Left's net zero dream 'beyond an impossibility'
Left's net zero dream 'beyond an impossibility'



@ianenglish123 Says:
Proudly sponsored by Texaco.
@Ernst12 Says:
I think that constantly mixing jobs with energy solutions is a nonsense way to go about the renewable energy projects. Let's do it the intelligent way not the Labor way based on ideology and hype. First one works out the system solution based on engineering, science, mathematics, ecological considerations, life cycles considerations both for recycling and CO2 emissions and not to forget the economic factors based on a number of alternative proposals and energy mixes. Once these elements add up to the most efficient and effective solution, the solution is then 'industrialised', that is to work out the project management, timeframes roll-out strategies and THEN, and ONLY THEN can we talk about Labour requirements and deals with the unions which will make everything possibly more expensive.
@johngeier8692 Says:
Australia needs to stop wasting taxpayers money and resources on the extremely costly folly of climate action. We need to withdraw from the ridiculous Paris Agreement and simply use the most economical energy resources available. China, India, Indonesia and several other countries continue to build coal fired power plants for cheap reliable electricity.
@Aaronwhatnow Says:
Said the channel that wants to increase electricity bills by bringing in nuclear power
@StepWright Says:
Blackout Bowen is a WEF puppet with an I.Q the same as his shoe size, who the hell votes for a moron like that ????
@ideaphile Says:
ALL of the Left's dreams are an impossibility. Men being women, women being men, socialism working, open borders a positive. The sooner they are all voted out the better.
@YvonneCrean Says:
Need to rid ourselves of Albo's green renewable rubbish same time we kick him out of parliament.
@ivansultanoff6719 Says:
Is it Bowen or a new Parrot spieces??😂 as long as China burns coal like hell and Bowen thinks we are saving the planet
@christophergame7977 Says:
It seems that these nuts do really believe in this nonsense. This pretty much certifies them as nuts. One should bear in mind that the myth of man-made carbon-dioxide-emissions global warming is just a Marxist world-government WEF agitprop scam.
@GeoffRowe-k2p Says:
Bowen and Albanese are lftie radicals who are a cult.Billions and trillions wastted, sending Australia btoke all on Labors watch.WAKE UP AUSTRALIA GET RID OF THESE GREEN RADICAL ACTIVESTS.
@gavwilson3413 Says:
Jobs in renewable energy? Everywhere in the world large scale renewables have been introduced, the claim of more jobs has been made. Everywhere in the world that claim has been found to be false. But that’s the small story here. The truth is that renewables are ruinously expensive. Both to install and to operate. Meaning claims of their being cheaper are the most outrageous lies. Oh for an objective, impartial media to report such facts!
@hl5910 Says:
Like the hoax that climate change is net zero is a pathetic lie.
@thefleecer3673 Says:
Not to mention the FACT that wind, solar and EVs are ENVIRONMENTALLY DEVASTATING. The sooner everyone wakes up to that the better
@jmcham1000 Says:
Stop being hard on Bowen....he was the mayor of Fairfield at one time
@oldtimers6460 Says:
Tesla makes money from selling the green credits not from selling cars. The green Ponzi scheme is starting to slow.
@davannaleah Says:
The prestige.... But there is no magic!
@richardtravers8772 Says:
Bowen = Moron. How did this Dodo manage to become a Politician??? Oh that's right he was in the back room counting paper clips with Foreskin.
@viskovandermerwe3947 Says:
I'm getting some perverse satisfaction from watching this "Told-you-so" show.
@terencecollins4092 Says:
Please check out Aalo Nuclear Start up SMR Company in Texas in its infancy a sign of the future
@bryanp4827 Says:
@chopperking007 Says:
Every other industrialized country has nuke plants but us ffs
@paulbeasley8218 Says:
Renewables are a complete joke, making life harder for people who can least afford it.🤬
@connorduke4619 Says:
Look at Hungary - winning on both border security and electricity prices.
@connorduke4619 Says:
Great - Australia is now being used as a textbook example of a dumbass renewables country!
@Beechwood-tm9pu Says:
The cost of seven nuclear power plants (assuming no delays due to ridiculous environmental requirements and law fare) is about $56 billion as they will be built where existing transmission is in place (to be conservative let’s say it’s $100 billion). The total cost of wind and solar (and batteries because you need power when no wind or sun) including transmission, lifecycle replacement every 20 years and other infrastructure is estimated to be between $1 trillion and $2.5 trillion. Yes, trillion.
@Maj-zb9bg Says:
Bowen has been warned that his green policies are a disaster for the Australian comsumers, but he insists on his ludicrous policies so he should lose his superannuation when it all collapses.
@99bevo Says:
Renewable energy is the largest loss of tax payers funding ever .. bring on the election please this government has to go asap
@Iamwoman68 Says:
What an idiot this anti Australian fruitloop is
@KatharineShaw-z8u Says:
Climate change/ net zero is all a scam.Its not based on science but on an ideology.
@Peter-p5u8t Says:
Bobbleheaded Minister Bowen spouting more fantasy 😇😈😂
@JohnSmith-ux3tt Says:
We would need to know what the Greens Net Zero plan actually before we can determine whether it is achievable. If it is to take the peons away, and have them ride bicycles or rickshaws, then, yes, it is achievable.
@mclanaford2957 Says:
Does Bowen believe his own spin? Well we certainly do not.
@chrisgabriel9871 Says:
Green should sue toget it's color back. The color green is being abused by the charlatans who wanted to destroy half our population.
@greenlach7398 Says:
The graph suggests there is another factor contributing to high electricity prices remember correlation isn’t necessarily causation
@annewalter5024 Says:
These businesses are poor investments because truly unneeded. Follow the true science, not the “green” science.
@tamimrktz6966 Says:
The Albo government prefers their virtue singling over Australians' energy security.
@theaverageDon Says:
Anyone who wants to ban the use of power generation from gas, coal, and nuclear should not be allowed to live in a home powered by them Let's see how far their hypocrisy stretches 🧂😾 The same with their primary form of transportation, drive an ev buy you cannot charge it with charging stations receiving power from gas, coal, hydro, and nuclear
@joshuabutcher3645 Says:
Where is the host from in Australia? He sounds dead ass like a channel @Bearing I swear
@strikefault Says:
So, the women are in charge of the United nations. General assembly meeting today
@frank00135 Says:
Bowen is a total fool the reality we cannot live or survive on green technology.
@HyperVaccinated Says:
Nothing is impossible.
@troy6882 Says:
How about this At special.gov on wind power the core that neyodium magnet core to get that wind powe well try this at ya uni class to engineering math if you used a solar panels system to a kw couple to a atmospheric condenser to fill bottles of liquid nitrogen to the turbine core to and temperature metric that occur this think a issue and a second we found to flip rotation and v one direction MV but one one way one the other at the same pole alignment with the other it's around 3 full volt by hand on ceramic motor 600/700g magnet neyodium in test as that's impressive! This can allow a wind generator weight to be half to a max 1/3 that total weight in the core to same output needs? Or gears to gas to save 1/3 the total year fuels needed per year alone?????
@rhyno1740 Says:
Release the kraken cult.
@LuciferBlack-z9f Says:
Lol... I'll assume with confidence that Andy Bolt will not live long enough to see any Nuclear power station completed on Australian soil in his lifetime....🎉 😆😆😆..... governing after death is wuperts dream

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