Labor's housing crisis is just getting 'worse'
Labor's housing crisis is just getting 'worse'



@hl5910 Says:
Nothing that labor inflicts on the Australian people will ever get better.
@kidsoxoxox Says:
"I could not ask their sons to fight and die for the properties of the wealthy." Lee Kuan-Yew, the former Prime Minister of Singapore said: “Soon after separation, I resolved to enable every household to own its own home. If we were going to get the people to take National Service seriously, I could not ask their sons to fight and die for the properties of the wealthy. We worked out a personal savings scheme that allowed them to own an apartment painlessly through installments over 20 years. We sold the apartments to them at below cost to enhance their assets. Today, 95 per cent of Singaporean households are homeowners. It has immeasurably increased their wealth and our social stability. Without home ownership, we would have become like Tokyo, Seoul or Hong Kong, where the voters in the cities are disaffected because they pay a large proportion of their salaries in rents.”
@jjsc4396 Says:
Other than immigration, this is in NO WAY “labor’s” housing crisis. The COALITION put in negative gearing and cap gains concessions and did NOTHING on foreign ownership - or money laundering through residential property. They are JUST as complicit.
@nhraandnascarfanatic5907 Says:
Well they did warn us… “it won’t be easy under Albanese!”. Yet you d*ckheads STILL voted for him… it won’t be as simple as voting him out, it will take decades to clean up the mess he’s made
@PAS_2020 Says:
Does anybody know what urban skyline is featured in the thumbnail photo for this video? It is literally the WORST skyline I have ever seen!
@Lachlan124-b1n Says:
Should be shifting from big immigration to big deportations with the way things are going!
@sicoco3216 Says:
Liberals always pushes the economy 10 years behind with their policies.
@HyperVaccinated Says:
No it is not!

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