Labor's energy plan is 'completely failing'
Labor's energy plan is 'completely failing'



@000pete9 Says:
Green shit energy policy adopted by Labor is killing the economy , Australia doesn't have a real energy policies for gas and electricity. Australians are helpless because the energy suppliers are only for their financial benefits and not thinking that these are Australia's natural resources and we shouldn't be paying such high prices more than importing countries of Australian gas!. We are being played!.
@GeoffRowe-k2p Says:
Sugglepot and Cuddlepie.Bowen and Albanese.
@peterjackson5225 Says:
Labor government the fools
@haroldmclean3755 Says:
DUTTON Makes Sense and not Nonsense , It's all about LOGIC and not Detritus
@petert24turner71 Says:
Get Bowen to explain how will we still have power on dead calm overcast days & calm nights without external supply. Forget batteries as they only last a few hours.
@DavidLockett-x4b Says:
The eastern states are apparently falling apart, while WA is flying to the stars, and is no longer the Cinderella state, as it has gone to the ball.
@stenkarasin2091 Says:
Failing, was there any doubt that it would?.
@axle.australian.patriot Says:
Whats wrong with using gas? Oh that right we have to ship the gas overseas for others to use it because it's better for the global environment.
@ElarMack-ci1of Says:
LABOR aways claims they have a PLAN but NEVER DO! They believe WOKE HYPE AND CLIMATE CRAP and do WHAT THE COMMUNIST UN want them to do. The whole idea is to make Australia BROKE. That makes it easier for the COMMO's to take control. THAT IS THEIR PLAN, There is no other PLAN. Why can English LABOUR spell it correctly and Australian LABOR has no U. WHY? BECAUSE in their PLAN THERE IS NO "U".
@brooster3471 Says:
Labor continues to ruin this once great country, there won’t be much of Australia left by the time they lose the next election.
@TheBigmongrel Says:
Australians are funding subsidised fantasy projects disguised as wind and solar "farms" which give little or no renewable energy in return. Meanwhile, electricity costs are unreasonably high and fossil fuel power electricity plants will have to be resurrected or rebuilt until nuclear power plants are built.
@hoey3510 Says:
Fu ck ing imbeciles destroyed the country
@dancinguy99 Says:
Labor.....lying, covert communist fascist unethical useless traitors to our country
@calvinpurdy2668 Says:
Both Bowen and Albanese are bloody idiots.
@JonathanBriggs-q4u Says:
Wonder what changes at news corp will mean for right wing media
@tonyscrimshaw869 Says:
Bowen will need to look for a new job on the dole because no on their right mind would ever employ this incompetent MP ever for what he has done to this country.
@snellavision Says:
Constantly 'revising' the closure dates won't do much good. The stations will still get run-down since there is no incentive for the energy company to invest in maintenance due to a pending closure date
@TomSteindl Says:
Anyone with a Brian knew that Blackout's power plan would FAIL.
@babuzzard6470 Says:
Gold, I think NZ is a developed country!😂😂don’t be too sure, only joking bros.
@David-d4k9k Says:
These two twats are just infantilised boy activists who haven’t moved on since their juvenile days at university.
@babuzzard6470 Says:
Look at that, dumb and dumber, Albosleazy and Blackout Bowen, extending makes sense, build nuclear, reliables are a huge hole in the ground we keep pouring OUR money into, Not Slezeys money, Ours. Think about that.
@rodsmith9807 Says:
Albanese and Bowen are clowns. The circus can only be seen during daylight hours.
@PaulRiley-ev9it Says:
All parties must know now that sufficient "renewable" power sources will not be in place before planned closure of Eastern State coal fired Power Stations, and should be concerned, and be planning for it. Nuclear is currently disallowed so per force there must be a plan in place for wind/solar/batteries to replace by 2030-2035, but nowhere near enough are at advanced stage of planning, let alone building. There is always diesel
@MarkForbes-dr4ie Says:
Labor greens and teals are complete failures get them out,every state every seat.
@honahwikeepa2115 Says:
AUKUS is a problem.
@vincentcacciola7161 Says:
Ah cracker box palace
@tomr6955 Says:
They had a plan?
@peterhoulis1184 Says:
Vote 1 Nation
@AJ29430 Says:
What plan? This is labour ideology its not a plan!
@MikeJones-mz5ig Says:
Except it's not failing. Like California were hitting 100 percent renewables generation. Why does Sky lie?
@johnkauppi7078 Says:
Personally I don't think Dutton will build anything, he just wants to get elected Prime minister. Nuclear power stations? Dutton is a politician. I'll believe it when I see it.
@bones8961 Says:
I have said this for months. We can't do without coal firming, or yes, the lights will go out.
@Coops777 Says:
Coal fired stations MUST keep running until a permanent base load power system is built. Period!!
@bolster101 Says:
Funny how Origin made 1.2 billion in profit and yet we're all still getting hit hard with power bills and this renewal energy is set to cost 1.5 Tillion, definitely a scam.
@sicoco3216 Says:
It will need to run untill 2050 for Australia. We are so behind compared to rest of the world.
@kentaitchison889 Says:
Australia needs coal gas and nuclear
@marktanska6331 Says:
Like labor figure? Saving of 275 dollars. " How?" Prime minister " Its a fact, we have done the modelling"
@haruchai Says:
Unlike all of their other policies and silly schemes right?
@ianthompson3360 Says:
Delusional destructive ideological pathological liers making sure Australians have a hard time reconnecting to reliable energy
@BarbaraHambleton Says:
Pm is simply playing politics.
@marksmart9754 Says:
Completely failed. Labors renewables is total fantasy. Not surprising since they live in fantasyland. They definitely don’t seem to live in Australia since they do nothing but harm it’s economy and it’s citizens with everything they do.
@leojansen2773 Says:
What a mistake we made for voting labour, never again. The most incompetent government ever.
@Taff71 Says:
Canberra is meant to be a green city correct. Why power bills cost so much.
@robertfleming2654 Says:
Don’t forget to add the destruction of the environment from wind turbines and solar panels and new transmission lines across the country it’s a disaster.
@garyemerson9310 Says:
@rogermckinnon5738 Says:
Labor's energy plan failed in SA years ago. We went from having the cheapest, most reliable power in Australia and exporting it to the other states. To having the dearest, most unreliable power and having to import power from the other states.
@jeffsmart7674 Says:
Thats the best news I’ve heard, so just because Casanova Bowen said they have to close, this dangerous fool has never had a good outcome for any of his failed portfolios. How can 19 other countries feel Nuclear is the answer for the future. Just over the BS from this government
@lornatodd4750 Says:
Dear God you don't have to be a candidate for Mensa like Bowen 🤡to realise renewable power alone is a crock.
@peterbarnhoorn7879 Says:
These big business need reliable cheap pwr ie aluminium smelters, rail/ tram network, traffic light systems etc 😑
@garrysecuramot Says:
Everything Labor touches turns to shit

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