New Study Supports Covid-19 Origin Theory Linked to Wuhan Market | Latest English News | WION
New Study Supports Covid-19 Origin Theory Linked to Wuhan Market | Latest English News | WION



@HopeAfterAGenderChangeIn2009 Says:
The Virus was created through Fauci's Gain of Function Research. He secretly outsourced Gain of Function Research to the Wuhan Lab after it got banned in the U.S. Gain-of-function research (GoF research or GoFR) is medical research that genetically alters an organism in a way that may enhance the biological functions of gene products. This may include an altered pathogenesis, transmissibility, or host range, i.e., the types of hosts that a microorganism can infect.
@HopeAfterAGenderChangeIn2009 Says:
The Virus was created at the Wuhan Institute of Virology. Wion need to stop peddling lies for Corrupt Intelligence Agencies. By doing so you’ll turn more Untrustworthy than you already are.
@chasefancy3092 Says:
The virus was augmented and modified further in the United States 🇺🇸. This was necessary in order for the vaccine to mimic the virus. They are two parts of one “ whole.” This is why the vaccine allows you to absorb 250 times more of the virus. It is similar to a magnet attracting metal.
@devilinthebelfry7292 Says:
We knew this 5 years ago. Liberal media tried to call everyone racist for saying so......
@martytube821 Says:
A market next to a virus research building hmm smells like a bs study!
@jiannisDimi Says:
it is both.. Bioengineering Experiments indeed, on animals...
@IsaiahHollins Says:
Too little too late ⏰ this was china bio weapon, 😅we said this long ago made in a lab but we all know you lie
@russingersoll5761 Says:
Proof that WION are liars who cannot be trusted.
@lisahardy2070 Says:
Bunch of malarkey. It was snake venom.
@Annette_Grainger Says:
This video showed me how beautiful life can be. Thank you🤎
@Betty_Morgan Says:
Each of your videos is a separate pleasure! 🧡🧡🧡
@A54729 Says:
Racoon dog?

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