .You complain about everything .Funny that nobody complained when they were the Queen 's Guards . Idiiots .
@PhunkBustA Says:
"I wonder if broken promises by politicians are considered “misinformation” in the government manifesto on misinformation" - @hanglooserecluse
@dimassalazar906 Says:
Modern crybabies busy whining about tradition. Go volunteer your time fighting for your country against the politicians that are destroying it!
@scwps23 Says:
Look how much the US spends on Presidential security.
@dpitt1516 Says:
What cods wallup !! There are heaps of cheaper alternatives to real bear skin !!!!! What a waste of the public taxpayers money and how cruel is it to the bears ??????????????????
@ukgmail5329 Says:
It really isn't that much ... people pay this much for a pair of designer trainers these days... They last 50 plus years and are iconic. Well worth the money.
@eb2505 Says:
Whete is PETA to pull down the aristocracy?
@Aaronwhatnow Says:
How many do they need to buy in a year? Surely they last years and there can't be that big of an increase in the number of the King's Guard. But that sounds cheap compared to same high end hamdbags. How is that?
@ravenj2400 Says:
what if they made them w dyed chicken feathers from american farms from all the dead @$$ chickens we shred up for mcdonalds until we stop guzzling earth ending amounts of processed meat & packaged goods and start treating farmers right???
@lisavanoni6552 Says:
King does not care about you never did folks cares about his .... ............
@rodneyarrington1533 Says:
Dig into the history of where those hats came from and you might surprise yourself 😂
@ravenj2400 Says:
gorgeous ladiessss!!! do yall use elemis?? 🥲 i love them so much!!! spend your two thousand pounds there instead of bear skin hat
@ClayTomlinson Says:
Ladies lol

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