US 'considering a ban' on Chinese smart car software and hardware
US 'considering a ban' on Chinese smart car software and hardware



@DanielSMatthews Says:
Just having the EVs spy or shutdown is the tip of the iceberg when it comes to their potential for weaponization.
@garfield3443 Says:
Microsoft Windows is like Swiss cheese, there are holes everywhere. We can expect the same with the software in these smart cars to not be any better and easy to be hacked.
@Protectiontoisrael Says:
Sack him. It’s not just the harassment it’s the division of Australian students by the faculty pushing an agenda.
@Protectiontoisrael Says:
He says “IF” Jewish students felt intimidated etc. “IF”.
@Old_PCgamer Says:
06:28 - Regarding the Obama movie, Jhislamans feel better if they warned you first. 🤣🤓🧐😟🙁 🌞🌞🌞👍
@claudballs5679 Says:
Except every battery company in the world gets their lithium from China so what they're basically saying is no more electric cars
@JustinSyd Says:
Good idea, we should not be so naive with everything digital and online etc these days.!
@douglaswasley1461 Says:
NEM watch... 23.00 EST .. NEM watch 77% coal and gas supplying Australia energy need .......
@unvaccinatedAndPureBlood Says:
If joooos can hack things to blow your knob off then what do you think the chinese can do with cars, phones, smart meters....
@carolw24 Says:
Do it!
@Dont_Play_Me Says:
It's a subtle infiltration like a vile virus. The US made them a world economic power.
@lastChang Says:
That's a correct move to prevent Chinese infiltration. Others should follow.
@Dont_Play_Me Says:
A bunch of wussies! You allowed terrorist sympathizers to overrun your campuses. Gross!

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